Психолого-педагогічні підходи до проблеми навчальної мотивації молодших школярів
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Стаття присвячена аналізу поглядів на проблему мотивації. Розглянуто існуючі підходи до формування навчальної мотивації молодших школярів. У статтi розкрито поняття мотивації, навчальної мотивації; розкрито зміст мотивів, охарактеризовано провідні групи мотивів. Визначено умови формування навчальних мотивів. Виявлено особливості створення ситуації успіху у навчальній діяльності як суб'єктивного психічного стану задоволення наслідком фізичної або моральної напруги виконавця справи, творця явища.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the views on the problem of motivation. The ways of formation the educational motivation of younger students are considered. The article is explained the concept of motivation, learning motivation; is explained the content of motives, are described the leading groups of motives. The conditions of formation the learning motivation are indicated. The features of creation the situation of success in educational activity are discovered as a subjective mental state of satisfying as a result of physical or mental stress of the artist of the occasion, the creator of the phenomenon. For a better transition to the new system of education, which aimed at developing students desire to learn, to achieve their objectives, the priority task is to develop students' interest and generate positive motivation to learn. The analysis of the literature shows that in a modern psychology and pedagogy there is no unity in the essence of definition the concept of motivation. Motivation is a multidimensional form of individual motives, needs, goals, intentions, interests, ideals and values. The learning motivation consists of several motives that are constantly changing and enter the new connections with each other. Motivation – is one of the most important conditions that ensures the successful development of students' knowledge, serves them a source of new information and understanding, its language development and self-understanding of the material. There are different approaches to the definition the essence of motivation, that generate different interpretation of motive. Motive - is the most important part of the motivational sphere of man, is the real motivation that causes people to act in certain situations, under certain conditions. The efficiency of educational activity directly depends on the motives, which impulse the primary school children to activity and determine its aspiration. The teacher should develop the motives of education for generating the interest and positive motivation for learning activities. Forming a positive motivation, the teacher not only develops interest and responsible attitude to teaching the primary school children, but also contributes to a desire to achieve high results, feel yourself a successful person.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the views on the problem of motivation. The ways of formation the educational motivation of younger students are considered. The article is explained the concept of motivation, learning motivation; is explained the content of motives, are described the leading groups of motives. The conditions of formation the learning motivation are indicated. The features of creation the situation of success in educational activity are discovered as a subjective mental state of satisfying as a result of physical or mental stress of the artist of the occasion, the creator of the phenomenon. For a better transition to the new system of education, which aimed at developing students desire to learn, to achieve their objectives, the priority task is to develop students' interest and generate positive motivation to learn. The analysis of the literature shows that in a modern psychology and pedagogy there is no unity in the essence of definition the concept of motivation. Motivation is a multidimensional form of individual motives, needs, goals, intentions, interests, ideals and values. The learning motivation consists of several motives that are constantly changing and enter the new connections with each other. Motivation – is one of the most important conditions that ensures the successful development of students' knowledge, serves them a source of new information and understanding, its language development and self-understanding of the material. There are different approaches to the definition the essence of motivation, that generate different interpretation of motive. Motive - is the most important part of the motivational sphere of man, is the real motivation that causes people to act in certain situations, under certain conditions. The efficiency of educational activity directly depends on the motives, which impulse the primary school children to activity and determine its aspiration. The teacher should develop the motives of education for generating the interest and positive motivation for learning activities. Forming a positive motivation, the teacher not only develops interest and responsible attitude to teaching the primary school children, but also contributes to a desire to achieve high results, feel yourself a successful person.
Ключові слова
мотивація, motivation, мотив, motive, навчальна мотивація, motivation training, пізнавальний інтерес, cognitive interest, методи стимулювання, incentives, ситуація успіху, situation success, молодші школярі, junior students
Бібліографічний опис
Парфілова, С. Л. Психолого-педагогічні підходи до проблеми навчальної мотивації молодших школярів [Текст] / С. Л. Парфілова, О. С. Лисенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 9 (43). – С. 154–161.