Теоретичні засади розвитку системи неперервної педагогічної освіти у Великій Британії
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розкриваються теоретичні засади розвитку системи неперервної педагогічної освіти у Великій Британії. Визначено характерні ознаки розвиненої неперервної освіти ХХІ століття. Окреслено структуру британської системи неперервної педагогічної освіти, що має такі рівні: перший рівень включає неуніверситетські і університетські програми педагогічної освіти; другий рівень включає теоретичну та практичну підготовку стажиста в процесі «пробного року», період адаптації випускника університету або коледжу до умов школи; третій рівень включає підвищення кваліфікації на короткострокових і довгострокових курсах з відривом і без відриву від роботи.
The article reveals the theoretical foundations of development of the system of continuous pedagogical education in Great Britain. For the developed continuous education of the XXI century, the researcher defined its characteristic features. As the study showed, the structure of the British system of continuous teacher education has three levels: the first level includes non-university and university programs of pedagogical education; the second level includes theoretical and practical training of the interns in the process of the "trial year", the period of adaptation of a university graduate or college to school conditions; the third level includes continuing education at short-term and long-term courses with and without leave. In the United Kingdom, the Teacher's Continuing Education Program is implemented by the British Council, the League for the Exchange of Teachers, the Department of Children, Schools and Families. It is noted that European programs for the development of continuing education are expanding the capabilities of British teachers. Levels of continuous professional development are determined. The basic element in the general system of continuous education in the world practice is considered a school, because here it is optimally taken into account the everyday interests and practical needs of teachers. It should be noted that European programs for the development of continuing education expands the capabilities of British teachers. In particular, the UK participates in the European Continuing Education Program, which supports education and training in Europe, provides funding for all stages of lifelong learning: at school, college, university, and in the workplace. In Great Britain, in the structure of continuous professional development, considerable attention is paid to improving the qualifications of teachers, creating conditions for their professional development. The experience of Great Britain demonstrates a wide range of choices for improvement models, increased demand for high-quality education, and the need for self-improvement.
The article reveals the theoretical foundations of development of the system of continuous pedagogical education in Great Britain. For the developed continuous education of the XXI century, the researcher defined its characteristic features. As the study showed, the structure of the British system of continuous teacher education has three levels: the first level includes non-university and university programs of pedagogical education; the second level includes theoretical and practical training of the interns in the process of the "trial year", the period of adaptation of a university graduate or college to school conditions; the third level includes continuing education at short-term and long-term courses with and without leave. In the United Kingdom, the Teacher's Continuing Education Program is implemented by the British Council, the League for the Exchange of Teachers, the Department of Children, Schools and Families. It is noted that European programs for the development of continuing education are expanding the capabilities of British teachers. Levels of continuous professional development are determined. The basic element in the general system of continuous education in the world practice is considered a school, because here it is optimally taken into account the everyday interests and practical needs of teachers. It should be noted that European programs for the development of continuing education expands the capabilities of British teachers. In particular, the UK participates in the European Continuing Education Program, which supports education and training in Europe, provides funding for all stages of lifelong learning: at school, college, university, and in the workplace. In Great Britain, in the structure of continuous professional development, considerable attention is paid to improving the qualifications of teachers, creating conditions for their professional development. The experience of Great Britain demonstrates a wide range of choices for improvement models, increased demand for high-quality education, and the need for self-improvement.
Ключові слова
неперервна педагогічна освіта, Велика Британія, учитель, університет, continuous pedagogical education, Great Britain, teacher, university
Бібліографічний опис
Зорочкіна, Т. Теоретичні засади розвитку системи неперервної педагогічної освіти у Великій Британії [Текст] / Т. Зорочкіна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 10 (84). – С. 286–293.