Зміст загальної музичної освіти як фактор формування музичної культури молодших школярів
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Метою статті є теоретичне обґрунтування структури й чинників відбору змісту загальної музичної освіти як фактору формування музичної культури молодших школярів. Методи дослідження – аналіз наукової та навчальної літератури, сучасного музично-освітнього середовища.
Основними елементами змісту музичної освіти молодших школярів визначено: мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивно-теоретичний, діяльнісно-практичний, виховний і розвивальний. Виявлено, що для реалізації культуротворчої функції зміст освіти має бути ретельно відібраний, свідомо спрямований на досягнення мети, особистісно збагачений і розширений щодо компонентного складу.
Перспективи подальших розвідок полягають в аналізі різних форм реалізації змісту загальної музичної освіти молодших школярів.
The purpose of the article is theoretical justification of structure and the principles of selection of content of the general musical education as a factor of formation of musical culture of junior school students. Research methods are analysis of scientific and educational literature, modern musical and educational environment. The content of the general musical education is defined as the system of musical knowledge, abilities, skills and ways of musical and creative activity that is pedagogically adapted for pupils and directed at formation of musical culture of the personality in unity of its components: musical orientation, musical awareness, musical and creative good breeding and development. In this regard basic elements of content of music education of junior school students are determined: motivational and evaluative, cognitive and theoretical, active and practical, educational and developing. As far as these elements of content of education directly reflect components of musical culture of a pupil, they are considered to be prerequisites for full realization of the cultural and creative purpose of the general musical education. Selection and designing of content of the general music education of junior school students are determined by: 1) general tendencies of education reforming; 2) features of selection of content of the primary general education; 3) substantial specifics of music education; 4) author’s concept of formation of musical culture of junior school students. It is revealed that for full realization of cultural and creative, educational, developing and educative functions, the content of education has to be carefully selected, consciously directed at achievement of goals, personally enriched and expanded towards component structure. Prospects of further researches are seen in the analysis of various forms of implementation of the contents of musical education of junior school students (in textbooks, workbooks, educational process, etc.).
The purpose of the article is theoretical justification of structure and the principles of selection of content of the general musical education as a factor of formation of musical culture of junior school students. Research methods are analysis of scientific and educational literature, modern musical and educational environment. The content of the general musical education is defined as the system of musical knowledge, abilities, skills and ways of musical and creative activity that is pedagogically adapted for pupils and directed at formation of musical culture of the personality in unity of its components: musical orientation, musical awareness, musical and creative good breeding and development. In this regard basic elements of content of music education of junior school students are determined: motivational and evaluative, cognitive and theoretical, active and practical, educational and developing. As far as these elements of content of education directly reflect components of musical culture of a pupil, they are considered to be prerequisites for full realization of the cultural and creative purpose of the general musical education. Selection and designing of content of the general music education of junior school students are determined by: 1) general tendencies of education reforming; 2) features of selection of content of the primary general education; 3) substantial specifics of music education; 4) author’s concept of formation of musical culture of junior school students. It is revealed that for full realization of cultural and creative, educational, developing and educative functions, the content of education has to be carefully selected, consciously directed at achievement of goals, personally enriched and expanded towards component structure. Prospects of further researches are seen in the analysis of various forms of implementation of the contents of musical education of junior school students (in textbooks, workbooks, educational process, etc.).
Ключові слова
зміст освіти, загальна музична освіта, структура та елементи змісту, відбір змісту, фактор формування, музична культура, культуротворча функція, молодші школярі, content of education, general music education, structure and elements of content, content selection, formation factor, musical culture, cultural and creative function, junior school students
Бібліографічний опис
Лобова, О. Зміст загальної музичної освіти як фактор формування музичної культури молодших школярів [Текст] / О. Лобова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 2 (66). – С. 247–258.