Двомовна освіта в університетах США (кінець ХХ − початок ХХІ століття)
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Дисертацію присвячено вивченню теоретико-методичних засад двомовної освіти в університетах США в кінці ХХ − на початку ХХІ століття. Цілісний аналіз розроблення проблеми двомовної освіти в США дозволив схарактеризувати історичні передумови розвитку двомовної освіти в країні (етнічне походження засновників країни; освітні потреби національних громад іммігрантів; заснування двомовних шкіл та відсутність кваліфікованих двомовних вчителів; організація курсів вивчення англійської мови для робітників вихідців з національних меншин як праобразу сучасних двомовних професійних програм в університетах США). На основі історико-ретроспективного аналізу визначено етапи розвитку двомовної освіти в університетах США (Етап започаткування 1963−1967 рр., Етап поширення 1968−1979 рр., Етап заперечення 1981−2009 рр., Етап відновлення 2009 р.−донині). Висвітлено змістові засади двомовної освіти в університетах США, схарактеризовано двомовні програми викладання англійської тим, хто розмовляє іншими мовами (TESOL), двомовної освіти (Bilingual education), професійна двомовна програма для дорослих студентів (AHORA), іспанська для носіїв мови (SNS). Систематизовано та класифіковано форми організації (колективні: групові та кооперовані; індивідуальні: самостійна навчальна робота, електронне навчання) та методи (колективно-групового навчання, ситуативного моделювання, опрацювання дискусійних питань, метод проектів, освітньо-етнографічні методи) двомовного навчання в університетах США.
The thesis is devoted to the theoretical bases, forms of organization and methods of bilingual education in the USA universities. In the first part of the dissertation the actuality of the problem and essence of the research subject have been defined. The historical and retrospective analysis of American bilingual education development has been carried out. Four periods of American bilingual education development have been distinguished. Bilingual education in the United States has been contested and reformulated within varying historical, political, social, and economic contexts. Guided by three interrelated research questions on ideology, policy, and politics, this article examines the various interpretations of the historical forces that have determined language policy in the United States by first briefly discussing the permissive, restrictive, opportunist, and dismissive periods and then focusing on the current challenges to bilingual education. The author argues that changing political, social, and economic forces, rather than any consistent ideology, have shaped the nation's responses to language diversity. He concludes that language ideology in the United States has shifted according to changing historical events, and the absence of a consistent U.S. language ideology has enhanced the role of symbolic politics-the resentment of special treatment for minority groups. The second part of the dissertation reveals global tendencies of education development and ways of higher bilingual education development in the USA. The following factors, influencing the development of education, are distinguished: demographic, economical, global education, technological, social. Among the main strategies of higher bilingual education development are named focus on “adult” students, development and implementation of on-line instructional courses, training of effective bilingual teachers. The following forms of bilingual instruction are emphasised: lecrures, project work, cooperation, individual consultations, self-education, electronic learning and interactive learning. It is found out, that bilingual education of students in the USA is realized on the basis of such principles: sociocultural − understanding of process of socialization, adaptation to other culture and society; language − acquiring other languages, study and analysis of theories and levels of possessing other language; cognitive − understanding students’ cognitive activity processes, ability to adapt curriculum, instruction and evaluation in accordance with different educational styles; academic − taking into account students’ cultural and language diversity in the process of instruction. So how should researchers of language-minority education respond to the above predicament-practice even-handedness or extreme caution when sharing data on empirical studies and outcomes. On the one hand, it would be ideal if in a nonpoliticized world they could concentrate on conducting empirical studies that illuminate pedagogical theories and practice for language-minority populations and leave it at that. On the other hand, because bilingual education has become an ideological lightning rod that tends to attract groups with a variety of pedagogical agendas, language-minority educators have no choice but to become better informed and engaged in the language policy debate. The proposals for the creative adaptation of positive American bilingual education experience for the Ukrainian education are given.
The thesis is devoted to the theoretical bases, forms of organization and methods of bilingual education in the USA universities. In the first part of the dissertation the actuality of the problem and essence of the research subject have been defined. The historical and retrospective analysis of American bilingual education development has been carried out. Four periods of American bilingual education development have been distinguished. Bilingual education in the United States has been contested and reformulated within varying historical, political, social, and economic contexts. Guided by three interrelated research questions on ideology, policy, and politics, this article examines the various interpretations of the historical forces that have determined language policy in the United States by first briefly discussing the permissive, restrictive, opportunist, and dismissive periods and then focusing on the current challenges to bilingual education. The author argues that changing political, social, and economic forces, rather than any consistent ideology, have shaped the nation's responses to language diversity. He concludes that language ideology in the United States has shifted according to changing historical events, and the absence of a consistent U.S. language ideology has enhanced the role of symbolic politics-the resentment of special treatment for minority groups. The second part of the dissertation reveals global tendencies of education development and ways of higher bilingual education development in the USA. The following factors, influencing the development of education, are distinguished: demographic, economical, global education, technological, social. Among the main strategies of higher bilingual education development are named focus on “adult” students, development and implementation of on-line instructional courses, training of effective bilingual teachers. The following forms of bilingual instruction are emphasised: lecrures, project work, cooperation, individual consultations, self-education, electronic learning and interactive learning. It is found out, that bilingual education of students in the USA is realized on the basis of such principles: sociocultural − understanding of process of socialization, adaptation to other culture and society; language − acquiring other languages, study and analysis of theories and levels of possessing other language; cognitive − understanding students’ cognitive activity processes, ability to adapt curriculum, instruction and evaluation in accordance with different educational styles; academic − taking into account students’ cultural and language diversity in the process of instruction. So how should researchers of language-minority education respond to the above predicament-practice even-handedness or extreme caution when sharing data on empirical studies and outcomes. On the one hand, it would be ideal if in a nonpoliticized world they could concentrate on conducting empirical studies that illuminate pedagogical theories and practice for language-minority populations and leave it at that. On the other hand, because bilingual education has become an ideological lightning rod that tends to attract groups with a variety of pedagogical agendas, language-minority educators have no choice but to become better informed and engaged in the language policy debate. The proposals for the creative adaptation of positive American bilingual education experience for the Ukrainian education are given.
Ключові слова
двомовна освіта США, тенденції розвитку освіти, форми організації двомовного навчання, двомовна навчальна програма, bilingual education in the USA, tendencies of education development, forms of bilingual instruction organization, bilingual educational program
Бібліографічний опис
Товчигречка, Л. В. Двомовна освіта в університетах США (кінець XX - початок XXI століття) [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.01 – загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки / Л. В. Товчигречка ; М-во освіти і науки, молоді та спорту, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка. – Суми : [СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка], 2012. – 20 с.