Е-лінгвометодичний контент у системі підготовки вчителів початкової школи до застосування засобів електронної лінгвометодики в професійній діяльності
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті обґрунтовується важлива роль системної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи до застосування засобів електронної лінгвометодики в професійній діяльності. У цьому зв'язку автор вважає необхідним упровадження в їхню професійну підготовку власного навчального контенту з електронної лінгвометодики, що включає навчально-методичний посібник, підручник, електронний навчально-методичний комплекс та три дистанційні курси з лінгвометодичних дисциплін для студентів бакалаврату і магістратури спеціальності «Початкова освіта».
The important role of primary school teachers' systemic training to use the electronic linguomethodological tools in their professional activities is substantiated in the article. In this regard, the author considers it necessary to implement their own learning content of the electronic linguomethodological training. Firstly, author's e-linguomethodological content includes educational and methodological manuals "Tools of the electronic linguomethodology for primary school" for bachelor's level students. Its second component is the textbook "Electronic linguomethodology in universities" for master's level students. Next - electronic educational- methodological complex of discipline "Methodology of teaching Ukrainian language" and three distance learning courses: "Methodoogy of teaching Ukrainian in primary school" for bachelor's level students and "Methodology of teaching language in elementary school" and "Electronic linguomethodology in universities" for master's level students. In the article the methodology of implementation of each component of author's e- linguomethodological content in the future primary school teacher training in the university is revealed. The author argues that only systematic its application can ensure forming of a future primary school teachers' readiness to use the electronic linguomethodological tools in their professional activity and this quality is urgently needed for a modern primary school teacher. In this article the author used complex of theoretical and empirical scientific research methods. Theoretical methods include: systematic analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and linguomethodological scientific literature about the future primary school teacher training; study, instructional and regulatory documentation for the pedagogues of the linguomethodological disciplines in the pedagogical universities; retrospective and evolutionary analysis of electronic linguomethodology, etc. Empirical methods are: monitoring of the educational process at the primary school and primary school teacher training faculties with the implementation of the components of the author's e- linguomethodological content; interviews with students, primary school teachers and others.
The important role of primary school teachers' systemic training to use the electronic linguomethodological tools in their professional activities is substantiated in the article. In this regard, the author considers it necessary to implement their own learning content of the electronic linguomethodological training. Firstly, author's e-linguomethodological content includes educational and methodological manuals "Tools of the electronic linguomethodology for primary school" for bachelor's level students. Its second component is the textbook "Electronic linguomethodology in universities" for master's level students. Next - electronic educational- methodological complex of discipline "Methodology of teaching Ukrainian language" and three distance learning courses: "Methodoogy of teaching Ukrainian in primary school" for bachelor's level students and "Methodology of teaching language in elementary school" and "Electronic linguomethodology in universities" for master's level students. In the article the methodology of implementation of each component of author's e- linguomethodological content in the future primary school teacher training in the university is revealed. The author argues that only systematic its application can ensure forming of a future primary school teachers' readiness to use the electronic linguomethodological tools in their professional activity and this quality is urgently needed for a modern primary school teacher. In this article the author used complex of theoretical and empirical scientific research methods. Theoretical methods include: systematic analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and linguomethodological scientific literature about the future primary school teacher training; study, instructional and regulatory documentation for the pedagogues of the linguomethodological disciplines in the pedagogical universities; retrospective and evolutionary analysis of electronic linguomethodology, etc. Empirical methods are: monitoring of the educational process at the primary school and primary school teacher training faculties with the implementation of the components of the author's e- linguomethodological content; interviews with students, primary school teachers and others.
Ключові слова
професійна підготовка, учитель початкової школи, інформатизація освіти, електронна лінгвометодика, засоби електронної лінгвометодики, навчальний контент, електронний навчально-методичний комплекс, дистанційний курс, professional training, primary school teacher, informatization of education, electronic linguomethodology, electronic linguomethodological tools, educational content, electronic educational-methodological complex, distance course
Бібліографічний опис
Хижняк, І. Е-лінгвометодичний контент у системі підготовки вчителів початкової школи до застосування засобів електронної лінгвометодики в професійній діяльності [Текст] / І. Хижняк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 5 (69). – С. 317–330.