Концептуальні та організаційно-педагогічні засади розвитку освітнього процесу у вищій школі України (1905–1920 рр.)
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Дисертація є першим цілісним історико-педагогічним дослідженням проблеми розвитку освітнього процесу у вищій школі України (1905–1920 рр.), його концептуальних та організаційно-педагогічних засад. Схарактеризовано історіографію та джерельну базу дослідження. Здійснено періодизацію розвитку вищої школи на території України. Визначено основні концептуальні підходи до розвитку вищої школи у вітчизняній науковій та громадській думці досліджуваного періоду. Розкрито тенденції розвитку мети, структури, змісту, форм і методів організації освітнього процесу у вищій школі України 1905–1917 років. Виокремлено етапи поглиблення українознавчої спрямованості освітнього процесу в контексті реалізації ідеї українського університету. З’ясовано статус, права та обов’язки суб’єктів освітнього процесу, виявлено напрями творчої самореалізації викладачів і студентів. Окреслено тенденції та особливості розвитку вищої школи України в добу національного державотворення 1917–1920 років, актуалізовано позитивний історичний досвід у сучасних умовах.
The thesis is the first comprehensive historical-pedagogical research of the problem of development of educational process in higher school of Ukraine (1905–1920), its conceptual and organizational-pedagogical foundations. The historiography and source base of research of the chosen problem are characterized. The peculiarities of the historiography of development of the educational process in higher school of Ukraine (1905–1920): imperial, Soviet, modern, are singled out. Classification of the source base of the study is proposed: normative-legal documents in the field of higher education; official documentation on the activities of higher schools; periodicals; sources of personal origin; statistical and reference materials; educational-methodological, scientific, and fiction literature on the problems of education and upbringing of the younger generation; photo materials. Periodization of development of higher education in the territory of Ukraine is carried out and such periods are distinguished: pre-classical (ХVІ – the end of the ХVІІІ century); classical (the end of the XVIII – the end of the XIX century); modernization (1905–1920); Soviet (1920–1990); postmodern (from the 90s of the XX century). Within the studied period, two stages of the higher school development are defined: 1) 1905–1917 – development and attempts to introduce the idea of a free higher school; 2) 1917–1920 – implementation of the concept of Ukrainian higher education. The basic conceptual approaches to the development of higher education in the studied period are determined, differences between the views of conservatives, liberals, radicals and Ukrainian national-democratic intelligentsia are distinguished; the contribution of representatives of the scientific-pedagogical community to the development of a national model of higher education, justification of the need to bring the centers of higher education closer to the needs of the people and world standards, updating the main structural components of the educational process are found out. The trends of development of the purpose, structure, content, forms and methods of organization of educational process in higher school of Ukraine in 1905–1917 are revealed: in the purpose – formation of a creative personality, a citizen; in values – academic freedom and academic autonomy; in the principles and approaches – anthropocentrism, cultural conformity, individualization; in structure – flexibility and in-depth differentiation; in content – a combination of fundamental and special knowledge, deepening of knowledge intensity, practical expediency, expansion of the variational component; in forms – wide introduction of practical classes; in methods – emphasis on creative-productive, in the style of pedagogical interaction between a teacher and a student – democratization of relationships. The stages of deepening of the Ukrainian studies orientation of the educational process in the context of implementation of the idea of Ukrainian university are outlined: propaedeutic (1787–1905); extensive (1905–1917); intensive (1917–1920). The status, rights and responsibilities of the subjects of the educational process are revealed, directions of creative self-realization of teachers and students in the investigated period are defined. The trends (democratization, autonomization, Ukrainization, humanization, diversification, specialization of specialists training, deepening of differentiation and individualization of the educational process) and peculiarities of development of higher education in the era of national state formation are outlined. The positive historical experience of higher education development in the territory of Ukraine in the modern conditions has been actualized.
The thesis is the first comprehensive historical-pedagogical research of the problem of development of educational process in higher school of Ukraine (1905–1920), its conceptual and organizational-pedagogical foundations. The historiography and source base of research of the chosen problem are characterized. The peculiarities of the historiography of development of the educational process in higher school of Ukraine (1905–1920): imperial, Soviet, modern, are singled out. Classification of the source base of the study is proposed: normative-legal documents in the field of higher education; official documentation on the activities of higher schools; periodicals; sources of personal origin; statistical and reference materials; educational-methodological, scientific, and fiction literature on the problems of education and upbringing of the younger generation; photo materials. Periodization of development of higher education in the territory of Ukraine is carried out and such periods are distinguished: pre-classical (ХVІ – the end of the ХVІІІ century); classical (the end of the XVIII – the end of the XIX century); modernization (1905–1920); Soviet (1920–1990); postmodern (from the 90s of the XX century). Within the studied period, two stages of the higher school development are defined: 1) 1905–1917 – development and attempts to introduce the idea of a free higher school; 2) 1917–1920 – implementation of the concept of Ukrainian higher education. The basic conceptual approaches to the development of higher education in the studied period are determined, differences between the views of conservatives, liberals, radicals and Ukrainian national-democratic intelligentsia are distinguished; the contribution of representatives of the scientific-pedagogical community to the development of a national model of higher education, justification of the need to bring the centers of higher education closer to the needs of the people and world standards, updating the main structural components of the educational process are found out. The trends of development of the purpose, structure, content, forms and methods of organization of educational process in higher school of Ukraine in 1905–1917 are revealed: in the purpose – formation of a creative personality, a citizen; in values – academic freedom and academic autonomy; in the principles and approaches – anthropocentrism, cultural conformity, individualization; in structure – flexibility and in-depth differentiation; in content – a combination of fundamental and special knowledge, deepening of knowledge intensity, practical expediency, expansion of the variational component; in forms – wide introduction of practical classes; in methods – emphasis on creative-productive, in the style of pedagogical interaction between a teacher and a student – democratization of relationships. The stages of deepening of the Ukrainian studies orientation of the educational process in the context of implementation of the idea of Ukrainian university are outlined: propaedeutic (1787–1905); extensive (1905–1917); intensive (1917–1920). The status, rights and responsibilities of the subjects of the educational process are revealed, directions of creative self-realization of teachers and students in the investigated period are defined. The trends (democratization, autonomization, Ukrainization, humanization, diversification, specialization of specialists training, deepening of differentiation and individualization of the educational process) and peculiarities of development of higher education in the era of national state formation are outlined. The positive historical experience of higher education development in the territory of Ukraine in the modern conditions has been actualized.
Ключові слова
вища школа, вищий навчальний заклад, університет, концептуальні та організаційно-педагогічні засади, розвиток, освітній процес, академічна автономія, традиції, інновації, навчання, виховання, українознавча спрямованість, національний виховний ідеал, творча самореалізація, особистість, суб’єкти освітнього процесу, higher school, higher education institution, university, conceptual and organizational-pedagogical foundations, development, educational process, academic autonomy, traditions, innovations, education, upbringing, Ukrainian study orientation, national educational ideal, creative self-realization, personality, subjects of educational process
Бібліографічний опис
Корж-Усенко, Л. В. Концептуальні та організаційно-педагогічні засади розвитку освітнього процесу у вищій школі України (1905–1920 рр.) [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... доктора пед. наук : спец. 13.00.01 – загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки / Корж-Усенко Лариса Вікторівна ; МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [науковий консультант А. А. Сбруєва]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – 44 с.