Теорія і практика формування мовленнєвої діяльності розумово відсталих дітей молодшого шкільного віку
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті вперше комплексно розкрито проблему порушень мовленнєвої діяльності, зумовлених розумовою відсталістю легкого та помірного ступенів тяжкості: причинну обумовленість, механізми виникнення, специфіку когнітивного компоненту. Визначено стратегію й тактику медико-лого-психолінгвопедагогічного етапу дослідження; подано характеристику змісту, педагогічні умови та критерії диференційованого оцінювання мовленнєвої діяльності молодших школярів із легким і помірним ступенями розумової відсталості; обґрунтовано показники порушень мовлення. Науково обґрунтовано, емпірично досліджено теоретико-методичні засади та розроблено й експериментально перевірено комплексну диференційовану систему формування та корекції мовленнєвої діяльності молодших школярів із легким і помірним ступенями розумової відсталості на основі системного, індивідуально-диференційованого, мотиваційно-когнітивного, корекційно-розвивального, комунікативно-діяльнісного підходів.
In the article a comprehensive research of the problem of speech activity disorders caused by mental retardation of mild and moderate degrees of severity: causes, mechanisms of occurrence, specificity of the cognitive component, is carried out. The strategy and tactics of the medical-logo-psycholinguistic and pedagogical stage of the study are determined; characteristics of the content, pedagogical conditions and criteria of differentiated assessment of speech activity of junior schoolchildren with mild and moderate degree of mental retardation are given; the indicators of speech disorders are substantiated. The theoretical-methodological foundations are scientifically substantiated and empirically investigated and complex differentiated system of formation and correction of speech activity of junior pupils with mild and moderate degree of mental retardation on the basis of systems, individual-differentiated, motivational-cognitive, corrective-developing, communicative-activity approaches is developed and experimentally verified. In the course of the study, the concepts of “speech disorder, caused by intellectual disabilities”, “systemic speech disorder”, “systemic speech underdevelopment” have been deepened and specified; information on the mechanisms and structure of speech disorders has been extended taking into account the factors of influence (age, degree of mental retardation, concomitant developmental disorders, term of correctional-developmental work); the diagnostic-differentiated model of logo-psycholinguistic and pedagogical study of speech activity of junior schoolchildren with mild and moderate degree of mental retardation has been developed and substantiated; information on the psychomotor and speech development of the selected category of children has been expanded and updated, the options of speech dysonotogenesis at mild and moderate levels of mental retardation have been substantiated; theoretical-methodological principles of the process of formation and correction of speech activity of the selected category of children have been determined and updated, the content of the correctional-developmental process has been specified. The knowledge on the features of diagnosis, formation and correction of speech activity of children with mental retardation of mild and moderate degrees of severity, organizing diagnostic tools for its research, content and organizational-methodological support of interdisciplinary support of junior schoolchildren with intellectual disorders in the conditions of modern educational space has been deepened.
In the article a comprehensive research of the problem of speech activity disorders caused by mental retardation of mild and moderate degrees of severity: causes, mechanisms of occurrence, specificity of the cognitive component, is carried out. The strategy and tactics of the medical-logo-psycholinguistic and pedagogical stage of the study are determined; characteristics of the content, pedagogical conditions and criteria of differentiated assessment of speech activity of junior schoolchildren with mild and moderate degree of mental retardation are given; the indicators of speech disorders are substantiated. The theoretical-methodological foundations are scientifically substantiated and empirically investigated and complex differentiated system of formation and correction of speech activity of junior pupils with mild and moderate degree of mental retardation on the basis of systems, individual-differentiated, motivational-cognitive, corrective-developing, communicative-activity approaches is developed and experimentally verified. In the course of the study, the concepts of “speech disorder, caused by intellectual disabilities”, “systemic speech disorder”, “systemic speech underdevelopment” have been deepened and specified; information on the mechanisms and structure of speech disorders has been extended taking into account the factors of influence (age, degree of mental retardation, concomitant developmental disorders, term of correctional-developmental work); the diagnostic-differentiated model of logo-psycholinguistic and pedagogical study of speech activity of junior schoolchildren with mild and moderate degree of mental retardation has been developed and substantiated; information on the psychomotor and speech development of the selected category of children has been expanded and updated, the options of speech dysonotogenesis at mild and moderate levels of mental retardation have been substantiated; theoretical-methodological principles of the process of formation and correction of speech activity of the selected category of children have been determined and updated, the content of the correctional-developmental process has been specified. The knowledge on the features of diagnosis, formation and correction of speech activity of children with mental retardation of mild and moderate degrees of severity, organizing diagnostic tools for its research, content and organizational-methodological support of interdisciplinary support of junior schoolchildren with intellectual disorders in the conditions of modern educational space has been deepened.
Ключові слова
молодший шкільний вік, порушення інтелектуального розвитку, розумова відсталість легкого та помірного ступенів тяжкості, діти з інтелектуальними порушеннями, молодші школярі з легким і помірним ступенями розумової відсталості, мовленнєва діяльність, комплексна диференційована система формування та корекції мовленнєвої діяльності, системний недорозвиток мовлення, junior school age, intellectual disorder, mental retardation of mild and moderate degree of severity, children with intellectual disabilities, junior schoolchildren with mild and moderate degree of mental retardation, speech activity, complex differentiated system of formation and correction of speech activity, systemic underdevelopment of speech
Бібліографічний опис
Боряк, О. Теорія і практика формування мовленнєвої діяльності розумово відсталих дітей молодшого шкільного віку [Текст] / О. Боряк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 8 (92). – С. 378–390. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2019.08/378-390.