Розвиток історико-краєзнавчої роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти Північно-Східної України (друга половина XX - початок XXI століття)
dc.contributor.author | Пархоменко Ірина Володимирівна | |
dc.contributor.author | Parkhomenko Iryna Volodymyrivna | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2025-01-29T10:08:08Z | |
dc.date.available | 2025-01-29T10:08:08Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020 | |
dc.description.abstract | Дисертація є комплексним дослідженням, у межах якого з’ясовано теоретичні, змістові та організаційні засади розвитку історико-краєзнавчої роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти Північно-Східної України у другій половині ХХ ст. – на початку ХХІ ст. для обґрунтування перспектив використання інноваційного потенціалу досліджуваного освітнього феномену у процесі модернізації системи позашкільної освіти України. У дисертації схарактеризовано історіографію (визначено радянський та сучасний історіографічний періоди та типи історіографічних праць (дисертаційні дослідження, монографії, періодичні видання) та джерельну базу (виділено три групи джерел: архівні матеріали, опубліковані джерела, праці науковців та педагогів-практиків) історико-краєзнавчої роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти у вітчизняному науковому просторі; визначено поняттєвий апарат через окреслення ключового поняття «історико-краєзнавча робота в закладах позашкільної освіти Північно-Східної України» та етапи розвитку досліджуваного феномену (відновлювальний етап (початок 50-х рр. – 1959 р.), етап уніфікації (1959-1984 рр.), етап децентралізації (1984-2000 рр.), етап модернізації (2000-2017 рр.); окреслено нормативно-правову базу та змістові засади історико-краєзнавчої роботи з дітьми та учнівською молоддю в закладах позашкільної освіти Північно-Східної України, зокрема проаналізовано нормативно-правові акти загальнодержавного та регіонального рівня, регіональні особливості програмно-методичного забезпечення закладів позашкільної освіти Сумської, Харківської та Чернігівської областей; з’ясовано організаційні засади історико-краєзнавчої роботи з дітьми та учнівською молоддю в закладах позашкільної освіти Північно-Східної України, зокрема визначено індивідуальні, групові та масові форми вказаної роботи, умови її реалізації в закладах позашкільної освіти; узагальнено результати історико-краєзнавчої роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти визначеного регіону та зпроєктовано перспективи використання вказаного досвіду роботи в сучасних закладах позашкільної освіти на державному, регіональному та інституційному рівнях. Практичне значення отриманих результатів дослідження полягає в тому, що схарактеризовані авторкою теоретичні, організаційні, змістові засади розвитку історико-краєзнавчої роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти Північно-Східної України другої полови ХХ – початку ХХІ ст. можуть бути використані у процесі організації історико-краєзнавчої роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти та закладах загальної середньої освіти, удосконалення її форм, умов її реалізації, покращення програмно-методичного забезпечення. Матеріали і висновки щодо досліджуваної проблеми як освітнього феномену можуть бути використані за основу для майбутніх наукових розвідок, доповнення та розширення змісту навчальних курсів та програм суспільних дисциплін (історія педагогіки, педагогіка, методика та теорія позашкільної освіти, історичне краєзнавство тощо), під час підготовки навчально-методичних посібників, науково-дослідницьких робіт, лекцій для слухачів курсів підвищення кваліфікації (учителів, керівників гуртків туристсько-краєзнавчого напряму), студентів педагогічних закладів вищої освіти. | |
dc.description.abstract | The thesis is a comprehensive study, within which the theoretical, content and organizational foundations of historical and local lore work development in the extracurricular education institutions of the North-Eastern Ukraine in the second half of the XX century – early XXI century are clarified in order to substantiate the prospects of using the innovative potential of the studied educational phenomenon in the process of modernizing extracurricular education in Ukraine. An important element in the formation of a holistic view of historical and local lore work in the extracurricular education institutions as a pedagogical problem was the study of scientific thought generated by education theorists and practitioners. The historiography of the problem was analyzed, and its source base was determined. The state of elaboration of the problem of historical and local lore work development in the extracurricular education institutions of the North-Eastern Ukraine by highlighting and characterizing the periods of historiography (Soviet and modern) and types of historiographical works (dissertations, monographs, periodicals) was highlighted. The source base of the study was characterized by selection and analysis of three groups of sources (archival materials, published sources, works of scientists and teachers-practitioners). The presented study is located at the junction of different sciences, such as history of Ukraine and history of pedagogy, general local lore and historical local lore, didactics, methods of teaching certain subjects. The interdisciplinary discourse of the investigated sphere allowed to outline the fundamental aspects of the specified problem, covered by scientific schools of various branches of knowledge. Analysis of conceptual and terminological tools of the study has revealed that the generalizing concept of the problem – historical and local lore work in the extracurricular education institutions of the North-Eastern Ukraine – is concretized through such concepts as: historical and local lore work, tourism and local lore work, extracurricular education institutions, North-Eastern Ukraine. Based on the terminological analysis of certain concepts, we have identified three provisions that reflect the main approaches to the study of the outlined historical and pedagogical phenomenon as an educational subsystem, one of children’s activities, a catalyst for deepening knowledge in the humanities. For a detailed analysis, taking into account the essential characteristics of the studied problem, a historical review of the process of transforming the extracurricular education system of the USSR and Ukraine is conducted. The main milestones of the origin, formation and development of the extracurricular education institutions in the field of tourism and local lore work are outlined. The study of historical and local lore work development in the extracurricular education institutions, comparison of regional features in the context of change of the normative-legal base, improvement of methodological provisions, updating of forms and conditions of its realization is carried out in diachronic and synchronic dimensions. Accordingly, we have identified four stages of development of the studied educational phenomenon: the recovery stage (early 50s – 1959) – the postwar revival and formation of a network of the extracurricular education institutions, introduction of historical and local lore work with children; the stage of unification (1959-1984) – formation of a network of similar in form and content extracurricular education institutions, unification of the system of historical and local lore work with children; the stage of decentralization (1984-2000) – reforming, Ukrainization of the system of historical and local lore work, processes of autonomy of the extracurricular education institutions in the choice of forms and methods of historical and local lore work; the stage of modernization (2000-2017) – updating and modernization of the content, forms, methods and approaches of interaction with children in the context of studying the historical and cultural heritage of a certain region, which was implemented by the extracurricular education institutions. The use of historical-chronological and causal methods made it possible to determine the factors of historical and local lore work development in the extracurricular education institutions at each of the selected stages of the studied period: socio-political (variable liberalization during “Khrushchev’s thaw”, ideological propaganda, strict censorship during “Brezhnev’s stagnation”, democratization of “Perbudova” (Rebuilding), reforming, change of socio-political orientations in the 90s of the XX century, European integration processes of the 2000s); socio-economic (reconstruction of the country after the World War II, planned economy, focus on heavy and military industry during the “arms race”, “socialist market economy” during the “Perbudova” period, market economy, “free trade”); educational (restoration of the education system, educational centralization and unification, democratization and humanization of the educational process, autonomy and modernization of the education institutions). The content foundations of the studied phenomenon are presented, namely the normative-legal base and program-methodological support of the extracurricular education institutions functioning in the North-Eastern Ukraine in the context of introducing historical and local lore work. In order to conduct systemic analysis of the normative-legal base, we have considered the Laws (Laws of the Ukrainian SSR, Laws of Ukraine) and normative-legal acts (Decrees of the President of Ukraine, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR), documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Ministry of Public Education of the Ukrainian SSR), decisions of party and public organizations (Lenin Communist Union of Ukrainian Youth, All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin, etc.) of the second half of XX – early XXI century. Given the regional aspect of the study, special attention was paid to the regulations of the North-Eastern region (normative acts of local state administrations, local self-governing bodies (local councils of workers’ deputies and their executive committees), educational administration, extracurricular education institutions, etc.). The program-methodological base of historical and local lore work in the extracurricular education institutions is represented by the curricula approved at the national and regional levels, and guidelines developed by the teachers of the extracurricular education institutions. These documents and materials determined the conceptual directions of the content of historical and local lore work in the extracurricular education institutions and changes in organizational forms, conditions of introduction of the studied pedagogical phenomenon within certain chronological limits. The organizational foundations of historical and local lore work in the extracurricular education institutions of the North-Eastern Ukraine are outlined. The forms of organizing interaction with children of the studied period are classified. According to the number of children involved in historical and local lore work, we have identified three groups of forms (individual, group and mass (stationary and mobile). In order to provide a detailed presentation of the conditions for introducing historical and local lore work in these institutions we have identified such basic landmarks as staffing and material-technical base. The results of historical and local lore work in the extracurricular education institutions of the studied region are generalized. The main result of historical and local lore work in these institutions is a historical and local lore product collected during implementation of the individual, group and mass forms of interaction with children. After systematization, appropriate design, the historical and local lore product became the basis for the creation of new museums in education institutions or replenishment of the existing funds. Prospects for using positive experience of historical and local lore work with children in the process of modernization of education in Ukraine at the state, regional and institutional levels are determined. At the state level, it is promising to regulate the issues of financing the extracurricular education institutions, training and retraining of pedagogical staff of these institutions, and increasing the number of providers of the extracurricular education services. At the regional level it is important to address the issue of logistics of the extracurricular education, coordination of all stakeholders, partnership and interaction between authorities, research institutions, local community and education institutions, exchange of experience in historical and local lore work. For the institutional level it is important to solve the issue of updating programs, methodological support, creating comfortable conditions for the implementation of historical and local lore work, informatization and technologicalization of educational process of the extracurricular education institutions. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that for the first time in Ukrainian historical and pedagogical science a comprehensive scientific study of the investigated phenomenon was carried out and the theoretical, organizational and content foundations of historical and local lore work in the extracurricular education institutions of the North-Eastern Ukraine of the second half of the XX – early XXI century were revealed, namely, the historiography was characterized (Soviet and modern historiographical periods) and types of historiographical works (dissertations, monographs, periodicals) were defined; the source base, which included three groups of sources (archival materials, published sources, works of scientists and teachers-practitioners) was outlined; the conceptual apparatus was defined through revealing the key concept “historical and local lore work in the extracurricular education institutions of the North-Eastern Ukraine”; the stages of the investigated phenomenon were defined (the recovery stage (early 50s – 1959), the stage of unification (1959-1984), the stage of decentralization (1984-2000), the stage of modernization (2000-2017)); the normative-legal base and content foundations of historical and local lore work with children and student youth in the extracurricular education institutions of the North-Eastern Ukraine are outlined, in particular the normative-legal acts of national and regional level, regional features of program-methodological support of the extracurricular education institutions of Sumy, Kharkiv and Chernihiv regions; organizational foundations of historical and local lore work with children and student youth in the extracurricular education institutions of the North-Eastern Ukraine were clarified, in particular individual, group and mass forms of work, conditions of its realization in the extracurricular education institutions were determined; the results of historical and local lore work in the institutions of a certain region were generalized and the prospects of using their experience in modern extracurricular education institutions at the state, regional and institutional levels were presented. The practical significance of the results of the study is that theoretical, organizational and content foundations of historical and local lore work in the extracurricular education institutions of the North-Eastern Ukraine in the second half of XX – early XXI century can be used in organization of historical and local lore work in the extracurricular education institutions and general secondary education institutions, improving its forms, conditions of its implementation, and methodological support. Materials and conclusions on the investigated problem as an educational phenomenon can be used as a basis for future scientific research, expansion of the content of educational courses and programs of social sciences disciplines (history of pedagogy, pedagogy, methods and theory of extracurricular education, historical local lore, etc.), for creating teaching manuals, research works, lectures for listeners of professional development courses (teachers, leaders of tourist and local lore groups), students of pedagogical institutions of higher education. | |
dc.identifier.citation | Пархоменко, І. В. Розвиток історико-краєзнавчої роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти Північно-Східної України (друга половина XX - початок XXI століття) [Текст] : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії : [спец.] 011 "Освітні, педагогічні науки" / Пархоменко Ірина Володимирівна ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; науковий керівник В. С. Бугрій. – Суми, 2020. – 307 с. | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16328 | |
dc.language.iso | uk | |
dc.publisher | СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка | |
dc.subject | історико-краєзнавча робота | |
dc.subject | туристсько-краєзнавча робота | |
dc.subject | заклади позашкільної освіти | |
dc.subject | позашкільна освіта | |
dc.subject | Північно-Східна Україна | |
dc.subject | historical and local lore work | |
dc.subject | tourist and local lore work | |
dc.subject | extracurricular education institutions | |
dc.subject | extracurricular education | |
dc.subject | North-Eastern Ukraine | |
dc.title | Розвиток історико-краєзнавчої роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти Північно-Східної України (друга половина XX - початок XXI століття) | |
dc.title.alternative | Development of Historical and Local Lore Work in the Institutions of Extracurricular Education of the North-Eastern Ukraine (Second Half of the XX – Early XXI Century) | |
dc.type | Thesis | |
dc.udc.udc | 374.091:[94:908](477.52/.54)(043.5)"195/200" |
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