Акме-культурологічні засади професійно-педагогічної підготовки фахівців фізичного виховання та спорту: базові поняття
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті здійснено аналіз наукового тезаурусу сутності базових понять проблеми професійно-педагогічної підготовки фахівців фізичного виховання та спорту на акме-культурологічних засадах. На основі аналізу взаємозв'язку класів явищ теорії акмеології і культури обґрунтовано та введено в науковий обіг новий термін «акме-культурологічний потенціал майбутнього фахівця фізичного виховання та спорту». Розглянуто такі базові поняття, що стосуються професійної підготовки, як «культура», «фізична та спортивна культура», «фізичне виховання», «спорт», «професійна фізкультурна освіта» та поняття, які розкривають сутність та специфіку професійно-педагогічної підготовки («професійна придатність», «модель фахівця»), що забезпечують досягнення її акме- культурологічноі спрямованості.
The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific thesaurus of essence of the basic concepts of the problem of professional-pedagogical training of the physical education and sports specialists on the acme-culturological bases. Taking into account interdisciplinary character of the research of acme-culturological bases of professional-pedagogical training of the physical education and sports specialists, the principles of system, unity, self¬knowledge, creativity, thesaurus modeling of concepts for the formation of basic concepts have been revealed. Based on the analysis of interconnection of phenomena classes of acmeology theory and culture a new term "acme-culturological potential of the future physical education and sports specialist" was proved and put into scientific circulation. Basic concepts were considered, which were concerned professional training of specialists, such as "culture", "physical culture", "sports culture", "physical training", "sport", "professional physical culture education". The essence and specificity of professional pedagogical training were revealed, which provide achievement of its acme-culturological direction. In particular, it is the unity of all interconnections of educational process for achieving professional and personal acmes and self-realization of the future specialist, entire unity of spiritual, social and technological components of education content in the system of cognitive-value-regulative coordinates aimed at modernization of higher professional physical culture education content. Defining of a new definitive field of concepts under the research, their extrapolation on the higher professional physical culture education gave us the possibility to consider professional-pedagogical training of physical education and sports specialists on the acme- culturological bases as the "process, which reflects scientifically and methodologically grounded on the basis of analysis of interconnected phenomena classes of acmeology theory and culture, measures of higher educational establishments directed at formation during the term of education of personal professional-pedagogical culture level, sufficient for the organization of physical training of different sections of population and success of work in all spheres of sport movement taking into account modern demands of job market".
The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific thesaurus of essence of the basic concepts of the problem of professional-pedagogical training of the physical education and sports specialists on the acme-culturological bases. Taking into account interdisciplinary character of the research of acme-culturological bases of professional-pedagogical training of the physical education and sports specialists, the principles of system, unity, self¬knowledge, creativity, thesaurus modeling of concepts for the formation of basic concepts have been revealed. Based on the analysis of interconnection of phenomena classes of acmeology theory and culture a new term "acme-culturological potential of the future physical education and sports specialist" was proved and put into scientific circulation. Basic concepts were considered, which were concerned professional training of specialists, such as "culture", "physical culture", "sports culture", "physical training", "sport", "professional physical culture education". The essence and specificity of professional pedagogical training were revealed, which provide achievement of its acme-culturological direction. In particular, it is the unity of all interconnections of educational process for achieving professional and personal acmes and self-realization of the future specialist, entire unity of spiritual, social and technological components of education content in the system of cognitive-value-regulative coordinates aimed at modernization of higher professional physical culture education content. Defining of a new definitive field of concepts under the research, their extrapolation on the higher professional physical culture education gave us the possibility to consider professional-pedagogical training of physical education and sports specialists on the acme- culturological bases as the "process, which reflects scientifically and methodologically grounded on the basis of analysis of interconnected phenomena classes of acmeology theory and culture, measures of higher educational establishments directed at formation during the term of education of personal professional-pedagogical culture level, sufficient for the organization of physical training of different sections of population and success of work in all spheres of sport movement taking into account modern demands of job market".
Ключові слова
акмеологія, культура, акме-культурологічний потенціал майбутнього фахівця, фізична і спортивна культура, фізичне виховання, спортивна діяльність, acmeology, culture, acme-culturological potential of the future specialist, physical and sports culture, physical training, sport
Бібліографічний опис
Іваній, І. Акме-культурологічні засади професійно-педагогічної
підготовки фахівців фізичного виховання та спорту:
базові поняття [Текст] / І. Іваній // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 4 (78). – С. 68–78.