Становлення загально-теоретичних основ педагогічної типології в українській науковій думці першої третини XX століття
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Стаття присвячена дослідженню процеса становлення й розвитку основ педагогічної типології як наукової галузі в українській науково-педагогічній думці першої третини XX століття. Розглянуто формування методологічних засад, що створили загально-теоретичні основи розробки класифікацій течій реформаторської педагогіки в наукових дослідженнях С. Ананьїна, Г. Готалова- Готліба, Я. Мамонтова, О. Музиченка, В. Петруся. З'ясовано особистий внесок науковців у становлення педагогічної типології як науково-практичної галузі, що стала фундаментом української компаративістики.
An important aspect in solving the problems of contemporary cultural globalization is accentuation of attention on the common, unifying experience of cultural development of peoples. In this aspect, useful will be an appeal to the history of Ukrainian pedagogy of the 20s - the beginning of the 30s of the last century, the development of which is evidenced by its active participation in the processes of the extension and deepening of the world reform movement, based on new methodological approaches of the humanist orientation. The aim of the article is to study the process of formation and development of the foundations of pedagogical typology as a scientific branch in the Ukrainian scientific- pedagogical thought of the first third of the XX century. Methods of research: general scientific (analysis, content analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparison, generalization) and specific scientific: constructive-genetic, historical- comparative, historical-comparative, and historical-typological. The result of the work is the study of the formation and development of the foundations of pedagogical typology as a scientific branch in the Ukrainian scientific- pedagogical thought of the first third of the XX century. Pedagogical typology as a scientific direction developed in the field of Ukrainian scientific thought of the first third of the XX century within the framework of research of foreign reformatory pedagogy. Particularly fruitful was the period of relatively free and impartial study of this experience in the 20-30s. Thanks to the works of Ukrainian scholars S. Ananin, H. Hotalov-Hotlib, Ya. Mamontov, O. Muzychenko, V. Petrus the author has focused attention on the contemporary problems of pedagogy as a scientific branch, developed the methodology of studying progressive foreign experience, proved its practical significance, worked out classification of trends of reform pedagogy on poly-criteria basis. The study of the trends of foreign pedagogy of the 20s of the XX century has shown the need for a new pedagogical discipline - comparative pedagogy. Taking into account this argument, one can state that the pedagogical typology as the scientific-practical branch became the foundation of Ukrainian Soviet comparativism, and the scientists involved in its research should be considered as comparators and followers of the traditions of Ukrainian comparative pedagogy. The practical significance of the research - analysis of the process of formation and development of the foundations of the pedagogical typology as a scientific branch in the Ukrainian scientific-pedagogical thought of the first third of the XX century will be useful for those who are interested in the history of Ukrainian pedagogical science, the study of foreign experience by Ukrainian science, the origins of Ukrainian comparativism.
An important aspect in solving the problems of contemporary cultural globalization is accentuation of attention on the common, unifying experience of cultural development of peoples. In this aspect, useful will be an appeal to the history of Ukrainian pedagogy of the 20s - the beginning of the 30s of the last century, the development of which is evidenced by its active participation in the processes of the extension and deepening of the world reform movement, based on new methodological approaches of the humanist orientation. The aim of the article is to study the process of formation and development of the foundations of pedagogical typology as a scientific branch in the Ukrainian scientific- pedagogical thought of the first third of the XX century. Methods of research: general scientific (analysis, content analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparison, generalization) and specific scientific: constructive-genetic, historical- comparative, historical-comparative, and historical-typological. The result of the work is the study of the formation and development of the foundations of pedagogical typology as a scientific branch in the Ukrainian scientific- pedagogical thought of the first third of the XX century. Pedagogical typology as a scientific direction developed in the field of Ukrainian scientific thought of the first third of the XX century within the framework of research of foreign reformatory pedagogy. Particularly fruitful was the period of relatively free and impartial study of this experience in the 20-30s. Thanks to the works of Ukrainian scholars S. Ananin, H. Hotalov-Hotlib, Ya. Mamontov, O. Muzychenko, V. Petrus the author has focused attention on the contemporary problems of pedagogy as a scientific branch, developed the methodology of studying progressive foreign experience, proved its practical significance, worked out classification of trends of reform pedagogy on poly-criteria basis. The study of the trends of foreign pedagogy of the 20s of the XX century has shown the need for a new pedagogical discipline - comparative pedagogy. Taking into account this argument, one can state that the pedagogical typology as the scientific-practical branch became the foundation of Ukrainian Soviet comparativism, and the scientists involved in its research should be considered as comparators and followers of the traditions of Ukrainian comparative pedagogy. The practical significance of the research - analysis of the process of formation and development of the foundations of the pedagogical typology as a scientific branch in the Ukrainian scientific-pedagogical thought of the first third of the XX century will be useful for those who are interested in the history of Ukrainian pedagogical science, the study of foreign experience by Ukrainian science, the origins of Ukrainian comparativism.
Ключові слова
українська педагогічна думка першої третини XX століття, методологія порівняльно-педагогічного дослідження, педагогічна типологія, класифікація течій, реформаторська педагогіка, Ukrainian pedagogical thought of the first third of the XX century, methodology of comparative-pedagogical research, pedagogical typology, classification of trends, reformatory pedagogy
Бібліографічний опис
Осьмук, Н. Становлення загально-теоретичних основ педагогічної типології в українській науковій думці першої третини XX століття [Текст] / Н. Осьмук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 6 (70). – С. 193–201.