Формування професійної майстерності майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури
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На підставі аналізу методичної літератури та наукового дослідження у статті розглядається професійна майстерність, яка забезпечує самоорганізацію високого рівня професійної діяльності майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури. У статті визначено зміст, структура та взаємозв’язки основних компонентів професійної майстерності. Виявлено залежність компонентів від рівня професійної готовності майбутнього фахівця. Досліджено вплив розроблених ситуаційних завдань, ділових ігор, мультимедійних презентацій та короткометражних фільмів, які склали основу методики, на формування професійної майстерності майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури.
On the basis of analysis of the methodological literature and researches the authors reveal professional skills that provides readiness of students of educational-scientific department of physical culture to professional activity. As a research problem, it appeared in XIX century. Researchers in the sphere of pedagogics interpreted this problem as a higher level of teacher training activity, it is determined as “synthesis of scientific knowledge, abilities and skills of methodological art and personal qualities of the teacher” that provides high level of personal organization of a teacher training activity. In article there are given maintains, structure and intercommunications of basic components of professional mastery of physical training teachers: pedagogical orientation, knowledge, abilities, professional qualities and their integral description. Dependence of components is on the one level with professional skills of future teachers. Pedagogical situations are good developed, business games, multimedia presentations and short films, all these made basis of teachers’ professional skills at the universities. To conduct research, we created a control group (CG) and experimental (EG) group. Classes with students in the control group were held using the traditional method of teaching. In the experimental group in the study of academic disciplines and during the students’ pedagogical practice the created by authors’ methodology of formation of professional skills of a future physical culture teacher was used. The essence of a technique consisted in the development and implementation of case studies, presentations and short films, creative execution of independent tasks, modeling of fragments of educational activities, business training games, which are the “tools” of development of theoretical and practical thinking of a specialist, able to analyze complex conditions of pedagogical activity, to put and to solve new for future specialists professional tasks. Consequently the method of forming professional skills appeared to be effective. We considered the complex of study methods with a graduate transmission. The method allows to acquire work experience, deeper realization of social setting of teachers. In future we plan to research last structural component of the personality of the teacher and orientation of his activity. The pedagogical orientation determines a conduct, attitude to profession, firstly to a child.
On the basis of analysis of the methodological literature and researches the authors reveal professional skills that provides readiness of students of educational-scientific department of physical culture to professional activity. As a research problem, it appeared in XIX century. Researchers in the sphere of pedagogics interpreted this problem as a higher level of teacher training activity, it is determined as “synthesis of scientific knowledge, abilities and skills of methodological art and personal qualities of the teacher” that provides high level of personal organization of a teacher training activity. In article there are given maintains, structure and intercommunications of basic components of professional mastery of physical training teachers: pedagogical orientation, knowledge, abilities, professional qualities and their integral description. Dependence of components is on the one level with professional skills of future teachers. Pedagogical situations are good developed, business games, multimedia presentations and short films, all these made basis of teachers’ professional skills at the universities. To conduct research, we created a control group (CG) and experimental (EG) group. Classes with students in the control group were held using the traditional method of teaching. In the experimental group in the study of academic disciplines and during the students’ pedagogical practice the created by authors’ methodology of formation of professional skills of a future physical culture teacher was used. The essence of a technique consisted in the development and implementation of case studies, presentations and short films, creative execution of independent tasks, modeling of fragments of educational activities, business training games, which are the “tools” of development of theoretical and practical thinking of a specialist, able to analyze complex conditions of pedagogical activity, to put and to solve new for future specialists professional tasks. Consequently the method of forming professional skills appeared to be effective. We considered the complex of study methods with a graduate transmission. The method allows to acquire work experience, deeper realization of social setting of teachers. In future we plan to research last structural component of the personality of the teacher and orientation of his activity. The pedagogical orientation determines a conduct, attitude to profession, firstly to a child.
Ключові слова
професійна майстерність, знання, уміння, педагогічна спрямованість, професійні якості, professional skills, knowledge, ability, pedagogical qualities
Бібліографічний опис
Прокопова, Л. І. Формування професійної майстерності майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури [Текст] / Л. І. Прокопова, А. Б. Гученко, С. В. Гвоздецька // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 9 (53). – С. 32–38.