Muzyka i jej formy aktywności jako wsparcie w procesie wychowania młodzieży niedostosowanej społecznie
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У підготовленій статті представлені результати досліджень, що показують можливості використання музики та її форми діяльності в роботі з неадаптованою молоддю в якості інструменту й підтримки у процесі виховання. Музика й музичний досвід, у деякому сенсі, допомагають соціально неадаптованій молоді задовольнити багато потреб, які можуть бути виконані не заподіюючи шкоди навколишнім. Головна цінність музичного досвіду полягає в задоволенні потреб радості й задоволення, які з’являються в результаті контакту з можливістю створення та творіння. Автор приходить до висновку, що молодь може мати соціально різнорідні емоційні розлади, які є однією з причин недостатньої ефективності у вирішенні різних життєвих проблем. У цьому випадку музика, як засіб збудження й релаксації та вираження почуттів індивіда, впливаючи на емоції, формування психіки та внутрішнього життя можуть допомогти поліпшити цей стан.
The results of the study show that the use of music and its forms of activity with the aim of re-socialization, in most cases, was realized in the form of active, initiating joint creative activity. Described in the article ways of attracting young people to the music allowed students to recover from of emotions, moving in other, private world of dreams, enriched by feelings, wise thoughts. Music and musical experience, in a sense, helped young, lost persons to meet many needs that can be met without hurting others. The main value of musical experience is to meet the needs of joy and satisfaction, which appear as a result of contact with creation and possibility of creation. The author concludes that youth can have socially heterogeneous emotional disorders, which are one of the reasons for lack of effectiveness in dealing with various life problems. In this case music, as a means of excitation and relaxation, and expression of feelings of an individual, affecting emotions, shaping the psyche and inner life can help improve this condition. With the help of music one can get knowledge that could not be transmitted in verbal and visual way, music acts as a stimulator of association thinking and imagination. The condition of achieving success in the implementation of the identified tasks is the correct choice of musical material and method of contact of youth with the chosen form of musical activity. Taking into account the impact of art on emotional state of the person, music can be used to excite the interest, to liberate of the desired feelings, to remove stress, to find comfort, or at least improve somebody’s mood or drive to action. Active participation in music making can bring young people great satisfaction, expand and enrich the psyche and creativity. During music lessons which are connected with other elements of art, in favorable conditions comes to the formation in students sensitivity, self-discipline, responsibility, communication skills and ability to work with a group. An important link in the use of music and its forms of activity in the work with socially maladjusted youth, as a support tool in the process of education becomes a competent and empathetic teacher. His knowledge and organizational skills, pedagogical and cultural activities contribute to the fact that in such institutions as educational centers, juvenile shelters or correction institutions initiatives based on music and music making of youth will be effectively implemented.
The results of the study show that the use of music and its forms of activity with the aim of re-socialization, in most cases, was realized in the form of active, initiating joint creative activity. Described in the article ways of attracting young people to the music allowed students to recover from of emotions, moving in other, private world of dreams, enriched by feelings, wise thoughts. Music and musical experience, in a sense, helped young, lost persons to meet many needs that can be met without hurting others. The main value of musical experience is to meet the needs of joy and satisfaction, which appear as a result of contact with creation and possibility of creation. The author concludes that youth can have socially heterogeneous emotional disorders, which are one of the reasons for lack of effectiveness in dealing with various life problems. In this case music, as a means of excitation and relaxation, and expression of feelings of an individual, affecting emotions, shaping the psyche and inner life can help improve this condition. With the help of music one can get knowledge that could not be transmitted in verbal and visual way, music acts as a stimulator of association thinking and imagination. The condition of achieving success in the implementation of the identified tasks is the correct choice of musical material and method of contact of youth with the chosen form of musical activity. Taking into account the impact of art on emotional state of the person, music can be used to excite the interest, to liberate of the desired feelings, to remove stress, to find comfort, or at least improve somebody’s mood or drive to action. Active participation in music making can bring young people great satisfaction, expand and enrich the psyche and creativity. During music lessons which are connected with other elements of art, in favorable conditions comes to the formation in students sensitivity, self-discipline, responsibility, communication skills and ability to work with a group. An important link in the use of music and its forms of activity in the work with socially maladjusted youth, as a support tool in the process of education becomes a competent and empathetic teacher. His knowledge and organizational skills, pedagogical and cultural activities contribute to the fact that in such institutions as educational centers, juvenile shelters or correction institutions initiatives based on music and music making of youth will be effectively implemented.
Ключові слова
музика, соціально неадаптована молоді, процес виховання, music, socially maladjusted youth, process of education
Бібліографічний опис
Kisiel, M. Muzyka i jej formy aktywności jako wsparcie w procesie wychowania młodzieży niedostosowanej społecznie [Text] / M. Kisiel // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 5 (49). – С. 441–450.