Розвиток освіти національних меншин у Північно-Східній Україні у 20-х–30-х роках ХХ століття
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Дисертація є цілісним історико-педагогічним дослідженням розвитку освіти національних меншин у Північно-Східній Україні у 20-х–30-х роках ХХ століття. Обґрунтовано теоретичні засади дослідження розвитку освіти національних меншин у Північно-Східній Україні у досліджуваний період. Визначено організаційно-педагогічні засади розвитку освіти національних меншин у дошкільних установах і закладах інтернатного типу досліджуваного періоду. Схарактеризовано організаційно-педагогічні засади розвитку освіти національних меншин у трудових школах досліджуваного періоду. Розкрито організаційно-педагогічні засади розвитку освіти національних меншин у закладах професійної освіти досліджуваного періоду. Визначено організаційнопедагогічні засади освітньої діяльності політосвітніх установ для національних меншин у Північно-Східній Україні в 20-ті–30-ті роки ХХ століття.
The thesis is a comprehensive historical-pedagogical study on the development of education of national minorities in the North-Eastern Ukraine in the 20–30s of the XX century. In the thesis on the basis of analysis of published and archival sources, the theoretical principles of research on development of education of national minorities in the North-Eastern Ukraine in the studied period are substantiated. The key concepts of research (“national minorities”, “education of national minorities”, “development of education of national minorities”) are defined. Generalization of the state of scientific development of the problem and classification of resource base of research are carried out. The organizational-pedagogical foundations of development of education of national minorities in preschool institutions and residential institutions, labour schools, institutions of vocational education, political education institutions in the North-Eastern Ukraine in the 20–30s of the XX century are determined. It is found out that the network of preschool education institutions and residential institutions of national minorities in the territory of North-Eastern Ukraine in the 20–30s of the XX century was represented by kindergartens, children’s playgrounds, day-care children’s homes, children’s homes. The dynamics of the number of institutions and coverage of children of the corresponding age is revealed. The content of upbringing of children in preschool education institutions and residential institutions of national minorities in lab our, artistic-aesthetic, physical and 20 socialist directions is outlined. The forms and methods of realization of the indicated directions are found out. It is stated that the basis for reforming the school education of national minorities was the idea of creation of a united labour school. It is established that in the territory of North-Eastern Ukraine a school network was formed that covered such nationalities as Jews, Poles, Germans, Lithuanians, Armenians, Tatars, Latvians and Assyrians. The dynamics of formation of the school network for national minorities during the studied period was uneven, which was determined by the alternation of periods of development and decline of school construction. It is established that changes in the educational process of the labour schools of national minorities were carried out through qualitative transformations in general education component, national component, the nature of labour orientation (from labour to polytechnic school), the degree of ideological loading. The normative foundations and basic types of institutions of vocational education of national minorities are defined: short-term and higher pedagogical courses, pedagogical courses of professional development, vocational schools, handicraft workshops, vocational-technical schools of factory-industrial apprenticeship, technical schools and national sectors at technical schools. The peculiarities of organization of educational process in each of the mentioned types of institutions of vocational education are characterized. It is revealed that the areas of political education work among the national minorities of the region were elimination of illiteracy and cultural-educational development. Types of institutions of political education work of national minorities represented in the territory of the North-Eastern Ukraine: schools (schools for illiteracy elimination, schools for illiterate and evening working schools of II stage), institutions of club type (clubs, reading houses, peasant houses), libraries are characterized. The organizational forms of the educational process in these types of institutions of political education are found out. The forms and methods of teaching in the institutions of political education are specified.
The thesis is a comprehensive historical-pedagogical study on the development of education of national minorities in the North-Eastern Ukraine in the 20–30s of the XX century. In the thesis on the basis of analysis of published and archival sources, the theoretical principles of research on development of education of national minorities in the North-Eastern Ukraine in the studied period are substantiated. The key concepts of research (“national minorities”, “education of national minorities”, “development of education of national minorities”) are defined. Generalization of the state of scientific development of the problem and classification of resource base of research are carried out. The organizational-pedagogical foundations of development of education of national minorities in preschool institutions and residential institutions, labour schools, institutions of vocational education, political education institutions in the North-Eastern Ukraine in the 20–30s of the XX century are determined. It is found out that the network of preschool education institutions and residential institutions of national minorities in the territory of North-Eastern Ukraine in the 20–30s of the XX century was represented by kindergartens, children’s playgrounds, day-care children’s homes, children’s homes. The dynamics of the number of institutions and coverage of children of the corresponding age is revealed. The content of upbringing of children in preschool education institutions and residential institutions of national minorities in lab our, artistic-aesthetic, physical and 20 socialist directions is outlined. The forms and methods of realization of the indicated directions are found out. It is stated that the basis for reforming the school education of national minorities was the idea of creation of a united labour school. It is established that in the territory of North-Eastern Ukraine a school network was formed that covered such nationalities as Jews, Poles, Germans, Lithuanians, Armenians, Tatars, Latvians and Assyrians. The dynamics of formation of the school network for national minorities during the studied period was uneven, which was determined by the alternation of periods of development and decline of school construction. It is established that changes in the educational process of the labour schools of national minorities were carried out through qualitative transformations in general education component, national component, the nature of labour orientation (from labour to polytechnic school), the degree of ideological loading. The normative foundations and basic types of institutions of vocational education of national minorities are defined: short-term and higher pedagogical courses, pedagogical courses of professional development, vocational schools, handicraft workshops, vocational-technical schools of factory-industrial apprenticeship, technical schools and national sectors at technical schools. The peculiarities of organization of educational process in each of the mentioned types of institutions of vocational education are characterized. It is revealed that the areas of political education work among the national minorities of the region were elimination of illiteracy and cultural-educational development. Types of institutions of political education work of national minorities represented in the territory of the North-Eastern Ukraine: schools (schools for illiteracy elimination, schools for illiterate and evening working schools of II stage), institutions of club type (clubs, reading houses, peasant houses), libraries are characterized. The organizational forms of the educational process in these types of institutions of political education are found out. The forms and methods of teaching in the institutions of political education are specified.
Ключові слова
розвиток, національна меншина, освіта національних меншин, Північно-Східна Україна, 20–30-ті роки ХХ століття, організаційно-педагогічні засади, дошкільні установи, трудові школи, професійно-освітні заклади, політосвітні установи, development, national minority, education of national minorities, North-Eastern Ukraine, 20–30s of the XX century, organizational-pedagogical foundations, preschool institutions, labour schools, vocational education institutions, political education institutions
Бібліографічний опис
Сидоренко, Н. В. Розвиток освіти національних меншин у Північно-Східній Україні у 20-х–30-х роках XX століття [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : [спец.] 13.00.01 – загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки / Сидоренко Наталія Володимирівна ; [науковий керівник Н. Г. Осьмук]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – 20 с.