До питання соціальної компетентності студентів ВНЗ
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Метою статті є розгляд шляхів інтеграції в навчальний процес форм роботи, спрямованих на формування у студентів соціоемоційних умінь та навичок; аналіз способів оцінювання результатів подібної навчальної роботи. На прикладі вищих шкіл Німеччини та України розглядаються конкретні заходи, які забезпечують розвиток умінь креативно й ефективно діяти в складних ситуаціях, постійно вдосконалювати особисті якості, необхідні для успішного працевлаштування. У результаті дослідження зроблено висновки про те, що можливо й доцільно внести до робочих програм вищих навчальних закладів України предмет «Соціальна комунікація». Перспективним вважається також вивчення в подальшому однієї із соціальних компетенцій – здатності до подолання конфліктів.
The article focuses on the question how to examine the general ways of integration into the learning process of measures to develop and improve social competence for students in higher education on the example of Europe Bologna-System and implementation in Ukraine of the international project Tempus “Impress”. Establishment of studying social competence, unfortunately, does not have the large-scale nature, though, according to the Bologna program is one of the main factors in formation of a highly valuable person. The same situation we have in Ukraine. But today many institutions of higher education abroad already offer their students courses on the subject “Soft Skills”. In such courses the students learn to analyze the positive and negative aspects of their character, to get effective, proven in practice, knowledge and techniques, that are necessary by improving their skills. Necessary changes are made in the curriculum, which involve not only seminars and workshops on the subject, but also binding activity of students in the social field and in the cells of government. The results of these activities are rated by teachers as any of the traditional subjects and are included to the general number of time credits provided for a specialty. Basic principles of the Bologna process are provided in our country in the implementation of the international project TEMPUS “IMPRESS” – “Improved student services”. The main goal is to create a modern center of student support services at leading classic universities of Ukraine. One of the project results was the creation of the newest course “Soft Skills”, developed on the basis of modern international academic standards. The research shows that the integration into the learning process of the subject “Social competence” has a positive impact on society. Employment in the public sphere raises the self-esteem of a student and his civic competence, sharpens his attention to the problems of politics and society, and teaches the objective evaluation of reality and understanding other people. Public institutions will benefit from the employment of young energetic professionals, open to innovation and change. Educational institutions, that have provided training students to use their own potential in all fields, are of great authority among other schools.
The article focuses on the question how to examine the general ways of integration into the learning process of measures to develop and improve social competence for students in higher education on the example of Europe Bologna-System and implementation in Ukraine of the international project Tempus “Impress”. Establishment of studying social competence, unfortunately, does not have the large-scale nature, though, according to the Bologna program is one of the main factors in formation of a highly valuable person. The same situation we have in Ukraine. But today many institutions of higher education abroad already offer their students courses on the subject “Soft Skills”. In such courses the students learn to analyze the positive and negative aspects of their character, to get effective, proven in practice, knowledge and techniques, that are necessary by improving their skills. Necessary changes are made in the curriculum, which involve not only seminars and workshops on the subject, but also binding activity of students in the social field and in the cells of government. The results of these activities are rated by teachers as any of the traditional subjects and are included to the general number of time credits provided for a specialty. Basic principles of the Bologna process are provided in our country in the implementation of the international project TEMPUS “IMPRESS” – “Improved student services”. The main goal is to create a modern center of student support services at leading classic universities of Ukraine. One of the project results was the creation of the newest course “Soft Skills”, developed on the basis of modern international academic standards. The research shows that the integration into the learning process of the subject “Social competence” has a positive impact on society. Employment in the public sphere raises the self-esteem of a student and his civic competence, sharpens his attention to the problems of politics and society, and teaches the objective evaluation of reality and understanding other people. Public institutions will benefit from the employment of young energetic professionals, open to innovation and change. Educational institutions, that have provided training students to use their own potential in all fields, are of great authority among other schools.
Ключові слова
соціоемоційні вміння та навички, соціальна компетентність, соціальні служби, студентські служби, кураторська робота, Болонья, Темпус, soft skills, social competence, social services, student services, Tutor System Garching, Bologna, Tempus
Бібліографічний опис
Шевченко, О. До питання соціальної компетентності студентів ВНЗ [Текст] / О. Шевченко, К. Грунвальдт // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 4 (58). – С. 466–473.