Educational Process with the Students with the Special Needs in the Higher Educational Establishment
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Авторка у статті розкриває можливості розвитку соціальної компетентності студентів із особливими потребами у виховному процесі вищого навчального закладу. Проаналізовано походження і значення терміну «соціальна компетентність», визначено міждисциплінарні зв’язки у трактуванні поняття. Ґрунтовно проведене дослідження проблеми здобуття вищої освіти особами з особливими потребами і деталізовано структуру та зміст поняття, що дозволило визначити специфіку процесу організації виховної роботи за цим напрямом у вищому навчальному закладі.
In the article the author reveals the possibilities of the development of social competence of students with special needs in the educational process of the higher educational establishment. The origin and meaning of the term "social competence" were analyzed; interdisciplinary connections in the interpretation of the concept were defined. The investigation of the problem of receiving higher education by people with special needs was thoroughly carried out and the structure and content of the concept were detailed, that allowed to determine the specifics of the process of the organization of the educational work in this area in the higher educational establishment. In reference materials social competence is defined as a complex entity, reflecting the level of adequacy and effectiveness of the human response to the problematic life situations, achieving real goals in a specific social context, the using of appropriate methods for it and positive development as a result of their own activity in society, confirmation of adequacy of social behavior by others, ability to participate in a complex system of interpersonal relationships and to understand other people. The content of social competence is multidimensional as the competence itself, it largely depends on the specifics of the social situation, in which there is a formation of this competence of the personality and in which acquired knowledge, skills and personal characteristics are realized. Thus, despite the fact that the content of the investigated concept is determined by the social context, the essence of social competence is understood as the social construct, the formation of which is caused by the act of external factors of a particular social situation. The structure of social competence is defined as from the point of specific requirements of external environment, and as basing on established scientific views on the structure of personality. Understanding social competence as an integrative personality formation, which combines social knowledge, abilities, behavioral skills in a system that allows to integrate internal and external resources to achieve socially important goals and solve problems in different social situations with a clear understanding of their role in this process, in its structure three major components will be considered – cognitive (information, social knowledge, education, awareness), value-significant (values, ideals, motivation, moral milestones) and component of activities (actions, doings, behavioral strategies).
In the article the author reveals the possibilities of the development of social competence of students with special needs in the educational process of the higher educational establishment. The origin and meaning of the term "social competence" were analyzed; interdisciplinary connections in the interpretation of the concept were defined. The investigation of the problem of receiving higher education by people with special needs was thoroughly carried out and the structure and content of the concept were detailed, that allowed to determine the specifics of the process of the organization of the educational work in this area in the higher educational establishment. In reference materials social competence is defined as a complex entity, reflecting the level of adequacy and effectiveness of the human response to the problematic life situations, achieving real goals in a specific social context, the using of appropriate methods for it and positive development as a result of their own activity in society, confirmation of adequacy of social behavior by others, ability to participate in a complex system of interpersonal relationships and to understand other people. The content of social competence is multidimensional as the competence itself, it largely depends on the specifics of the social situation, in which there is a formation of this competence of the personality and in which acquired knowledge, skills and personal characteristics are realized. Thus, despite the fact that the content of the investigated concept is determined by the social context, the essence of social competence is understood as the social construct, the formation of which is caused by the act of external factors of a particular social situation. The structure of social competence is defined as from the point of specific requirements of external environment, and as basing on established scientific views on the structure of personality. Understanding social competence as an integrative personality formation, which combines social knowledge, abilities, behavioral skills in a system that allows to integrate internal and external resources to achieve socially important goals and solve problems in different social situations with a clear understanding of their role in this process, in its structure three major components will be considered – cognitive (information, social knowledge, education, awareness), value-significant (values, ideals, motivation, moral milestones) and component of activities (actions, doings, behavioral strategies).
Ключові слова
компетентність, соціальна компетентність, студенти з особливими потребами, виховання, competence, social competence, students with special needs, upbringing
Бібліографічний опис
Ponomaryova, G. F. Educational Process with the Students with the Special Needs in the Higher Educational Establishment [Текст] / G. F. Ponomaryova // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 6 (50). – С. 145–157.