Формування готовності майбутніх учителів до самореалізації творчого потенціалу у процесі навчальної педагогічної практики
Кононенко Марія Петрівна
Kononenko Mariia Petrivna
Коваленко Наталія Володимирівна
Kovalenko Nataliia Volodymyrivna
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У статті проаналізовано підходи щодо розуміння поняття «професійна готовність», визначено сутність інтегрального утворення майбутнього вчителя – готовність до самореалізації творчого потенціалу у професійній діяльності, змодельовано та описано його структуру, що містить мотиваційний, змістовий, технологічний, управлінський компоненти, досліджено показники готовності. Проаналізовано навчальну педагогічну практику як важливу складову професійної підготовки педагогів та розглянуто педагогічні умови формування готовності майбутніх учителів до самореалізації творчого потенціалу у професійній діяльності, які охоплюють підготовчий, основний та підсумковий етапи навчальної практики.
The article analyzes the main approaches to understanding the notion of future teachers’ «professional readiness», the meaning of integrated education of future teachers is defined as readiness to realize creative potential during the pedagogical activity. The creative potential of the teacher is realized in all main directions of his activity: preparation and implementation of the teaching process, the study, analyzing and evaluating of the final results of his professional self-improvement. Therefore, the formation of future teachers’ readiness to realize the creative potential in educational activity is one of the leading tasks of their professional training. That is why, the aim of the article is to define the pedagogical conditions of forming of future teachers’ readiness to the realization of their creative potential in the pedagogical practice. The structure of future teachers’ «professional readiness» is modeled and described. The model of professional readiness of future teachers contains motivational, informative, technological and management components; the indicators of future teachers’ professional readiness are studied. Educational teaching practice is analyzed, as an important component of professional training of teachers and pedagogical conditions of forming future teachers’ readiness to realize creative potential during the pedagogical practice are reviewed. They cover preparatory, main and final stages of training practice. The analysis of problem of future teachers’ self-realization in the professional activity, both in scientific and pedagogical practice, let us suggest that it is developed in pedagogical theory very intensively. Purposeful students’ orientation for realization of their creative potential in the pedagogical practice, forming their innovative thinking in this practice will contribute to more successful entry of young teachers in the professional activity. Teaching practice can be seen not only as an important means of future teachers training, as an organizational form of the educational process in pedagogical higher establishments, but even as the leading factor of self-development, forming of students’ individual creative abilities in professional activity.
The article analyzes the main approaches to understanding the notion of future teachers’ «professional readiness», the meaning of integrated education of future teachers is defined as readiness to realize creative potential during the pedagogical activity. The creative potential of the teacher is realized in all main directions of his activity: preparation and implementation of the teaching process, the study, analyzing and evaluating of the final results of his professional self-improvement. Therefore, the formation of future teachers’ readiness to realize the creative potential in educational activity is one of the leading tasks of their professional training. That is why, the aim of the article is to define the pedagogical conditions of forming of future teachers’ readiness to the realization of their creative potential in the pedagogical practice. The structure of future teachers’ «professional readiness» is modeled and described. The model of professional readiness of future teachers contains motivational, informative, technological and management components; the indicators of future teachers’ professional readiness are studied. Educational teaching practice is analyzed, as an important component of professional training of teachers and pedagogical conditions of forming future teachers’ readiness to realize creative potential during the pedagogical practice are reviewed. They cover preparatory, main and final stages of training practice. The analysis of problem of future teachers’ self-realization in the professional activity, both in scientific and pedagogical practice, let us suggest that it is developed in pedagogical theory very intensively. Purposeful students’ orientation for realization of their creative potential in the pedagogical practice, forming their innovative thinking in this practice will contribute to more successful entry of young teachers in the professional activity. Teaching practice can be seen not only as an important means of future teachers training, as an organizational form of the educational process in pedagogical higher establishments, but even as the leading factor of self-development, forming of students’ individual creative abilities in professional activity.
Ключові слова
педагогічна підготовка майбутнього вчителя, навчальна практика студентів педагогічних ВНЗ, готовність майбутніх педагогів до самореалізації творчого потенціалу у професійній діяльності, компоненти та показники, pedagogical training of a future teacher, readiness of future teachers to realize creative potential in professional activity, components and indicators of future teachers’ professional readiness
Бібліографічний опис
Кононенко, М. П. Формування готовності майбутніх учителів до самореалізації творчого потенціалу у процесі навчальної педагогічної практики [Текст] / М. П. Кононенко, Н. В. Коваленко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 4 (38). – С. 177–185.