Формування математичної компетентності майбутніх учителів фізико-математичних спеціальностей у фаховій підготовці
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Розроблено модель формування математичної компетентності майбутніх учителів фізико-математичних спеціальностей у фаховій підготовці, що містить мету, складові компоненти математичної компетентності (змістово-предметний, когнітивно-процесуальний, пошуково-дослідницький), підходи (системний, особнстісно-орієнтований, діяльнісний, інтегративний, компетентнісний) та принципи (загальнодидактичні та специфічні: мотивації, якісної організації самостійної роботи, інтегративності навчання, професійної спрямованості, доцільного використання комп’ютерно-орієнтованих технологій), зміст (вдосконалення навчальних планів), методи (засновані на рівнях пізнавальної активності студентів, метод математичного моделювання, аксіоматичний, кейс-метод, метод проектів), форми (пов’язані з кількісною характеристикою студентів, лекції, практичні, семінари, самостійна робота, навчально-дослідницька робота) та засоби навчання (робочий зошит, комп’ютерно- орієнтовані технології, соціальні Internet-мережі), критерії (когнітивний, процедурно-технологічний, Інтелектуальний), показники (обсяг знань, глибина знань, процедурні навички та технологічні вміння, системність знань, прогностичні вміння та варіативність мислення) та рівні сформованості (низький, середній, достатній, високий) математичної компетентності майбутніх вчителів фізика-математичних спеціальностей у фаховій підготовці.
Проведена діагностика рівнів сформованості в майбутніх учителів кожного компонента математичної компетентності. Виконане статистичне опрацювання отриманих даних підтверджує статистично правдиві висновки про ефективність моделі формування досліджуваної компетентності.
In the process of the research the status of the problem of formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical and mathematical specialties was studied and summarised; basic concepts of the research were defined; "mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties", "formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties in professional training", the content and the structure of mathematical competence, criteria and indicators of formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical and mathematical specialties were defined. In the thesis the effectiveness of pedagogical model of formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties in professional training is theoretically grounded and experimentally tested, which consists of methodological block containing the aim, components of the mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties (content-subject, cognitive-procedural, research) describes approaches (systematic, personality-oriented, activity, integrative, competence) and principles (general-didactic and specific: motivation, qualitative organization of independent work, integration of education, professional orientation, appropriate use of computer-oriented technologies), which are the basis of formation of such personal formation; activity block that describes the content (curriculum development and development of special course "Selected topics of school mathematics from the point of view of higher"), methods (based on levels of cognitive activity of students, mathematical modelling, axiomatic, case-method, project method), shape (connected with the quantitative characteristics of students, lectures, practical classes, seminars, individual work, research work) and tools (workbook, computer-oriented technologies social Internet networks) training of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties in the process of forming mathematical competence; diagnostic block, in which the criteria are described (cognitive, procedural-technological, intellectual), indicators (level of knowledge, depth of knowledge, procedural skills, and technological skills, system knowledge, predictive skills and variability of thinking) and levels of formation (low, average, sufficient, high) of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties in the professional training. Among the organizational forms of education that contribute to the formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of mathematics, we noted the forms connected with the quantitative characteristics of students (front, collective, group, individual), lectures, practical lessons, seminars, independent work and research work. The experimental study confirmed the effectiveness of the pedagogical model of formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties in professional training. Diagnostics of levels of formation of future teachers of each component of mathematical competence was carried out. Performed statistical processing of the received data at all stages of experimental work allows us to make statistically reliable conclusions about the effectiveness of the pedagogical model formation of studied competence. The practical results of the research can be used by scientists, teachers, methodologists in the process of teaching physical and mathematical disciplines at comparable faculties in higher pedagogical educational establishments, be applied in the preparation of textbooks, methodical books and recommendations, in writing term papers, theses, master works, be used in distance education, refresher courses for teachers of physics and mathematics, in schools with profound studying of physical-mathematical disciplines, gymnasiums, lyceums, secondary schools.
In the process of the research the status of the problem of formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical and mathematical specialties was studied and summarised; basic concepts of the research were defined; "mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties", "formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties in professional training", the content and the structure of mathematical competence, criteria and indicators of formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical and mathematical specialties were defined. In the thesis the effectiveness of pedagogical model of formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties in professional training is theoretically grounded and experimentally tested, which consists of methodological block containing the aim, components of the mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties (content-subject, cognitive-procedural, research) describes approaches (systematic, personality-oriented, activity, integrative, competence) and principles (general-didactic and specific: motivation, qualitative organization of independent work, integration of education, professional orientation, appropriate use of computer-oriented technologies), which are the basis of formation of such personal formation; activity block that describes the content (curriculum development and development of special course "Selected topics of school mathematics from the point of view of higher"), methods (based on levels of cognitive activity of students, mathematical modelling, axiomatic, case-method, project method), shape (connected with the quantitative characteristics of students, lectures, practical classes, seminars, individual work, research work) and tools (workbook, computer-oriented technologies social Internet networks) training of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties in the process of forming mathematical competence; diagnostic block, in which the criteria are described (cognitive, procedural-technological, intellectual), indicators (level of knowledge, depth of knowledge, procedural skills, and technological skills, system knowledge, predictive skills and variability of thinking) and levels of formation (low, average, sufficient, high) of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties in the professional training. Among the organizational forms of education that contribute to the formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of mathematics, we noted the forms connected with the quantitative characteristics of students (front, collective, group, individual), lectures, practical lessons, seminars, independent work and research work. The experimental study confirmed the effectiveness of the pedagogical model of formation of mathematical competence of future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties in professional training. Diagnostics of levels of formation of future teachers of each component of mathematical competence was carried out. Performed statistical processing of the received data at all stages of experimental work allows us to make statistically reliable conclusions about the effectiveness of the pedagogical model formation of studied competence. The practical results of the research can be used by scientists, teachers, methodologists in the process of teaching physical and mathematical disciplines at comparable faculties in higher pedagogical educational establishments, be applied in the preparation of textbooks, methodical books and recommendations, in writing term papers, theses, master works, be used in distance education, refresher courses for teachers of physics and mathematics, in schools with profound studying of physical-mathematical disciplines, gymnasiums, lyceums, secondary schools.
Ключові слова
математична компетентність, майбутні вчителі фізико-математичних спеціальностей, фахова підготовка, формування, модель, mathematical competence, future teachers of physical-mathematical specialties, formation, pedagogical conditions, educational-game technologies, project activities
Бібліографічний опис
Чкана, Я. О. Формування математичної компетентності майбутніх учителів фізико-математичних спеціальностей у фаховій підготовці [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.04 – теорія і методика проф. освіти / Я. О. Чкана ; науковий керівник О. В. Семеніхіна. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – 20 с.