Гендерна освіта в початковій школі: проблеми і перспективи реалізації
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Зазначена наукова розвідка представлена з метою висвітлення й обґрунтування проблем і реальних перспектив гендерної освіти в сучасній початковій школі. Методи дослідження подано як психолого-педагогічні напрацювання: системно-структурний аналіз, синтез, порівняння, класифікація, узагальнення. Методологічні засади розглядаються у вигляді наукових позицій провідних фахівців в галузі педагогіки з питань технологій впровадження принципів гендерної демократії в сферу освітнього простору. Результати і практичне значення дослідження подані в ракурсі презентації проблем набуття ознак практичної готовності до гендерної освіти нової генерації підростаючого покоління. Перспективи подальших розвідок обумовлені далекосяжними змінами в позиціях науковців щодо гендерної проблематики в педагогіці.
The specified scientific exploration is presented in order to examine and study the problems and prospects of real gender education in modern elementary school. Methods are presented as psychological and pedagogical achievements: system-structural analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, and summarization. Methodological principles considered as scientifically leading experts in the field of pedagogy in gender pedagogy for the introduction of gender component in education: gender mainstreaming in the education of adolescents and seniors, training future professionals and gender education of students, modern gender studies in pedagogy that presented as specific technologies towards gender democracy in the field of educational space. The results of research and practical importance given the perspective of presentation problems acquiring practical signs of readiness for a new generation of gender education of the younger generation through proper education of boys and girls, their focus on partnership and interchangeability in family and social roles, which is possible only through the formation of gender in children consciousness. Copyright definition of gender education is presented as a scientific ideology based on the principles of equality of articles on critical examination of relations between the sexes, which are socially constructed, constructed by society. This view is based on scientific reconstruction of these relations in each case, every social institution of society. The wording of the article the findings transformations in modern society as well as to establish the need for gender education perspective as a natural process that is associated with changes leading ideologies regarding "special purpose articles" on their ideas about equality. Prospects for further research due to far-reaching changes in the positions of researchers on gender issues in pedagogy. Thus gender education, meeting the requirements of a modern democratic society and the development of the law involves a departure from the concept of undoubted "innate sex differences between boys’ and girls' education and the idea of" innate gender roles, "shifting the emphasis on the institutional context and environment context equitable interaction of gender relations.
The specified scientific exploration is presented in order to examine and study the problems and prospects of real gender education in modern elementary school. Methods are presented as psychological and pedagogical achievements: system-structural analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, and summarization. Methodological principles considered as scientifically leading experts in the field of pedagogy in gender pedagogy for the introduction of gender component in education: gender mainstreaming in the education of adolescents and seniors, training future professionals and gender education of students, modern gender studies in pedagogy that presented as specific technologies towards gender democracy in the field of educational space. The results of research and practical importance given the perspective of presentation problems acquiring practical signs of readiness for a new generation of gender education of the younger generation through proper education of boys and girls, their focus on partnership and interchangeability in family and social roles, which is possible only through the formation of gender in children consciousness. Copyright definition of gender education is presented as a scientific ideology based on the principles of equality of articles on critical examination of relations between the sexes, which are socially constructed, constructed by society. This view is based on scientific reconstruction of these relations in each case, every social institution of society. The wording of the article the findings transformations in modern society as well as to establish the need for gender education perspective as a natural process that is associated with changes leading ideologies regarding "special purpose articles" on their ideas about equality. Prospects for further research due to far-reaching changes in the positions of researchers on gender issues in pedagogy. Thus gender education, meeting the requirements of a modern democratic society and the development of the law involves a departure from the concept of undoubted "innate sex differences between boys’ and girls' education and the idea of" innate gender roles, "shifting the emphasis on the institutional context and environment context equitable interaction of gender relations.
Ключові слова
гендер, gender, початкова школа, primary school, молодший шкільний вік, primary school age, соціалізація, socialization, стереотипи, stereotypes, проблеми і перспективи, problems and prospects
Бібліографічний опис
Павлущенко, Н. М. Гендерна освіта в початковій школі: проблеми та перспективи реалізації [Текст] / Н. М. Павлущенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 3 (47). – С. 289–297.