Організаційно-педагогічні засади розвитку неформальної освіти дорослих у США (остання чверть ХХ – початок ХХІ століття)
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Дисертація є комплексним дослідженням у галузі компаративної педагогіки, яке присвячено з’ясуванню організаційно-педагогічних засад неформальної освіти дорослих у США останньої чверті ХХ – початку ХХІ століття та окресленню можливості творчого використання прогресивних ідей американського досвіду в реформуванні системи освіти дорослих в Україні.
Здійснено аналіз стану розроблення досліджуваної проблеми в працях вітчизняних і зарубіжних дослідників. Схарактеризовано поняттєво-термінологічний апарат дослідження. Простежено ґенезу й виокремлено етапи розвитку неформальної освіти дорослих у США. Схарактеризовано теоретичні, нормативні, структурні, змістові та процесуальні засади розвитку неформальної освіти дорослих у Сполучених Штатах. Визначено перспективні напрями розвитку неформальної освіти дорослих у США. Виокремлено прогресивні ідеї американського досвіду та обґрунтовано рекомендації щодо їх творчого використання в модернізації системи освіти дорослих України на таких рівнях: загальнодержавному, регіональному, на рівні громад і рівні провайдерів.
The thesis is a complex research in the field of comparative pedagogy, which is devoted to study the organizational and pedagogical foundations of non-formal adult education in the USA in the last quarter of XX – beginning of XXI century and to describe possibilities for creative using of progressive ideas of American experience in reformation the system of adult education in Ukraine. The analysis of investigated problem in the works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers has been made. The main aspects of adult education: philosophical, historical, pedagogical, psychological, social, educational, andragogical have been defined. The author determined the conceptual-terminological research unit. The term «non-formal adult education» is explained as socially, culturally, economically and politically determined phenomenon; socio-educational, dynamic, open, variable, mobile system, specially organized activity not aimed on getting a diploma (certificate) of education; it happens outside the institutionalized context, the process within which an adult has the opportunity to develop consciously as a person, social institute, which is a mechanism of social protection, development of democratic civil society. Genesis is formulated and stages of non-formal adult education in the United States are defined: structural-organizing (1924–1945) – distinguishing of adult education into a separate branch; reformist (1946–1966) – intensive formation of legislative and legal framework of adult education, mass character; institutional (1967–1990) – a conceptual formation of non-formal education as a component of lifelong learning; further creation of legislative framework, diversification of structure; constructive (1991–2000) – expansion of social objectives, emphasis on literacy problems, prevention of social marginality; implementing (2001 – beginning of XXI century) – focusing on formation of active public, complementarity of formal and non-formal adult education, searching of mechanisms of validation of the results of non-formal adult education, diversification. It was proved that American non-formal adult education has passed a long way of historical development and continues to develop dynamically and constantly due to external (social-economic, demographic, socio-cultural and technological influences), internal (educational interests, needs of adults, motivation) factors. The author characterized the theoretical foundations of non-formal adult education in the US, showed harmonious combination of concepts of andragogy, lifelong learning, society, knowledge; defined the principles of openness, masses, democratization, social orientation, integration, flexibility, rapid development. Legislative foundations (laws, normative acts, etc.) governing the appointed process are analyzed. It is found that the legislative framework differs in branching and renewal; strengthening of decentralized expressions and using of the model «bottom up» and democratic model for the development and implementation of educational policy; emphasis on its transparency, expansion of social partnership. The author determined structural bases (system-forecasting approach, principles: vertical diversification, focusing on the needs and interests of adults, community and society, flexibility, dynamism, openness, versatility) that provide the development of diversification structure of non-formal adult education. The content foundations: the priority model of integrated curriculum; direct participation of adult students in the development, implementation and evaluation of curricula and programs; their diversity, customer-oriented, practice-oriented, modularity, adaptability are defined. Procedural foundations: theories and models of empirical, self-oriented and transformational learning process, principles of adult learning (interactivity, orientation on the experience of those who study, active subjectivity, reflexivity, innovation, cooperation, democracy, variability, personalization) are characterized. It was determined that the organizational and pedagogical foundations of non-formal adult education in the US include interdependence, interpenetration and interconnection of its components, providing rapid development and deep horizontal and vertical diversification of non-formal adult education, its social orientation. Perspective directions of non-formal adult education in the United States: results of validation of non-formal adult education, the development of active citizenship, preparing andragogists are determined. The possibilities and recommendations of using progressive ideas of American experience in Ukraine at the national and regional level, at the community level and provider level are defined.
The thesis is a complex research in the field of comparative pedagogy, which is devoted to study the organizational and pedagogical foundations of non-formal adult education in the USA in the last quarter of XX – beginning of XXI century and to describe possibilities for creative using of progressive ideas of American experience in reformation the system of adult education in Ukraine. The analysis of investigated problem in the works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers has been made. The main aspects of adult education: philosophical, historical, pedagogical, psychological, social, educational, andragogical have been defined. The author determined the conceptual-terminological research unit. The term «non-formal adult education» is explained as socially, culturally, economically and politically determined phenomenon; socio-educational, dynamic, open, variable, mobile system, specially organized activity not aimed on getting a diploma (certificate) of education; it happens outside the institutionalized context, the process within which an adult has the opportunity to develop consciously as a person, social institute, which is a mechanism of social protection, development of democratic civil society. Genesis is formulated and stages of non-formal adult education in the United States are defined: structural-organizing (1924–1945) – distinguishing of adult education into a separate branch; reformist (1946–1966) – intensive formation of legislative and legal framework of adult education, mass character; institutional (1967–1990) – a conceptual formation of non-formal education as a component of lifelong learning; further creation of legislative framework, diversification of structure; constructive (1991–2000) – expansion of social objectives, emphasis on literacy problems, prevention of social marginality; implementing (2001 – beginning of XXI century) – focusing on formation of active public, complementarity of formal and non-formal adult education, searching of mechanisms of validation of the results of non-formal adult education, diversification. It was proved that American non-formal adult education has passed a long way of historical development and continues to develop dynamically and constantly due to external (social-economic, demographic, socio-cultural and technological influences), internal (educational interests, needs of adults, motivation) factors. The author characterized the theoretical foundations of non-formal adult education in the US, showed harmonious combination of concepts of andragogy, lifelong learning, society, knowledge; defined the principles of openness, masses, democratization, social orientation, integration, flexibility, rapid development. Legislative foundations (laws, normative acts, etc.) governing the appointed process are analyzed. It is found that the legislative framework differs in branching and renewal; strengthening of decentralized expressions and using of the model «bottom up» and democratic model for the development and implementation of educational policy; emphasis on its transparency, expansion of social partnership. The author determined structural bases (system-forecasting approach, principles: vertical diversification, focusing on the needs and interests of adults, community and society, flexibility, dynamism, openness, versatility) that provide the development of diversification structure of non-formal adult education. The content foundations: the priority model of integrated curriculum; direct participation of adult students in the development, implementation and evaluation of curricula and programs; their diversity, customer-oriented, practice-oriented, modularity, adaptability are defined. Procedural foundations: theories and models of empirical, self-oriented and transformational learning process, principles of adult learning (interactivity, orientation on the experience of those who study, active subjectivity, reflexivity, innovation, cooperation, democracy, variability, personalization) are characterized. It was determined that the organizational and pedagogical foundations of non-formal adult education in the US include interdependence, interpenetration and interconnection of its components, providing rapid development and deep horizontal and vertical diversification of non-formal adult education, its social orientation. Perspective directions of non-formal adult education in the United States: results of validation of non-formal adult education, the development of active citizenship, preparing andragogists are determined. The possibilities and recommendations of using progressive ideas of American experience in Ukraine at the national and regional level, at the community level and provider level are defined.
Ключові слова
освіта дорослих, неформальна освіта дорослих, освіта впродовж життя, Сполучені Штати Америки, організаційно-педагогічні засади, розвиток, доросла людина, структура, зміст, технології навчання, диверсифікація, adult education, non-formal adult education, lifelong learning, United States of America, organizational and pedagogical foundations, development, adult, structure, content, educational technologies, diversification
Бібліографічний опис
Терьохіна, Н. О. Організаційно-педагогічні засади розвитку неформальної освіти дорослих у США (остання чверть XX - XXI століття) [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.01 – загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки / Н. О. Терьохіна ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка. – Суми, 2015. – 20 с.