Лінгводидактична підготовка вчителя початкових класів у руслі соціокультурних тенденцій сучасності
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У статті підкреслюється актуальність соціокультурного підходу до формування фахової лінгводидактичної компетентності майбутнього вчителя початкової школи згідно з освітніми інноваціями сучасності. Автор проводить аналіз основних понять соціокультурного підходу до лінгводидактичної підготовки студентів, описує шляхи комплексного формування соціокультурної та лінгводидактичної компетентностей випускника педагогічного ВНЗ, що в кінцевому результаті втілюються в лінгводидактичній культурі майбутнього вчителя початкової школи, наголошує на винятковій ролі в цьому процесі якісного соціокультурного середовища вишу, яке передбачає дотримання соціокультурних вимог до професійної підготовки, більшу частину якої для вчителя початкової школи становить лінгводидактична фахова підготовка.
The article emphasizes the relevance of socio-cultural approach to the formation of professional linguodidactic competence of the prospective primary school teacher according to the educational innovations of our time. Author carries out a detailed analysis of the basic concepts of socio-cultural approach to the students’ linguodidactic training, describes the ways of complex forming of socio-cultural and linguodidactic competencies of the pedagogical universities graduate, which ultimately are embodied in linguodidactic culture of the prospective primary school teacher; underlines the exceptional role of qualitative socio-cultural environment of the university in this process, that assumes agreement with social and cultural requirements for professional training, most of which is linguodidactic professional training of primary school teacher. The author states that as a result of socio-cultural trends and factors of national higher education, following the global educational trends, combines two major vectors of development, which, at first glance, seem rather contradictory: information technology and technological and anthropocentric democratic. In fact, both directions have common roots and ways of implementation in education, because all innovations are caused by socio-cultural factors of out-of-educational and educational levels and are reflected in the so-called socio-cultural approach to the training of specialists in educational field and prospective primary school teachers in particular. An important result of this process is the formation of socio-cultural competence of prospective specialists, which the author describes in the broadest sense as a complex formation and expression of their linguistic and communicative, social, intellectual, cultural, information technology and life competencies. As a result, the author concludes that the implementation of socio-cultural aspects of professional linguodidactic training of a future primary school teacher in all its levels is today the most important direction of work of the relevant department, which regulates the quality of the educational process and the competitiveness of prospective graduates.
The article emphasizes the relevance of socio-cultural approach to the formation of professional linguodidactic competence of the prospective primary school teacher according to the educational innovations of our time. Author carries out a detailed analysis of the basic concepts of socio-cultural approach to the students’ linguodidactic training, describes the ways of complex forming of socio-cultural and linguodidactic competencies of the pedagogical universities graduate, which ultimately are embodied in linguodidactic culture of the prospective primary school teacher; underlines the exceptional role of qualitative socio-cultural environment of the university in this process, that assumes agreement with social and cultural requirements for professional training, most of which is linguodidactic professional training of primary school teacher. The author states that as a result of socio-cultural trends and factors of national higher education, following the global educational trends, combines two major vectors of development, which, at first glance, seem rather contradictory: information technology and technological and anthropocentric democratic. In fact, both directions have common roots and ways of implementation in education, because all innovations are caused by socio-cultural factors of out-of-educational and educational levels and are reflected in the so-called socio-cultural approach to the training of specialists in educational field and prospective primary school teachers in particular. An important result of this process is the formation of socio-cultural competence of prospective specialists, which the author describes in the broadest sense as a complex formation and expression of their linguistic and communicative, social, intellectual, cultural, information technology and life competencies. As a result, the author concludes that the implementation of socio-cultural aspects of professional linguodidactic training of a future primary school teacher in all its levels is today the most important direction of work of the relevant department, which regulates the quality of the educational process and the competitiveness of prospective graduates.
Ключові слова
лінгводидактична підготовка, лінгводидактична компетентність, лінгводидактична культура, соціокультурний підхід, соціокультурне середовище, соціокультурна компетентність, ВНЗ, учитель початкової школи, linguodidactic training, linguodidactic competence, linguodidactic culture, socio-cultural approach, socio-cultural environment, socio-cultural competence, higher educational establishment, primary school teacher
Бібліографічний опис
Хижняк, І. А. Лінгводидактична підготовка вчителя початкових класів у руслі соціокультурних тенденцій сучасності [Текст] / І. А. Хижняк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 3 (37). – С. 421–430.