Готовність майбутнього вчителя фізики до формування в учнів знань про нанотехнології
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На основі аналізу досвіду зарубіжних країн і вивчення реального стану викладання нанофізикотехнологічних дисциплін у педагогічних університетах України розкрито специфіку й окреслено основні складові змісту методичної підготовки майбутніх учителів фізики до навчання основ нанонаук. Сформульовано поняття «готовність майбутнього вчителя фізики до формування в учнів знань про нанотехнології», виділено основні спеціальні професійні компетентності вчителя фізики, значущі для його діяльності в галузі навчання сучасним нанотехнологічним знанням.
The article reveals the specific methodological training of physics teachers to the development of students’ knowledge about nanotechnology on the basis of the analysis of experience of foreign countries. In the article the category of readiness of the teacher of physics to form nanophysics technological students’ knowledge is determined as the personal formation of the future teacher that includes the totality of professional competence aimed at the development of nanophysics technological students’ knowledge and their positive motivation on the future scope of activity in the field of nanotechnology. From an assessment position of the achieved level of professionalism as an integrated indicator of formation of special professional competence the following components of the physics teacher’s readiness to form nanotechnological students’ knowledge are highlighted: scientific and technical, subject and educational, information and technological. Scientific and technical component includes the knowledge of nanophysics, ways and methods of integrating content in the field of nanotechnology, environmental aspects of development of nanotechnology. Subject and educational component includes the ability to master professional and pedagogical skills which are necessary for the implementation of the process of teaching nanotechnology, development of value attitude in teachers to the experience of the creative professional activities, readiness to use the experience of the creative professional activities and development of students’ positive motivation on the future scope of activity in the field of nanotechnology. Information and technological component includes the ability to master the basics of designing and implementing the learning process of students the basics of nanotechnology, using in their professional activities of Information Technologies, measuring methods based on the use of nanotechnology tools. The prospects for further research are seen in the search of the ways of including nanophysics technological knowledge in the courses of general and theoretical physics which are studied at the pedagogical universities in preparing future physics teachers to the activities in the field of learning the basics of nanosciences and nanotechnology.
The article reveals the specific methodological training of physics teachers to the development of students’ knowledge about nanotechnology on the basis of the analysis of experience of foreign countries. In the article the category of readiness of the teacher of physics to form nanophysics technological students’ knowledge is determined as the personal formation of the future teacher that includes the totality of professional competence aimed at the development of nanophysics technological students’ knowledge and their positive motivation on the future scope of activity in the field of nanotechnology. From an assessment position of the achieved level of professionalism as an integrated indicator of formation of special professional competence the following components of the physics teacher’s readiness to form nanotechnological students’ knowledge are highlighted: scientific and technical, subject and educational, information and technological. Scientific and technical component includes the knowledge of nanophysics, ways and methods of integrating content in the field of nanotechnology, environmental aspects of development of nanotechnology. Subject and educational component includes the ability to master professional and pedagogical skills which are necessary for the implementation of the process of teaching nanotechnology, development of value attitude in teachers to the experience of the creative professional activities, readiness to use the experience of the creative professional activities and development of students’ positive motivation on the future scope of activity in the field of nanotechnology. Information and technological component includes the ability to master the basics of designing and implementing the learning process of students the basics of nanotechnology, using in their professional activities of Information Technologies, measuring methods based on the use of nanotechnology tools. The prospects for further research are seen in the search of the ways of including nanophysics technological knowledge in the courses of general and theoretical physics which are studied at the pedagogical universities in preparing future physics teachers to the activities in the field of learning the basics of nanosciences and nanotechnology.
Ключові слова
методична підготовка, нанотехнологічні знання, нанонаука, професійні компетенції, учитель фізики, methodological training, knowledge of nanotechnology, nanoscience, professional competences, teacher of physics
Бібліографічний опис
Готовність майбутнього вчителя фізики до формування в учнів знань про нанотехнології [Текст] / С. Величко, В. Іваній, І. Мороз, Ю. Ткаченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 6 (60). – С. 3–14.