Розвиток музичної пам'яті молодших школярів у процесі загальної музичної освіти
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У дисертації представлено теоретичне узагальнення й нове вирішення наукової проблеми розвитку музичної пам’яті молодших школярів у процесі загальної музичної освіти. З’ясовано теоретичні основи розвитку музичної пам’яті учнів 1-4 класів. Розроблено і теоретично обґрунтовано методику розвитку музичної пам’яті молодших школярів у процесі загальної музичної освіти. Схарактеризовано педагогічні умови та методи розвитку музичної пам’яті учнів початкової школи. Визначено критерії та рівні оцінювання розвиненості музичної пам’яті молодших школярів у процесі загальної музичної освіти.
Експериментально перевірено ефективність методики розвитку музичної пам’яті молодших школярів у процесі загальної музичної освіти.
The thesis presents a theoretical generalization and a new solution of the scientific problem of the development of musical memory of younger schoolchildren in the process of general musical education. The objective of research is the development, theoretical foundation and experimental verification of the methods of the development of musical memory of younger schoolchildren in the process of general musical education. The theoretical foundations of the development of musical memory of pupils of 1-4 classes were determined. The method of development of musical memory of junior pupils in the process of general musical education was worked out and theoretically grounded. The pedagogical conditions and methods of development of musical memory of elementary school pupils were described. The criteria and levels of evaluation of the development of musical memory of junior pupils in the process of general musical education were determined. The effectiveness of the method of developing of musical memory of younger schoolchildren has been experimentally tested in the process of general musical education. The working concept of musical memory was defined as complex, dynamic, multilevel ability, aimed for memorizing, preservation and reproduction of musical material and determined by individual characteristics of musical development of personality. The development of musical memory of junior pupils was interpreted as positive qualitative and quantitative changes of real and potential musical-mnemic capabilities of children. The qualitative changes of development of musical memory was defined as a transition from a mechanical type of memory to a logical, from involuntary memory to arbitrary; and quantitative changes were defined as an extensive increase in the volume, speed, accuracy and duration of musical memory of the junior pupils. It has been determined that musical memory is one of the main musical abilities of the children, it is improved under the influence of appropriately organized and purposeful pedagogical efforts in various types of musical activity. It has been established that junior school age is a sensational period for the development of musical memory and purposeful work of mastering musical mnemonic activities is most effective during this period. To ensure the positive dynamics of indicators of development of musical memory of junior schoolchildren a method has been developed. It includes the following stages: emotional-motivational, the pedagogical influence on the external mechanisms of the regulation of the musical memory processes of junior pupils; educational-developing, aimed at special training of using the rational methods of memorization of musical material; independently regulating, aimed at forming the ability to independently determine and use special techniques of intensifying the process of musical memorization, depending on the nature of the material and perform self-control over musical mnemonic activities. The elaborated methods is based on methodological approaches (systemic, structural, personally oriented, activity, competence) and didactic principles (systematical, scientific, accessible, visual, consciousness and activity of schoolchildren, strength of knowledge, abilities and skills, consideration of individual characteristics, unity of emotion and consciousness and complex development of musical abilities). Pedagogical conditions for the development of musical memory of children in the process of general musical education are defined as: consideration of age and individual differences in the memory, preservation and reproduction of musical material; adequate organization of musical activity of younger schoolchildren; taking into account objective and subjective determinants of musical memorization. A collection of methods and techniques of the development of musical memory of junior pupils in the process of general musical education was suggested. It represented by main (methods and techniques of activating the main mechanisms of memory, mnemotechnical methods and techniques, ways of gestation, special methods and techniques of meaningful work on what is remembered) and auxiliary (interactive teaching methods; means of information computer technologies) blocks. The methods of developing musical memory of junior pupils has been experimentally tested in the process of general musical education. It was included in the experiment the ascertaining, forming and final stages. A comparative analysis of results of research showed the expediency and effectiveness of implementing the methods of developing of musical memory of junior pupils.
The thesis presents a theoretical generalization and a new solution of the scientific problem of the development of musical memory of younger schoolchildren in the process of general musical education. The objective of research is the development, theoretical foundation and experimental verification of the methods of the development of musical memory of younger schoolchildren in the process of general musical education. The theoretical foundations of the development of musical memory of pupils of 1-4 classes were determined. The method of development of musical memory of junior pupils in the process of general musical education was worked out and theoretically grounded. The pedagogical conditions and methods of development of musical memory of elementary school pupils were described. The criteria and levels of evaluation of the development of musical memory of junior pupils in the process of general musical education were determined. The effectiveness of the method of developing of musical memory of younger schoolchildren has been experimentally tested in the process of general musical education. The working concept of musical memory was defined as complex, dynamic, multilevel ability, aimed for memorizing, preservation and reproduction of musical material and determined by individual characteristics of musical development of personality. The development of musical memory of junior pupils was interpreted as positive qualitative and quantitative changes of real and potential musical-mnemic capabilities of children. The qualitative changes of development of musical memory was defined as a transition from a mechanical type of memory to a logical, from involuntary memory to arbitrary; and quantitative changes were defined as an extensive increase in the volume, speed, accuracy and duration of musical memory of the junior pupils. It has been determined that musical memory is one of the main musical abilities of the children, it is improved under the influence of appropriately organized and purposeful pedagogical efforts in various types of musical activity. It has been established that junior school age is a sensational period for the development of musical memory and purposeful work of mastering musical mnemonic activities is most effective during this period. To ensure the positive dynamics of indicators of development of musical memory of junior schoolchildren a method has been developed. It includes the following stages: emotional-motivational, the pedagogical influence on the external mechanisms of the regulation of the musical memory processes of junior pupils; educational-developing, aimed at special training of using the rational methods of memorization of musical material; independently regulating, aimed at forming the ability to independently determine and use special techniques of intensifying the process of musical memorization, depending on the nature of the material and perform self-control over musical mnemonic activities. The elaborated methods is based on methodological approaches (systemic, structural, personally oriented, activity, competence) and didactic principles (systematical, scientific, accessible, visual, consciousness and activity of schoolchildren, strength of knowledge, abilities and skills, consideration of individual characteristics, unity of emotion and consciousness and complex development of musical abilities). Pedagogical conditions for the development of musical memory of children in the process of general musical education are defined as: consideration of age and individual differences in the memory, preservation and reproduction of musical material; adequate organization of musical activity of younger schoolchildren; taking into account objective and subjective determinants of musical memorization. A collection of methods and techniques of the development of musical memory of junior pupils in the process of general musical education was suggested. It represented by main (methods and techniques of activating the main mechanisms of memory, mnemotechnical methods and techniques, ways of gestation, special methods and techniques of meaningful work on what is remembered) and auxiliary (interactive teaching methods; means of information computer technologies) blocks. The methods of developing musical memory of junior pupils has been experimentally tested in the process of general musical education. It was included in the experiment the ascertaining, forming and final stages. A comparative analysis of results of research showed the expediency and effectiveness of implementing the methods of developing of musical memory of junior pupils.
Ключові слова
музична пам’ять, розвиток, розвиненість музичної пам’яті, методика, молодші школярі, музичне навчання, процес загальної музичної освіти, уроки музичного мистецтва, musical memory, development, development of musical memory, methodology, junior pupils, musical education, process of general musical education, lessons of musical art
Бібліографічний опис
Рожко, І. В. Розвиток музичної пам'яті молодших школярів у процесі загальної музичної освіти [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.02 – теорія та методика музичного навчання / І. В. Рожко ; МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка. – Суми, 2018. – 20 с.