Роль внеаудиторной формы работы в становлении поликультурной языковой личности студента
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
В статье рассматривается учебно-воспитательный потенциал
внеаудиторной формы работы со студентами, изучающими иностранный язык. Авторами уточняется сущность понятий «поликультурная языковая личность», «внеаудиторная форма работы», определяются ее функции в становлении поликультурной языковой личности, расширяются принципы организации предметной олимпиады как внеаудиторной формы работы, описывается опыт внеаудиторной работы в Ланьчжоуском университете (КНР).
У статті розглядається навчально-виховний потенціал форми позааудиторної роботи зі студентами, які вивчають іноземну мову. Авторами уточнюється сутність понять «полікультурна мовна особистість», «позааудиторна форма роботи», визначаються її функції у становленні полікультурної мовної особистості, розширюються принципи організації предметної олімпіади як форми позааудиторної роботи, описується досвід позааудиторної роботи в Ланьчжоуском університеті (КНР).
The article reveals the problem of effective use of the out-of-class form of work in the process of formation of a multicultural language personality. The main methods of research are analysis of theoretical materials reflecting the content of the concepts of the subject of this article (multicultural personality, communicative behavior of people, communicative ideal, out-of-class form of work, etc.); synthesis and generalization of essential features of the concepts on the basis of which authors' definitions are created; observation of the organization of extracurricular work at Lanzhou University. The authors of the article specify the definition of a multilingual person, taking as a basis such an interpretation: it is an individual who has the skills of multicultural communication in a situation of a cultural pluralistic environment at all levels of intercultural communication: global, interethnic and interpersonal. The main problem of the article is creation of conditions for the activation of the out- of-class form of work with students-non-native speakers. To this end, the authors define the functions of an out-of-class form of work: adaptive, psychological, communicative, cognitive, sociocultural; analyze the experience of conducting extracurricular activities in the native and foreign universities and describe the role of the subject Olympiad in the development of a multicultural language personality, the principles of its organization, which include the following: taking into account the level of formation of language, speech and communicative competence of students, which predetermines the development of tasks of different levels of complexity for each course separately; coverage of all students; an increasing level of complexity from the first tour to the second and the third one; orientation in the preparation of assignments for the future professional activities and their closest approximation to living conditions; use of modern educational technologies during the Olympiad; revealing in the nontraditional public form the degree of mastery of all types of speech activity, lexical- grammar and phonetic skills, knowledge of the culture of the native speaker of the language; Olympiad for students is a source of positive emotions. On the example of organization of the subject Olympiad on the language of the specialty (Russian) in Lanzhou University (China), the authors present how the theoretical provisions that determine out-of-class work with students-non-native speakers are realized in practice, and contribute to the formation of a multicultural language personality.
У статті розглядається навчально-виховний потенціал форми позааудиторної роботи зі студентами, які вивчають іноземну мову. Авторами уточнюється сутність понять «полікультурна мовна особистість», «позааудиторна форма роботи», визначаються її функції у становленні полікультурної мовної особистості, розширюються принципи організації предметної олімпіади як форми позааудиторної роботи, описується досвід позааудиторної роботи в Ланьчжоуском університеті (КНР).
The article reveals the problem of effective use of the out-of-class form of work in the process of formation of a multicultural language personality. The main methods of research are analysis of theoretical materials reflecting the content of the concepts of the subject of this article (multicultural personality, communicative behavior of people, communicative ideal, out-of-class form of work, etc.); synthesis and generalization of essential features of the concepts on the basis of which authors' definitions are created; observation of the organization of extracurricular work at Lanzhou University. The authors of the article specify the definition of a multilingual person, taking as a basis such an interpretation: it is an individual who has the skills of multicultural communication in a situation of a cultural pluralistic environment at all levels of intercultural communication: global, interethnic and interpersonal. The main problem of the article is creation of conditions for the activation of the out- of-class form of work with students-non-native speakers. To this end, the authors define the functions of an out-of-class form of work: adaptive, psychological, communicative, cognitive, sociocultural; analyze the experience of conducting extracurricular activities in the native and foreign universities and describe the role of the subject Olympiad in the development of a multicultural language personality, the principles of its organization, which include the following: taking into account the level of formation of language, speech and communicative competence of students, which predetermines the development of tasks of different levels of complexity for each course separately; coverage of all students; an increasing level of complexity from the first tour to the second and the third one; orientation in the preparation of assignments for the future professional activities and their closest approximation to living conditions; use of modern educational technologies during the Olympiad; revealing in the nontraditional public form the degree of mastery of all types of speech activity, lexical- grammar and phonetic skills, knowledge of the culture of the native speaker of the language; Olympiad for students is a source of positive emotions. On the example of organization of the subject Olympiad on the language of the specialty (Russian) in Lanzhou University (China), the authors present how the theoretical provisions that determine out-of-class work with students-non-native speakers are realized in practice, and contribute to the formation of a multicultural language personality.
Ключові слова
поликультурная языковая личность, внеаудиторная форма работы, функции внеаудиторной формы работы, принципы организации предметной олимпиады для инофонов, полікультурна мовна особистість, позааудиторна форма роботи, функції форми позааудиторної роботи, принципи організації предметної олімпіади для інофонів, multicultural linguistic personality, out-of-class form of work, functions of the out-of-class form work, principles of organization of the subject Olympiad for non-native speakers
Бібліографічний опис
Стативка, В. Роль внеаудиторной формы работы в становлении поликультурной языковой личности студента [Текст] / В. Стативка, Хунли Чжан, Ван Тяньцзюй , Бэй Цзэ // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 1 (75). – С. 265–275.