Використання засобів комп’ютерної візуалізації при формуванні інтелектуально-графічної культури майбутнього фахівця
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Мета статті полягає в описі підходів до формування в майбутніх фахівців
інтелектуально-графічної культури візуалізації через розробку й використання
візуальних моделей знань.
Для реалізації поставленої мети були використані теоретичні та емпіричні
методи дослідження, а також статистичні методи обробки результатів
експериментального навчання.
За результатами дослідження підтверджена ефективність упровадження
авторського спецкурсу, покликаного сформувати в майбутніх учителів уміння
розробляти й використовувати у професійній діяльності візуальні моделі знань із
використанням спеціалізованих засобів комп’ютерної візуалізації.
The purpose of the article is to describe the approaches to the formation of an intellectual-graphic culture of visualization of the future specialists by developing and using visual models of knowledge. The theoretical and empirical methods of research, as well as statistical methods for processing the results of the experimental learning, have been used in order to achieve the goal of the paper. While studying the problem we have found out that according to the type computer-based visualization can be divided into computer-based tools of purpose and computer-based tools of general purpose. Such tools in the field of mathematics include programs of dynamic mathematics, systems of computer mathematics and others. In our opinion general-purpose software include: 1) office software objects Smart-Art; 2) programs for the realization of meandering; 3) programs for creating infographics; 4) services for creating scribing presentations. We have developed the author’s special course “Computer visualization tools and their use in the professional work of the mathematics teacher”. The aim of the course is to form the ability of the future teachers to develop and use visual models of knowledge in their professional activity applying specialized means of computer visualization. The special course has 3 credits (90 hours, including 30 hours of classroom work) and consists of two modules. It is recommended for the fourth year bachelor students. The first module is devoted to studying the forms, methods and tools of visualization of educational material and familiarization with the smart objects of the package of office programs, programs for the implementation of the meandering during the construction of intelligence maps, as well as infographics environments. The first module relates to the study of specialized software in the field of visualization and formation of the skills of developing visual models of knowledge. The second module is devoted to the methodological peculiaritites of the use of models of knowledge in the learning process. According to the results of research, the effectiveness of implementing the author’s special course, which is intended to form the ability of the future teachers to develop and use visual models of knowledge in the professional activity applying specialized tools of computer visualization, has been proved. The effectiveness of the special course is confirmed by a nonparametric criterion at the level of significance of 0.05.
The purpose of the article is to describe the approaches to the formation of an intellectual-graphic culture of visualization of the future specialists by developing and using visual models of knowledge. The theoretical and empirical methods of research, as well as statistical methods for processing the results of the experimental learning, have been used in order to achieve the goal of the paper. While studying the problem we have found out that according to the type computer-based visualization can be divided into computer-based tools of purpose and computer-based tools of general purpose. Such tools in the field of mathematics include programs of dynamic mathematics, systems of computer mathematics and others. In our opinion general-purpose software include: 1) office software objects Smart-Art; 2) programs for the realization of meandering; 3) programs for creating infographics; 4) services for creating scribing presentations. We have developed the author’s special course “Computer visualization tools and their use in the professional work of the mathematics teacher”. The aim of the course is to form the ability of the future teachers to develop and use visual models of knowledge in their professional activity applying specialized means of computer visualization. The special course has 3 credits (90 hours, including 30 hours of classroom work) and consists of two modules. It is recommended for the fourth year bachelor students. The first module is devoted to studying the forms, methods and tools of visualization of educational material and familiarization with the smart objects of the package of office programs, programs for the implementation of the meandering during the construction of intelligence maps, as well as infographics environments. The first module relates to the study of specialized software in the field of visualization and formation of the skills of developing visual models of knowledge. The second module is devoted to the methodological peculiaritites of the use of models of knowledge in the learning process. According to the results of research, the effectiveness of implementing the author’s special course, which is intended to form the ability of the future teachers to develop and use visual models of knowledge in the professional activity applying specialized tools of computer visualization, has been proved. The effectiveness of the special course is confirmed by a nonparametric criterion at the level of significance of 0.05.
Ключові слова
засоби комп’ютерної візуалізації, фахова підготовка, інтелектуально-графічна культура, візуалізація, технології візуалізації, візуальні моделі знань, інфографіка, computer visualization tools, professional training, intellectual-graphic culture, visualization, visualization technologies, visual models of knowledge, infographics
Бібліографічний опис
Білошапка, Н. Використання засобів комп’ютерної візуалізації
при формуванні інтелектуально-графічної культури
майбутнього фахівця [Текст] / Н. Білошапка // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 4 (78). – С. 11–20.