Методи соціально-виховної роботи інтернатних установ першої половини ХХ століття
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У статті проаналізовано систему методів соціально-виховної діяльності інтернатних закладів України першої половини XX ст. Розглянуто питання щодо організації соціально-виховної роботи з дітьми-сиротами та дітьми, які залишилися без піклування батьків. Наведено приклади методів соціалізації вихованців конкретних інтернатних закладів початку XX ст.
The article analyzes the system of methods of socio-educational work of boarding institutions of Ukraine in the first half of the XX century. The organization of social and educational work with orphans and children left without parental care was considered. There are examples of methods of socialization of pupils in boarding institutions. It is found out that socio-educational work in the boarding institutions required constant monitoring. To the group of control and analysis of the efficiency of education methods the author refers: accounting, monitoring, report, analysis, analysis of the community service, etc. The analysis of archival materials shows that the method of accounting was used as a prerequisite for further improvement and deepening of the work undertaken by the inmates of the boarding institutions. In “Temporary regulations on child institutions” there was the section “Accounting of the work of kindergartens”, in which it was said that at all child care institutions is carried out daily accounting work, but at the end of each term, institutions can organize public report of the work done, aiming to identify achievements of children’s institutions in the internal organization, relations with society, as well as the abilities and skills of children. Accounting took the form of an exhibition of children’s works, children’s matinees or evenings, performances or a combination of these forms, with reports of children and the meeting of the Board on the work done. The method of observation was accompanied by various forms of socio-educational activities of boarding establishments of the study period. This method involved the definition of the topic of observation, object, subject, tasks. The information obtained was recorded in a notebook of the observations for further use in other forms (conferences, exhibitions, reports and the like). This method contributed to the development in children the skills of observation, curiosity, attentiveness and the like. Especially valuable, in author’s opinion, in conditions of boarding institutions, was the method of analysis of the results of socially useful work. The results of socially useful work of the pupils were recorded in the records of the team, group or individual entries in the diary. The special role played the organization of final fairs of produced products.
The article analyzes the system of methods of socio-educational work of boarding institutions of Ukraine in the first half of the XX century. The organization of social and educational work with orphans and children left without parental care was considered. There are examples of methods of socialization of pupils in boarding institutions. It is found out that socio-educational work in the boarding institutions required constant monitoring. To the group of control and analysis of the efficiency of education methods the author refers: accounting, monitoring, report, analysis, analysis of the community service, etc. The analysis of archival materials shows that the method of accounting was used as a prerequisite for further improvement and deepening of the work undertaken by the inmates of the boarding institutions. In “Temporary regulations on child institutions” there was the section “Accounting of the work of kindergartens”, in which it was said that at all child care institutions is carried out daily accounting work, but at the end of each term, institutions can organize public report of the work done, aiming to identify achievements of children’s institutions in the internal organization, relations with society, as well as the abilities and skills of children. Accounting took the form of an exhibition of children’s works, children’s matinees or evenings, performances or a combination of these forms, with reports of children and the meeting of the Board on the work done. The method of observation was accompanied by various forms of socio-educational activities of boarding establishments of the study period. This method involved the definition of the topic of observation, object, subject, tasks. The information obtained was recorded in a notebook of the observations for further use in other forms (conferences, exhibitions, reports and the like). This method contributed to the development in children the skills of observation, curiosity, attentiveness and the like. Especially valuable, in author’s opinion, in conditions of boarding institutions, was the method of analysis of the results of socially useful work. The results of socially useful work of the pupils were recorded in the records of the team, group or individual entries in the diary. The special role played the organization of final fairs of produced products.
Ключові слова
діти-сироти, соціально-виховна діяльність, дитячий будинок, дитяче містечко, інтернатні заклади, методи соціалізації, суспільна поведінка, соціальний досвід, orphans, social and educational activities, boarding institutions, orphanages, methods of socialization, social behavior, social experience
Бібліографічний опис
Рябкина, Л. М. Методи соціально-виховної роботи інтернатних установ першої половини ХХ століття [Текст] / Л. М. Рябкина // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 8 (52). – С. 32–38.