Професійна діяльність учителя початкової школи з формування позитивного ставлення першокласників до навчання
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У статті уточнено поняття «професійна діяльність учителя початкової школи». Встановлено, що робота з учнями молодшого шкільного віку вимагає з боку вчителя початкової школи творчого підходу до виконання своїх професійних обов’язків, специфіка якого полягає в тому, що об’єктом навчальної взаємодії у системі «вчитель-учень» є особистість школяра, а результатом – формування та гармонійний розвиток сфер особистості молодшого школяра в процесі навчання. Розкрито сутність поняття «професійна діяльність учителя початкової школи з формування позитивного ставлення першокласників до навчання», що полягає в цілеспрямованій діяльності вчителя на формування сфери позитивної навчальної мотивації першокласників.
The author studies the professional activity of a primary school teacher, in particular, at forming a positive attitude to first-term pupils’ teaching. The author analyzes the scientists’ points of view to the comprehension of the term «professional pedagogical activity of the teacher». The author makes it clear that in the scientific pedagogical literature the notion «a professional pedagogical activity of a teacher» is interpreted as the activity of the teacher, the matter of which is the management of the pupils’ activities in the educational process, which is directed at developing the main pupils’ psychological structures of their personalities. It is specified that developing education, in the organization of which the teacher uses individual-centered approach to children, that ensures when the teacher adheres to the principle of variability in the planning of the educational process, is the motive force of a harmonious development of the primary school pupils’ psychological personality structures. In the article, the author notes that the creative work of a teacher aimed at creating a variable system of psycho-pedagogical actions. In particular, the author considers the professional activity of a primary school teacher as the creative activity of the teacher, the matter of which is realization of individual-centered approach to the organization of the education process, which is directional at harmonious development the primary school pupils’ psychological structures: motivational, intellectual, speech, random and motor. The article proves that the primary school teacher working with first-form pupils should be focused on their motivational psychological structure forming, namely, the learning motivation, as the formation of this psychological structure affects the development of all other pupil’s psychological structures, helps the child master learning activities successfully and achieving academic success, that will be an incentive for the beginning in child a positive attitude to teaching. So, the professional activity of a primary school teacher to form the positive attitude to first-form pupils’ teaching is a creative activity of the teacher, that must be focused on the management of the process of formation a positive learning motivation at first-form pupils.
The author studies the professional activity of a primary school teacher, in particular, at forming a positive attitude to first-term pupils’ teaching. The author analyzes the scientists’ points of view to the comprehension of the term «professional pedagogical activity of the teacher». The author makes it clear that in the scientific pedagogical literature the notion «a professional pedagogical activity of a teacher» is interpreted as the activity of the teacher, the matter of which is the management of the pupils’ activities in the educational process, which is directed at developing the main pupils’ psychological structures of their personalities. It is specified that developing education, in the organization of which the teacher uses individual-centered approach to children, that ensures when the teacher adheres to the principle of variability in the planning of the educational process, is the motive force of a harmonious development of the primary school pupils’ psychological personality structures. In the article, the author notes that the creative work of a teacher aimed at creating a variable system of psycho-pedagogical actions. In particular, the author considers the professional activity of a primary school teacher as the creative activity of the teacher, the matter of which is realization of individual-centered approach to the organization of the education process, which is directional at harmonious development the primary school pupils’ psychological structures: motivational, intellectual, speech, random and motor. The article proves that the primary school teacher working with first-form pupils should be focused on their motivational psychological structure forming, namely, the learning motivation, as the formation of this psychological structure affects the development of all other pupil’s psychological structures, helps the child master learning activities successfully and achieving academic success, that will be an incentive for the beginning in child a positive attitude to teaching. So, the professional activity of a primary school teacher to form the positive attitude to first-form pupils’ teaching is a creative activity of the teacher, that must be focused on the management of the process of formation a positive learning motivation at first-form pupils.
Ключові слова
професійна діяльність, учитель початкової школи, педагогічна творчість, сфери особистості молодшого школяра, розвивальне навчання, «зона найближчого розвитку», принцип варіативності, особистісно-орієнтований підхід, формування позитивного ставлення першокласників до навчання, professional activity, primary school teacher, pedagogical creative activity, psychological personality structure of primary school pupils, developing education, «zone of proximal development», principle of variability, student-centered approach, forming positive attitude of the first-form pupils to teaching
Бібліографічний опис
Артемьєва, І. С. Професійна діяльність учителя початкової школи з формування позитивного ставлення першокласників до навчання [Текст] / І. С. Артемьєва // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №6 (32). – С. 77–84.