Аудіолінгвальний метод у практиці навчання іноземних студентів російськомовного спілкування
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У статті розглядаються можливості навчання іншомовного спілкування іноземних студентів шляхом застосування аудіолінгвального методу, якій маніфестує розвиток комунікативної компетенції через формування комбінованої мовної навички слухання-говоріння на основі принципу усного випередження, з пріоритетом аудіювання й говоріння над іншими видами мовленнєвої діяльності, та органічно поєднується з матричним методом зворотного мовленнєвого резонансу; аналізується теоретичне підґрунтя та описуються практичні результати експериментального курсу розвитку усного російського мовлення, який створено на базі нового альтернативного навчального посібника «Хочу говорить по-русски!».
The article deals with the opportunities of teaching communication in foreign language to foreign students that study Russian as a foreign language by means of using audio-lingual method. This method is predominant in methodological schools of Europe and the USA but up to now hasn’t got sufficiently widespread application in the native methodological practice. It is noticed that the traditional audio-lingual method is quite widely described in scientific literature, but its modified forms, that appear due to different innovations, require thorough investigation. The audio-lingual method is successfully integrated and smoothly combined with various innovative technologies that characterize modern methodology of foreign languages teaching, in particular, with inverse resonance matrix method of N. V. Zamyatkin and V. P. Fedotov. The authors consider to be important the task of producing audio-lingual teaching and learning software of high quality. They describe theoretical principles of experimental course in oral Russian speech development that is realized on the ground of audio-lingual method with elements of inverse resonance matrix method and information technologies on the basis of new alternative work book created by SSU’s group of the teachers of the department of language training for foreign citizens. The purpose of the work book, presented in the article, is the development of foreign students’ communicative competence through the formation of combined speaking and listening skills on the basis of oral advancing principle with listening and speaking priority over other types of speech activity. The work book includes communicative speech topics that guarantee the communication of foreign students in teaching professional and everyday aspects of their lives. The stages of students teaching of productive statements on the basis of matrix texts are described. It analyzes the practical learning results that have been achieved in the course of this methodical experiment. Besides, the integration possibilities of audio-lingual method with other communicative technologies are analyzed. The authors point out as clear advantages of audio-lingual method its practical orientation, developing the language model through speech exercises, in which this model is quantized, the formation of linguistic competence through the awareness of the functions of grammatical phenomena, the existence of broad opportunities to use new information technologies in the learning process.
The article deals with the opportunities of teaching communication in foreign language to foreign students that study Russian as a foreign language by means of using audio-lingual method. This method is predominant in methodological schools of Europe and the USA but up to now hasn’t got sufficiently widespread application in the native methodological practice. It is noticed that the traditional audio-lingual method is quite widely described in scientific literature, but its modified forms, that appear due to different innovations, require thorough investigation. The audio-lingual method is successfully integrated and smoothly combined with various innovative technologies that characterize modern methodology of foreign languages teaching, in particular, with inverse resonance matrix method of N. V. Zamyatkin and V. P. Fedotov. The authors consider to be important the task of producing audio-lingual teaching and learning software of high quality. They describe theoretical principles of experimental course in oral Russian speech development that is realized on the ground of audio-lingual method with elements of inverse resonance matrix method and information technologies on the basis of new alternative work book created by SSU’s group of the teachers of the department of language training for foreign citizens. The purpose of the work book, presented in the article, is the development of foreign students’ communicative competence through the formation of combined speaking and listening skills on the basis of oral advancing principle with listening and speaking priority over other types of speech activity. The work book includes communicative speech topics that guarantee the communication of foreign students in teaching professional and everyday aspects of their lives. The stages of students teaching of productive statements on the basis of matrix texts are described. It analyzes the practical learning results that have been achieved in the course of this methodical experiment. Besides, the integration possibilities of audio-lingual method with other communicative technologies are analyzed. The authors point out as clear advantages of audio-lingual method its practical orientation, developing the language model through speech exercises, in which this model is quantized, the formation of linguistic competence through the awareness of the functions of grammatical phenomena, the existence of broad opportunities to use new information technologies in the learning process.
Ключові слова
аудіолінгвальний метод, матричний метод зворотного резонансу, комунікативна спрямованість навчання, інноваційні технології навчання, іншомовне спілкування, мовленнєва модель, квантування тексту, протоговоріння, усне випередження, слухання-говоріння, audio-lingual method, inverse resonance matrix method, communicative orientation of studying, innovative learning technologies, foreign language communication, speech model, quantizing a text, protospeech, oral advancing, listening and talking
Бібліографічний опис
Завгородній, В. А. Аудіолінгвальний метод у практиці навчання іноземних студентів російськомовного спілкування [Текст] / В. А. Завгородній, А. І. Кисельова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 6 (40). – С. 349–355.