Оздоровлення студентів вищих педагогічних навчальних закладів засобами легкої атлетики
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті висвітлено тенденції погіршення здоров'я студентської молоді та пошуки шляхів її вирішення; представлено методи оздоровлення студентів вищих педагогічних навчальних закладів засобами легкої атлетики; доведено, що систематичне помірне навантаження на організм, а саме заняття легкою атлетикою, має значущий оздоровчий вплив на всі системи організму; відмічено, що засоби легкої атлетики займають провідні позиції серед інших видів спорту щодо розвитку фізичних якостей людини. Вони мають широкий спектр дії на організм, сприяють вирішенню оздоровчих, виховних та освітніх завдань у процесі фізичного виховання.
The article focuses on trends in the deterioration of the health of students and ways of its solution. The results of the analysis of scientific sources showed that the number of students who, after a medical examination, were related to special medical group, and were exempt from physical education classes recently has increased significantly. The methods of improvement of health of the students of higher education institutions by means of athletics, namely, jogging and health walking are presented. The optimal amount of load and pulse mode during classes of these types of physical activity is determined. It is proved that systematic moderate load on the body, such as athletics, has a significant healing effect on all systems of the body. Since physical activity is one of the main factors in improving the physical condition of the person, the use of means of athletics allows achieving students to increase the level of physical performance. Exercises with weights, the load in which is adequate for opportunities for students, have positive effect on their health, improve the viability of organs and systems of the young organism. Bearing in mind that adolescence is the most favourable for development of strength abilities and morpho-functional rates, the pedagogical impact is the most effective if they are purposefully applied at this age. It has been noted that athletic exercises occupy a leading position among other sports for the development of physical qualities. They have a wide range of effects on the body; contribute to the solution of health, educational and training objectives in physical education. Form the basis for mastering the content of training programs and have significant advantages in their wide use because it does not require special conditions and equipment. Considering the fact that the system of physical culture and sports work that exists in higher education, unfortunately, does not allow to fully realize the enormous health potential of athletics, we need to conduct an intensive search for new areas of work in higher education as the preparation to health care should be mandatory and a key element of vocational training in pedagogical higher education institutions. The perspectives of the research will focus on improvement of professional-applied physical training, which are important physiological and psychophysical qualities of the future teachers.
The article focuses on trends in the deterioration of the health of students and ways of its solution. The results of the analysis of scientific sources showed that the number of students who, after a medical examination, were related to special medical group, and were exempt from physical education classes recently has increased significantly. The methods of improvement of health of the students of higher education institutions by means of athletics, namely, jogging and health walking are presented. The optimal amount of load and pulse mode during classes of these types of physical activity is determined. It is proved that systematic moderate load on the body, such as athletics, has a significant healing effect on all systems of the body. Since physical activity is one of the main factors in improving the physical condition of the person, the use of means of athletics allows achieving students to increase the level of physical performance. Exercises with weights, the load in which is adequate for opportunities for students, have positive effect on their health, improve the viability of organs and systems of the young organism. Bearing in mind that adolescence is the most favourable for development of strength abilities and morpho-functional rates, the pedagogical impact is the most effective if they are purposefully applied at this age. It has been noted that athletic exercises occupy a leading position among other sports for the development of physical qualities. They have a wide range of effects on the body; contribute to the solution of health, educational and training objectives in physical education. Form the basis for mastering the content of training programs and have significant advantages in their wide use because it does not require special conditions and equipment. Considering the fact that the system of physical culture and sports work that exists in higher education, unfortunately, does not allow to fully realize the enormous health potential of athletics, we need to conduct an intensive search for new areas of work in higher education as the preparation to health care should be mandatory and a key element of vocational training in pedagogical higher education institutions. The perspectives of the research will focus on improvement of professional-applied physical training, which are important physiological and psychophysical qualities of the future teachers.
Ключові слова
засоби, легка атлетика, оздоровчий біг, оздоровча ходьба, студенти, фізичні вправи, фізична підготовка, професійна підготовка, means, athletics, jogging, health walk, students, exercise, physical training, professional training
Бібліографічний опис
Скачедуб, Н. Оздоровлення студентів вищих педагогічних навчальних закладів засобами легкої атлетики [Текст] / Н. Скачедуб // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018 – № 3 (77). – С. 208–218.