К вопросу о характере учебных пособий для магистрантов лингвистических специальностей
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Цель статьи состоит в описании возможной структуры и содержательного наполнения учебного пособия, обеспечивающего изучение магистерского курса «Методика преподавания лингвистических дисциплин в высшей школе» - основного курса, направленного на формирование профессиональной компетенции магистрантов-филологов. Методы исследования: теоретический анализ литературы, обобщение методического опыта, метод экстраполяции, описательный метод. Представленные в статье требования к учебному пособию обеспечат его соответствие новым научным подходам. Перспективы исследования состоят в изучении, систематизации и обобщении современного опыта создания учебных книг для магистрантов.
The aim of the article is to describe possible structure and content of the textbook that provides the study of the master's course "Methods of teaching linguistic disciplines in higher school" - the main course aimed at formation of professional competence of graduate students-philologists. In order to achieve this goal, the following research methods have been used: theoretical analysis of the literature, generalization of methodological experience, extrapolation method, descriptive method. The article indicates the purpose of the analyzed textbook, the conditions for the study of linguistic and linguistic-methodological disciplines in the magistracy. It is proved that textbook will help organize effectively work on this course in the indicated conditions, the content of which reflects both the existing, proven by practice approaches to teaching linguistic disciplines at the university, and new ones associated with modern didactic installations, with the achievements of linguistic science, particular with the approval of the anthropocentric paradigm, with development of new educational technologies, including information technologies, as well as with the changed social order of training specialist. "Convenient" for both the teacher and the organizer of the learning process, and for graduate students mastering professional knowledge and skills, is a textbook of an integrated nature, each thematic part of which includes a theoretical component, a practical unit with methodological recommendations, reference and bibliographic information, material for self-control. Further, the basic requirements for each of the designated components are analyzed. It is concluded that compliance with these requirements in the development of a training manual for the specified discipline will ensure its compliance with new scientific approaches, as well as modular technology of the organization of the educational process. To the research prospects can be referred systematization and generalization of modern domestic and foreign experience in creating educational books for graduate students of both linguistic and non-linguistic specialties.
The aim of the article is to describe possible structure and content of the textbook that provides the study of the master's course "Methods of teaching linguistic disciplines in higher school" - the main course aimed at formation of professional competence of graduate students-philologists. In order to achieve this goal, the following research methods have been used: theoretical analysis of the literature, generalization of methodological experience, extrapolation method, descriptive method. The article indicates the purpose of the analyzed textbook, the conditions for the study of linguistic and linguistic-methodological disciplines in the magistracy. It is proved that textbook will help organize effectively work on this course in the indicated conditions, the content of which reflects both the existing, proven by practice approaches to teaching linguistic disciplines at the university, and new ones associated with modern didactic installations, with the achievements of linguistic science, particular with the approval of the anthropocentric paradigm, with development of new educational technologies, including information technologies, as well as with the changed social order of training specialist. "Convenient" for both the teacher and the organizer of the learning process, and for graduate students mastering professional knowledge and skills, is a textbook of an integrated nature, each thematic part of which includes a theoretical component, a practical unit with methodological recommendations, reference and bibliographic information, material for self-control. Further, the basic requirements for each of the designated components are analyzed. It is concluded that compliance with these requirements in the development of a training manual for the specified discipline will ensure its compliance with new scientific approaches, as well as modular technology of the organization of the educational process. To the research prospects can be referred systematization and generalization of modern domestic and foreign experience in creating educational books for graduate students of both linguistic and non-linguistic specialties.
Ключові слова
учебные пособия, магистерский уровень образования, комплексный характер учебных книг, новые дидактические и лингвометодические научные подходы, textbooks, master's level of education, comprehensive nature of educational books, new didactic and linguistic-methodological scientific approaches
Бібліографічний опис
Пахненко, И. К вопросу о характере учебных пособий для магистрантов лингвистических специальностей [Текст] / И. Пахненко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 8 (82). – С. 200–211.