Розвиток вищої хореографічної освіти в Німеччині (друга половина XX – початок XXI століття)
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Дисертація є комплексним дослідженням, в межах якого з’ясовано нормативно-правові, організаційні та структурно-змістові аспекти розвитку вищої хореографічної освіти в Німеччині в другій половині ХХ – на початку ХХІ ст. задля визначення перспектив використання позитивного німецького досвіду у практиці вдосконалення вищої хореографічної освіти в Україні. Схарактеризовано вищу хореографічну освіту в Німеччині як історико-педагогічний феномен.
Висвітлено нормативно-правові та організаційні аспекти розвитку вищої хореографічної освіти в Німеччині (1950–2010). Визначено структурно-змістові зміни у вищій хореографічній освіті Німеччини в досліджуваний період. Виявлено сучасні моделі підготовки фахівців-хореографів у закладах вищої освіти Німеччини. Окреслено перспективи використання позитивного німецького досвіду у практиці вдосконалення вищої хореографічної освіти в Україні.
The thesis is a comprehensive research, within the framework of which the normative-legal, organizational and structural-content aspects of higher choreographic education development in Germany in the second half of the XX – at the beginning of the XXI century have been clarified in order to determine the prospects for using positive German experience in the practice of improving higher choreographic education in Ukraine. The higher choreographic education in Germany is described as a historical pedagogical phenomenon. The conceptual-terminological apparatus of the research is outlined. The historiographic base of the thesis is systematized according to the problem thematic, chronological and territorial principle. The origins of higher choreographic education in Germany are found. The criteria for distinguishing three stages of higher choreographic education development in Germany are defined: controversial (1949–1989), integration (1990–1999), modernization (2000–2010). The normative-legal and organizational aspects of higher choreographic education development in Germany (1950–2010) are highlighted. Their multi-vector character at the controversial stage is proved, which was conditioned by the cultural and educational policy of the governments of the GDR and the FRG. It is proved that the normative-legal basis of higher choreographic education in West Germany contained basic legal acts that had become the basis for the creation of a unified system of higher choreographic education at the integration stage. It is determined that at the modernization stage, the normative-legal and organizational aspects of the higher choreographic education development in Germany were conditioned by the Bologna Process and the “Dance Plan of Germany”. The levels of higher choreographic education management in Germany are singled out: federal, regional, municipal, institutional. Structural-content changes in higher choreographic education of Germany in the studied period are determined. The typology of specialized institutions of higher education is substantiated. It is proved that at the controversial stage, the structure and content of higher choreographic education in Germany were characterized by two separate ways of its development in the GDR and the FRG on the basis of restored and new universities. It is found out that at the integration stage the list of specialties and content provision of the educational process changed in favor of modern dance art on the model of profile higher choreographic education of West Germany. It is proved that at the modernization stage there was a significant structural development of the higher choreographic education. It is established that content of the higher choreographic education in Germany was improved in accordance with the demands of society and the requirements of the labor market: the range of master’s programs and specialties and the list of professional disciplines were expanded. Modern models of specialists-choreographers training in German higher education institutions are found out: performing, choreographer, modern, choreological, pedagogical, eurhythmic. It is proved that at the bachelor level professional training of dancers-performers is conducted; at the master’s level choreographer, modern, choreological, pedagogical, eurhythmic models of choreographic training are realized. The prospects of using positive German experience in the practice of improving higher choreographic education in Ukraine on the European, national and institutional levels are outlined.
The thesis is a comprehensive research, within the framework of which the normative-legal, organizational and structural-content aspects of higher choreographic education development in Germany in the second half of the XX – at the beginning of the XXI century have been clarified in order to determine the prospects for using positive German experience in the practice of improving higher choreographic education in Ukraine. The higher choreographic education in Germany is described as a historical pedagogical phenomenon. The conceptual-terminological apparatus of the research is outlined. The historiographic base of the thesis is systematized according to the problem thematic, chronological and territorial principle. The origins of higher choreographic education in Germany are found. The criteria for distinguishing three stages of higher choreographic education development in Germany are defined: controversial (1949–1989), integration (1990–1999), modernization (2000–2010). The normative-legal and organizational aspects of higher choreographic education development in Germany (1950–2010) are highlighted. Their multi-vector character at the controversial stage is proved, which was conditioned by the cultural and educational policy of the governments of the GDR and the FRG. It is proved that the normative-legal basis of higher choreographic education in West Germany contained basic legal acts that had become the basis for the creation of a unified system of higher choreographic education at the integration stage. It is determined that at the modernization stage, the normative-legal and organizational aspects of the higher choreographic education development in Germany were conditioned by the Bologna Process and the “Dance Plan of Germany”. The levels of higher choreographic education management in Germany are singled out: federal, regional, municipal, institutional. Structural-content changes in higher choreographic education of Germany in the studied period are determined. The typology of specialized institutions of higher education is substantiated. It is proved that at the controversial stage, the structure and content of higher choreographic education in Germany were characterized by two separate ways of its development in the GDR and the FRG on the basis of restored and new universities. It is found out that at the integration stage the list of specialties and content provision of the educational process changed in favor of modern dance art on the model of profile higher choreographic education of West Germany. It is proved that at the modernization stage there was a significant structural development of the higher choreographic education. It is established that content of the higher choreographic education in Germany was improved in accordance with the demands of society and the requirements of the labor market: the range of master’s programs and specialties and the list of professional disciplines were expanded. Modern models of specialists-choreographers training in German higher education institutions are found out: performing, choreographer, modern, choreological, pedagogical, eurhythmic. It is proved that at the bachelor level professional training of dancers-performers is conducted; at the master’s level choreographer, modern, choreological, pedagogical, eurhythmic models of choreographic training are realized. The prospects of using positive German experience in the practice of improving higher choreographic education in Ukraine on the European, national and institutional levels are outlined.
Ключові слова
розвиток, вища хореографічна освіта, вища хореографічна освіта в Німеччині, історико-педагогічний феномен, нормативно-правові аспекти, організаційні аспекти, структурно-змістові аспекти, європейський освітній простір, друга половина ХХ – початок ХХІ століття, development, higher choreographic education, higher choreographic education in Germany, historical-pedagogical phenomenon, normative-legal aspects, organizational aspects, structural-content aspects, European educational space, second half of the XX – beginning of the XXI century
Бібліографічний опис
Ткаченко, І. О. Розвиток вищої хореографічної освіти в Німеччині (друга половина XX – початок XXI століття) [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.01 – загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки / І. О. Ткаченко ; науковий керівник Г. Ю. Ніколаї. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2018. –20 с.