Структурно-функціональна модель формування комунікаційної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів інженерних військ: аналіз результатів
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглянуто теоретичні питання побудови структурно-функціональної моделі формування комунікативної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів інженерних військ у процесі іншомовної підготовки. Використано дані психолого-педагогічних джерел та проведених наукових досліджень щодо визначеної теми. Це дало можливість виокремити складники структурно-функціональної моделі: змістовно-цільовий; процесуальний; результативний. Експериментальна робота з перевірки дієвості структурно-функціональної моделі в освітній процес вищих військових закладів здійснювалась у три етапи і охопила такі дисципліни освітньої програми підготовки курсантів: «Військово-спеціальна мовна підготовка» та «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням».
The article considers theoretical issues of building a structural and functional model of the formation of communicative competence of future officers of engineering troops in the process of foreign language training. The paper used data from psychological and pedagogical sources and conducted research on the formation of communicative competence of future officers of engineering troops in the process of foreign language training. A comparative method of analysis was used. This made it possible to distinguish the components of the structural-functional model of formation of communicative competence of future officers of engineering troops in the process of foreign language training: contenttarget component – the function of goal setting and constructive-content; procedural component – procedural function; resultative component – the function of control and evaluation. The components of the structural-functional model are implemented based on personal, activity, value, creative and innovative approaches to education, which prove general and significant pedagogical means of the communicative competence formation of future officers of engineering troops in foreign language training. Experimental work to verify the effectiveness of the structural-functional model in the educational process of higher military institutions was carried out at three stages and covered the following disciplines of the educational program for cadets: “Special military language training” and “Foreign language for professional purposes”. At the molding stage of the experiment, while studying the disciplines of professional orientation, the cadets of the experimental groups studied according to the designed methodology of English teaching and necessary skills developing, and the cadets of the control groups continued their studies using traditional methods. Since before the final stage of the experiment it was determined the main indicators of the formation of communicative competence of future officers of engineering troops and the formation level of their professional training vocabulary, then at the end of the study it was conducted such an assessment too. The results of the test showed a significant increase in the selected indicators in the cadets of the experimental groups who studied using the methods of active learning. At the same time, changes in the indicators of formation of certain components of communicative competence of future officers of engineering troops in the control groups were insignificant.
The article considers theoretical issues of building a structural and functional model of the formation of communicative competence of future officers of engineering troops in the process of foreign language training. The paper used data from psychological and pedagogical sources and conducted research on the formation of communicative competence of future officers of engineering troops in the process of foreign language training. A comparative method of analysis was used. This made it possible to distinguish the components of the structural-functional model of formation of communicative competence of future officers of engineering troops in the process of foreign language training: contenttarget component – the function of goal setting and constructive-content; procedural component – procedural function; resultative component – the function of control and evaluation. The components of the structural-functional model are implemented based on personal, activity, value, creative and innovative approaches to education, which prove general and significant pedagogical means of the communicative competence formation of future officers of engineering troops in foreign language training. Experimental work to verify the effectiveness of the structural-functional model in the educational process of higher military institutions was carried out at three stages and covered the following disciplines of the educational program for cadets: “Special military language training” and “Foreign language for professional purposes”. At the molding stage of the experiment, while studying the disciplines of professional orientation, the cadets of the experimental groups studied according to the designed methodology of English teaching and necessary skills developing, and the cadets of the control groups continued their studies using traditional methods. Since before the final stage of the experiment it was determined the main indicators of the formation of communicative competence of future officers of engineering troops and the formation level of their professional training vocabulary, then at the end of the study it was conducted such an assessment too. The results of the test showed a significant increase in the selected indicators in the cadets of the experimental groups who studied using the methods of active learning. At the same time, changes in the indicators of formation of certain components of communicative competence of future officers of engineering troops in the control groups were insignificant.
Ключові слова
іншомовна підготовка, майбутні офіцери, модель, компоненти, організаційно-педагогічні умови, методи, метод проєктів, ситуативний метод, foreign language training, future officers, model, components, organizational-pedagogical conditions, methods, project method, situational method
Бібліографічний опис
Нанівська, Л. Структурно-функціональна модель формування комунікаційної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів інженерних військ: аналіз результатів [Текст] / Л. Нанівська // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 10 (104). – С. 177–188. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.10/177-188.