Британський досвід диверсифікації типів середньої школи на засадах поєднання начал ринково орієнтованої та соціально інклюзивної освіти
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У статті з’ясовано теоретичні засади та результати реалізації структурних реформ у системі загальної середньої освіти сучасної Великої Британії; представлено основні характеристики неолейбористської освітньої політики; виявлено змістові та процесуальні особливості діяльності нових типів (спеціалізовані школи, міські академії, школи-маяки, Зони освітньої дії) загальноосвітньої середньої школи сучасної Великої Британії, створених у процесі диверсифікації освітньої системи; охарактеризовано суттєві структурні перетворення на всіх рівнях функціонування системи загальної середньої освіти Великої Британії (Англії).
The article focuses on theoretical background and implemented results of structural reforms in modern British secondary education. The main content peculiarities and functioning aspects of new types (specialist schools, academies, beacon schools, Education Action Zones) of schools created in the process of structural reforming are highlighted. The Labour Party Manifesto 2001 (Labour party ambitions for Britain) and The Labour party Manifesto 2005 (Britain forward, not back) incorporated the educational policy of Labour Party promoting schools built on success with the ability to fulfill a set of tasks: to raise standards, to promote diversity, to achieve results. New Labour governments initiated a great variety of acts and projects (School Standards and Frameworks Act ,Green Papers, Plans, Toolkits, Excellence in Cities, Higher Standards, Better Schools For All: More Choice for parents and pupils, Schools for the future: designing schools for extended services) directed at developing socially neglected areas. The tendencies of the development of structural reforms during the period under study were: expansion of the diversification of educational establishment types; centralizing-decentralizing tendencies at all levels of education management: at the institutional level – introduction of the independent school management; at the local level – partial privatization (the subjugation of schools to private administrations) or the change of functions of a Local Education Authority (the transition from direct school management to mediation in establishment of partner contacts between schools and between schools and grant-providers); at the central level – integration of power functions in the sphere of social policy. The main factors of structural reforms (globalization of economic and political life, the development of knowledge society and of network society) in modern conditions are analyzed; the theoretical grounds of structural reforms caused by the factors of modification (theory of school choice, theory of innovative school networks, theory of personalized learning) are highlighted. Developing innovative school network as a mechanism of multiplying of intellectual and social capital of the educational system, development and continual support of the positive discrimination programme of educational establishment in socially neglected areas of the countries, expansion of the system of specialist secondary schools, widening the spectrum of educational and social services provided by secondary educational establishments to the community have been traced.
The article focuses on theoretical background and implemented results of structural reforms in modern British secondary education. The main content peculiarities and functioning aspects of new types (specialist schools, academies, beacon schools, Education Action Zones) of schools created in the process of structural reforming are highlighted. The Labour Party Manifesto 2001 (Labour party ambitions for Britain) and The Labour party Manifesto 2005 (Britain forward, not back) incorporated the educational policy of Labour Party promoting schools built on success with the ability to fulfill a set of tasks: to raise standards, to promote diversity, to achieve results. New Labour governments initiated a great variety of acts and projects (School Standards and Frameworks Act ,Green Papers, Plans, Toolkits, Excellence in Cities, Higher Standards, Better Schools For All: More Choice for parents and pupils, Schools for the future: designing schools for extended services) directed at developing socially neglected areas. The tendencies of the development of structural reforms during the period under study were: expansion of the diversification of educational establishment types; centralizing-decentralizing tendencies at all levels of education management: at the institutional level – introduction of the independent school management; at the local level – partial privatization (the subjugation of schools to private administrations) or the change of functions of a Local Education Authority (the transition from direct school management to mediation in establishment of partner contacts between schools and between schools and grant-providers); at the central level – integration of power functions in the sphere of social policy. The main factors of structural reforms (globalization of economic and political life, the development of knowledge society and of network society) in modern conditions are analyzed; the theoretical grounds of structural reforms caused by the factors of modification (theory of school choice, theory of innovative school networks, theory of personalized learning) are highlighted. Developing innovative school network as a mechanism of multiplying of intellectual and social capital of the educational system, development and continual support of the positive discrimination programme of educational establishment in socially neglected areas of the countries, expansion of the system of specialist secondary schools, widening the spectrum of educational and social services provided by secondary educational establishments to the community have been traced.
Ключові слова
Велика Британія, система загальної середньої освіти, структурна реформа, неолейбористи, спеціалізація, школи-маяки, міські навчальні центри, соціальне включення, диверсифікація, Great Britain, secondary education system, structural reform, New Labour, specialization, beacon schools, City Learning Centres, social inclusion, diversification
Бібліографічний опис
Гаращук, К. В. Британський досвід диверсифікації типів середньої школи на засадах поєднання начал ринково орієнтованої та соціально інклюзивної освіти [Текст] / К. В. Гаращук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №5 (31). – С. 3–11.