Формування художньо-виконавської уваги студента-вокаліста: методичний аспект
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті висвітлено методичні особливості формування художньо- виконавської уваги студентів у процесі вокального навчання. Подано сутнісні характеристики досліджуваного феномену. Зазначено, що увага виступає властивістю всіх пізнавальних і емоційних процесів. Визначено методичні орієнтири формування виконавської надійності, які впливають на розвиток художньо- виконавської уваги. Охарактеризовано чотири фази формування виконавської надійності у вокалістів: становлення, розвиток, удосконалення та закріплення. Доведено актуальність проблеми формування художньо-виконавської уваги студентів у процесі вокального навчання. Виявлено низку особливостей означеного процесу під час вокального навчання студентів.
The article highlights methodological features of formation of artistic-performing attention of students in the process of vocal education. The essential characteristics of the phenomenon under study are presented. It is noted that attention acts as the property of all cognitive and emotional processes. The methodological guidelines for the formation of executive reliability, which influence the development of artistic and performing attention, are defined. Four phases of the formation of performing reliability of vocalists have been characterized: formation, development, improvement and consolidation. Relevance of the problem of formation of artistic-performing attention of students in the process of vocal education is proved. A number of features of the mentioned process during the vocal training of students were revealed. In order to find out methodological features of the phenomenon under investigation, we used theoretical methods of research, namely: general scientific - analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison and generalization, specific scientific -method of terminological analysis, application of which allowed to clarify the fundamental concepts of research; structural-functional, which made possible the essential characteristic of the methodological features of the phenomenon under study. It is stressed, that an important condition for successful self-expression of students is their self-awareness, which consists of awareness of their own self, growing independence as a subject of their professional activity. For the formation of the consciousness of the musician, the set of values, which are created in the individual vocal classes (traditions, creative direction, features of the repertoire, ways of execution), becomes important. The determinant factor in the formation of a specialist's self-awareness is the desire for self¬actualization in the profession. 306 The analysis of the problem of formation of artistic-performing attention of students- vocalists in the article allowed: to confirm the relevance of the chosen problem; to identify a number of features of this process during the vocal training of students. Further research requires the development of such issues as: formation of ability to reflect in order to be aware of the future specialists of their own attention.
The article highlights methodological features of formation of artistic-performing attention of students in the process of vocal education. The essential characteristics of the phenomenon under study are presented. It is noted that attention acts as the property of all cognitive and emotional processes. The methodological guidelines for the formation of executive reliability, which influence the development of artistic and performing attention, are defined. Four phases of the formation of performing reliability of vocalists have been characterized: formation, development, improvement and consolidation. Relevance of the problem of formation of artistic-performing attention of students in the process of vocal education is proved. A number of features of the mentioned process during the vocal training of students were revealed. In order to find out methodological features of the phenomenon under investigation, we used theoretical methods of research, namely: general scientific - analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison and generalization, specific scientific -method of terminological analysis, application of which allowed to clarify the fundamental concepts of research; structural-functional, which made possible the essential characteristic of the methodological features of the phenomenon under study. It is stressed, that an important condition for successful self-expression of students is their self-awareness, which consists of awareness of their own self, growing independence as a subject of their professional activity. For the formation of the consciousness of the musician, the set of values, which are created in the individual vocal classes (traditions, creative direction, features of the repertoire, ways of execution), becomes important. The determinant factor in the formation of a specialist's self-awareness is the desire for self¬actualization in the profession. 306 The analysis of the problem of formation of artistic-performing attention of students- vocalists in the article allowed: to confirm the relevance of the chosen problem; to identify a number of features of this process during the vocal training of students. Further research requires the development of such issues as: formation of ability to reflect in order to be aware of the future specialists of their own attention.
Ключові слова
увага, художньо-виконавська увага, формування, студенти- вокалісти, методичний аспект, attention, artistic-performing attention, formation, students-vocalists, methodological aspect
Бібліографічний опис
Лунь Цюянь Формування художньо-виконавської уваги студента-вокаліста: методичний аспект [Текст] / Лунь Цюянь // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 5 (69). – С. 271–281.