Сутність та основні нормативно-правові аспекти євроінтеграційних процесів у вищій освіті
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У статті визначено передумови євроінтеграційних процесів, виокремлено етапи Болонського процесу та cхарактеризовано зміст основних документів кожного етапу. Виділено окремі аспекти реформування освітньої системи Туреччини, яка стала учасницею Болонського процесу в 2001 році. Зокрема, відзначено, що на початку ХХІ ст. у Туреччині спостерігається тенденція до зростання якісного рівня освіти, що пов’язано із входженням країни до світового освітнього простору. Серед цілей реформування вищої освіти Туреччини виділено: розвиток бакалаврських і магістерських програм, збільшення кількості подвійних магістратур, сприяння мобільності студентів, формування чіткої системи кредитів, а також розвиток науки й технологій.
The integration process consists of European standards introduction in the education, science and technology, distribution of cultural, scientific and technical achievements in the European Community. Educational concept of consolidating the European educational community is creating European Higher Education, which is based on the principles of democracy and independence of universities, their academic and research autonomy, activation of the student’s and teacher’s mobility, preparing young people for active life in a democratic society and creating conditions for their professional career and personal development. The article deals with the preconditions of the European integration process, the stages of the Bologna process and it describes the contents of the main document of each stage. It was found out that after the signing of the Bologna Declaration a new phase of reform of the European higher education began, which presented a number of conferences and meetings. The author analyzes the key issues that were discussed at the conference. It is established that in the Bologna process and the integration of higher education in the European educational space in recent years, more attention is paid to the study of features of pedagogical education in developed countries. In this regard, some aspects of education system reforms in Turkey were defined, which has become a part of the Bologna process in 2001. In particular, we note that at the beginning of the XXI century Turkey tends to increase quality education that leads to some success in the cultural development of the country. The educational system of the country is in the search for an optimal fit between established tradition of Turkish higher education and the new challenges that are associated with the entry of the country into the world educational space. It is noted that to the aims of the higher education reform in Turkey belong: the development of undergraduate and master’s programs, increasing the number of double graduate, promoting the student’s and teacher’s mobility, the formation of a clear system of credits and the development of science and technology.
The integration process consists of European standards introduction in the education, science and technology, distribution of cultural, scientific and technical achievements in the European Community. Educational concept of consolidating the European educational community is creating European Higher Education, which is based on the principles of democracy and independence of universities, their academic and research autonomy, activation of the student’s and teacher’s mobility, preparing young people for active life in a democratic society and creating conditions for their professional career and personal development. The article deals with the preconditions of the European integration process, the stages of the Bologna process and it describes the contents of the main document of each stage. It was found out that after the signing of the Bologna Declaration a new phase of reform of the European higher education began, which presented a number of conferences and meetings. The author analyzes the key issues that were discussed at the conference. It is established that in the Bologna process and the integration of higher education in the European educational space in recent years, more attention is paid to the study of features of pedagogical education in developed countries. In this regard, some aspects of education system reforms in Turkey were defined, which has become a part of the Bologna process in 2001. In particular, we note that at the beginning of the XXI century Turkey tends to increase quality education that leads to some success in the cultural development of the country. The educational system of the country is in the search for an optimal fit between established tradition of Turkish higher education and the new challenges that are associated with the entry of the country into the world educational space. It is noted that to the aims of the higher education reform in Turkey belong: the development of undergraduate and master’s programs, increasing the number of double graduate, promoting the student’s and teacher’s mobility, the formation of a clear system of credits and the development of science and technology.
Ключові слова
євроінтеграція, європейський простір вищої освіти, реформування вищої освіти, Болонська декларація, етапи розвитку Болонського процесу, принципи розвитку вищої освіти, Республіка Туреччина, European integration, European space of higher education, reform of higher education, Bologna Declaration, stages of development of the Bologna process, principles of higher education development, Republic of Turkey
Бібліографічний опис
Кючюк, Дж. Сутність та основні нормативно-правові аспекти євроінтеграційних процесів у вищій освіті [Текст] / Дж. Кючюк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 6 (40). – С. 220–229.