Професійне самовизначення особистості як спосіб її самореалізації
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У статті розглядаються сутність і взаємовплив понять «професійне самовизначення особистості», «самореалізація особистості». Аналізуються підходи до визначень, структури, критерії ефективності цих понять. Професійне самовизначення розглядається як найважливіша складова процесу самореалізації особистості. Доводиться, що професійне самовизначення є керованим процесом, а, отже, пропонуються механізми педагогічної допомоги школярам із метою реалізації власного потенціалу, розкриття здібностей і задатків, таким чином підвищивши продуктивність процесу самореалізації.
The article discusses the nature and interaction of concepts “professional self-identification” and “self-realization”. The approaches to the definition, stages, structure, performance criteria of these concepts are analyzed. Professional self-determination is defined as the process of formation of the personality’s relationships with professional environment and the way of its realization, an integral part of a holistic life of self-determination. Self-realization is seen as a conscious process of thorough investigating and growth of potential and incentive-motivational essential powers of a person, as the process of affirmation of the self, which provides self-knowledge and self-education. It is proved that professional identity is a managed process and, thus, offered educational support to students with the aim to realize their potentials, to reveal the abilities and inclinations, thus increasing the efficiency of the process of self-realization. The leading trends are defined: humanization of society and education; the possibility of systematic and continuous education throughout life; the dominant position of creativity in the education system, that is, change of strategies to personal that make the development of fundamental knowledge with the help of a teacher, their parallel use in practice and creating conditions for the use of knowledge in unforeseen circumstances, on the basis of the developed creative skills; application of modern system of professional orientation, which should help everyone to fully develop his/her own potential (gift, talent, originality of thoughts and actions, professionalism), which is determined by the nature of social relations, formation of a perceived need for an adequate professional self-determination is carried out in practical creative activities through the integration of social, cognitive, and socio-labor activity of the individual. It is determined by the value of the level of development of creative abilities in the process of professional self-determination. It is assumed that the mechanism of self-realization in its fundamental aspects corresponds to creativity, creativity is considered as a constant attribute of the activity of the individual, the attribute of any profession. Thus the desire for professional self-determination is inherent to every individual and is essentially a reflection of a more basic need – fulfillment.
The article discusses the nature and interaction of concepts “professional self-identification” and “self-realization”. The approaches to the definition, stages, structure, performance criteria of these concepts are analyzed. Professional self-determination is defined as the process of formation of the personality’s relationships with professional environment and the way of its realization, an integral part of a holistic life of self-determination. Self-realization is seen as a conscious process of thorough investigating and growth of potential and incentive-motivational essential powers of a person, as the process of affirmation of the self, which provides self-knowledge and self-education. It is proved that professional identity is a managed process and, thus, offered educational support to students with the aim to realize their potentials, to reveal the abilities and inclinations, thus increasing the efficiency of the process of self-realization. The leading trends are defined: humanization of society and education; the possibility of systematic and continuous education throughout life; the dominant position of creativity in the education system, that is, change of strategies to personal that make the development of fundamental knowledge with the help of a teacher, their parallel use in practice and creating conditions for the use of knowledge in unforeseen circumstances, on the basis of the developed creative skills; application of modern system of professional orientation, which should help everyone to fully develop his/her own potential (gift, talent, originality of thoughts and actions, professionalism), which is determined by the nature of social relations, formation of a perceived need for an adequate professional self-determination is carried out in practical creative activities through the integration of social, cognitive, and socio-labor activity of the individual. It is determined by the value of the level of development of creative abilities in the process of professional self-determination. It is assumed that the mechanism of self-realization in its fundamental aspects corresponds to creativity, creativity is considered as a constant attribute of the activity of the individual, the attribute of any profession. Thus the desire for professional self-determination is inherent to every individual and is essentially a reflection of a more basic need – fulfillment.
Ключові слова
професійне самовизначення, самореалізація, креативність, самоактуалізація, особистісний потенціал, саморозвиток, самовдосконалення, самоздійснення, професійна орієнтація, професійна діяльність, professional self-determination, self-realization, creativity, self-actualization, personal potential, self-development, self-improvement, self-fulfillment, professional activities
Бібліографічний опис
Бикова, М. М. Професійне самовизначення особистості як спосіб її самореалізації [Текст] / М. М. Бикова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 9 (53). – С. 134–141.