Управління якістю освітніх послуг у системі середньої освіти Великої Британії
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Дисертація є комплексним дослідженням у галузі компаративної педагогіки щодо теоретичних та організаційно-процесуальних засад управління якістю освітніх послуг у системі середньої освіти Великої Британії.
У роботі схарактеризовано стан розроблення проблеми та понятійно-термінологічний апарат дослідження (якість, управління якістю, забезпечення якості, контроль якості, оцінка якості, моніторинг якості, звітність, освітні послуги, якість освітніх послуг). Висвітлено ґенезу управління якістю освітніх послуг у Великій Британії. Обґрунтовано організаційно-процесуальні засади управління якістю освітніх послуг у системі середньої освіти Великої Британії. Окреслено тенденції розвитку змісту й методів професійно-педагогічної підготовки вчителя в умовах модернізації управління якістю освітніх послуг.
На основі з’ясування сучасних підходів до управління якістю освітніх послуг у системі вітчизняної середньої освіти визначено прогностичні перспективи використання прогресивного британського досвіду управління якістю освітніх послуг в аспекті досліджуваної проблеми в Україні.
This thesis is a complex research in the sphere of comparative pedagogy of the theoretical and organizational-procedural foundations of quality management of educational services in the secondary education of Great Britain. The level of investigation of the problem and the conceptual and terminological research apparatus (quality, quality management, quality assurance, quality control, quality assessment, quality monitoring, reporting, educational services and quality of educational services) are characterized. The genesis of quality management of educational services in Great Britain is described. The historical stages of educational services quality management in Great Britain are outlined, namely: 1) stratification (1861−1902) – outlining the local level in the structure of educational services quality management and establishment of appropriate management bodies – school boards; 2) professionalization (1902–1944) – creation of new professional bodies – local education authorities; introduction of procedures of external quality evaluation (inspection, external examinations); 3) centralization (1944–1979) – establishment of the Ministry of Education instead of the Education Board and significant expansion of its functions; creation of a new system of education and outlining three levels in the structure of education management: national, local and institutional; introduction of a new procedure for assessment of the quality of knowledge of school graduates – the exam to receive a “General certificate of education”; 4) marketization (1979–1997) – introduction of national curriculum; introduction of national assessment programme; establishment of Ofsted; 5) modernization (1997–2013) – diversification of the types of schools with the aim of providing quality educational services to each child according to his individual abilities and needs; competition of schools for the quality of the client and for the best resources; improvement of internal and external procedures ensuring the quality of educational services. The organizational and procedural foundations of quality management of educational services in the secondary education of Great Britain are proved. The regulatory support of educational services management is considered (White Paper Excellence in Schools (1997), School Standards and Framework Act (1998), White Paper Excellence in Cities (1999), White Paper Schools Achieving Success (2001), Green Paper 14–19: Extending Opportunities, Raising Standards (2001), Children Act (2004), Education Acts (2005, 2011), Education and Inspection Act (2006), Education and Skills Act (2009), Children, Schools and Families Act (2010). The procedure of internal evaluation (self-evaluation) of schools in Great Britain is analyzed. The tendencies of updating the content and methods of professional-pedagogical training of teachers in terms of quality management of educational services are revealed. The models of teachers’ professionalism are characterized, namely: the model of effective teacher; the model of reflective teacher; the model of enquiring teacher and the model of transformative teacher. On the basis of understanding of modern approaches to the educational services quality management in the secondary education system of Ukraine practical recommendations for Ukrainian educators concerning the application of positive British experience of educational services quality management for modernizing secondary education in Ukraine at the national, local and institutional levels are worked out. At the national level educational legislative base should be upgraded taking into account modern tendencies in the process of education quality management. The government should ensure by law the opportunities for creating the independent state body – the independent school Inspectorate of education quality to make the process of external evaluation clearer; creating a flexible system of schools funding according to the results of the evaluation of their quality; creating national innovative school networks. At the local level it is important to delegate some powers of local educational authority to schools; to create regional innovative school networks and regional associations of schools. At the institutional level the school should be transformed into learning organization, functioning as a professional learning community that shares common values and vision, providing system efforts to improve all the aspects of educational institution.
This thesis is a complex research in the sphere of comparative pedagogy of the theoretical and organizational-procedural foundations of quality management of educational services in the secondary education of Great Britain. The level of investigation of the problem and the conceptual and terminological research apparatus (quality, quality management, quality assurance, quality control, quality assessment, quality monitoring, reporting, educational services and quality of educational services) are characterized. The genesis of quality management of educational services in Great Britain is described. The historical stages of educational services quality management in Great Britain are outlined, namely: 1) stratification (1861−1902) – outlining the local level in the structure of educational services quality management and establishment of appropriate management bodies – school boards; 2) professionalization (1902–1944) – creation of new professional bodies – local education authorities; introduction of procedures of external quality evaluation (inspection, external examinations); 3) centralization (1944–1979) – establishment of the Ministry of Education instead of the Education Board and significant expansion of its functions; creation of a new system of education and outlining three levels in the structure of education management: national, local and institutional; introduction of a new procedure for assessment of the quality of knowledge of school graduates – the exam to receive a “General certificate of education”; 4) marketization (1979–1997) – introduction of national curriculum; introduction of national assessment programme; establishment of Ofsted; 5) modernization (1997–2013) – diversification of the types of schools with the aim of providing quality educational services to each child according to his individual abilities and needs; competition of schools for the quality of the client and for the best resources; improvement of internal and external procedures ensuring the quality of educational services. The organizational and procedural foundations of quality management of educational services in the secondary education of Great Britain are proved. The regulatory support of educational services management is considered (White Paper Excellence in Schools (1997), School Standards and Framework Act (1998), White Paper Excellence in Cities (1999), White Paper Schools Achieving Success (2001), Green Paper 14–19: Extending Opportunities, Raising Standards (2001), Children Act (2004), Education Acts (2005, 2011), Education and Inspection Act (2006), Education and Skills Act (2009), Children, Schools and Families Act (2010). The procedure of internal evaluation (self-evaluation) of schools in Great Britain is analyzed. The tendencies of updating the content and methods of professional-pedagogical training of teachers in terms of quality management of educational services are revealed. The models of teachers’ professionalism are characterized, namely: the model of effective teacher; the model of reflective teacher; the model of enquiring teacher and the model of transformative teacher. On the basis of understanding of modern approaches to the educational services quality management in the secondary education system of Ukraine practical recommendations for Ukrainian educators concerning the application of positive British experience of educational services quality management for modernizing secondary education in Ukraine at the national, local and institutional levels are worked out. At the national level educational legislative base should be upgraded taking into account modern tendencies in the process of education quality management. The government should ensure by law the opportunities for creating the independent state body – the independent school Inspectorate of education quality to make the process of external evaluation clearer; creating a flexible system of schools funding according to the results of the evaluation of their quality; creating national innovative school networks. At the local level it is important to delegate some powers of local educational authority to schools; to create regional innovative school networks and regional associations of schools. At the institutional level the school should be transformed into learning organization, functioning as a professional learning community that shares common values and vision, providing system efforts to improve all the aspects of educational institution.
Ключові слова
управління якістю, освітні послуги, якість освітніх послуг, управління якістю освітніх послуг, система середньої освіти, нормативно-правове забезпечення, організаційно-процесуальні засади, підготовка вчителів, Велика Британія, quality management, educational services, quality of educational services, quality management of educational services, secondary education, regulatory support, organizational and procedural foundations, teachers’ training, Great Britain
Бібліографічний опис
Шаповалова, О. В. Управління якістю освітніх послуг у системі середньої освіти Великої Британії [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.01 – загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки / О. В. Шаповалова ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка. – Суми, 2015. – 20 с.