Розвиток системи корекційно-реабілітаційної допомоги дітям із особливими потребами в незалежній Україні
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглянуто розвиток системи корекційно-реабілітаційної допомоги дітям із особливими потребами в незалежній Україні. Автором здійснено історико- педагогічний аналіз розвитку цієї системи за допомогою методів аналізу, синтезу, систематизації й узагальнення. Висвітлено розвиток та особливості вдосконалення і реформування системи освіти дітей із особливими потребами в Україні, починаючи з 90-х років ХХ століття. Стаття може слугувати вказівником до пошуку оптимальних шляхів трансформації, соціалізації дітей із особливими потребами, їх інтегрування в суспільство. Перспективи подальших розвідок полягають у пошуку шляхів взаємодії систем спеціальної та інклюзивної освіти.
The article deals with development of correctional and rehabilitation system for children with special needs in independent Ukraine. The author has carried out a historical- pedagogical analysis of development of this system. The methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization are used. The development, improvement, and reformation of the system of education of children with special needs in Ukraine from the 90 years of the 20th century are covered. The author notes that in the 90's the vision of a modern strategy for development of the system of special education was reduced to a certain alternative. It was as follows: to continue to improve the existing system of special education or completely abandon it. At the same time, scientists search for fundamentally new principles and organizational structures, focusing on Western models. Scientists have come to the conclusion about the need for evolutionary advancement in the development of correctional and rehabilitation assistance system. In Ukraine, measures have been taken not only to preserve the experience of special education. They were aimed at multiplying it, developing modern technology of work, creating conditions for implementing the right of children with special needs to choose the type of education institution, content and forms of education. Thus, modernization of education in Ukraine was aimed at democratization and humanization. This necessitates the introduction of innovative technologies in the education of children with special needs. The purpose of special education was to ensure the full and dignified life of such persons, their preparation for active participation in society, inclusion in social relations. Instead of special training, a new, more progressive form of education - inclusive education. However, implementation of inclusive education does not mean curtailing the existing system of special education. Today, access to inclusive education for children with special needs should be ensured. Therefore, there must be close links and practical cooperation between inclusive and special education institutions. The article can serve as a guideline for finding the best ways to transform, socialize children with special needs and integrate into society. Prospects for further exploration are to find the ways of interaction of systems of special and general education.
The article deals with development of correctional and rehabilitation system for children with special needs in independent Ukraine. The author has carried out a historical- pedagogical analysis of development of this system. The methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization are used. The development, improvement, and reformation of the system of education of children with special needs in Ukraine from the 90 years of the 20th century are covered. The author notes that in the 90's the vision of a modern strategy for development of the system of special education was reduced to a certain alternative. It was as follows: to continue to improve the existing system of special education or completely abandon it. At the same time, scientists search for fundamentally new principles and organizational structures, focusing on Western models. Scientists have come to the conclusion about the need for evolutionary advancement in the development of correctional and rehabilitation assistance system. In Ukraine, measures have been taken not only to preserve the experience of special education. They were aimed at multiplying it, developing modern technology of work, creating conditions for implementing the right of children with special needs to choose the type of education institution, content and forms of education. Thus, modernization of education in Ukraine was aimed at democratization and humanization. This necessitates the introduction of innovative technologies in the education of children with special needs. The purpose of special education was to ensure the full and dignified life of such persons, their preparation for active participation in society, inclusion in social relations. Instead of special training, a new, more progressive form of education - inclusive education. However, implementation of inclusive education does not mean curtailing the existing system of special education. Today, access to inclusive education for children with special needs should be ensured. Therefore, there must be close links and practical cooperation between inclusive and special education institutions. The article can serve as a guideline for finding the best ways to transform, socialize children with special needs and integrate into society. Prospects for further exploration are to find the ways of interaction of systems of special and general education.
Ключові слова
корекційно-реабілітаційна допомога, діти з особливими потребами, спеціальна освіта, інклюзивна освіта, реформування освітньої галузі, інтеграція, соціалізація, нормативно-законодавча база, correctional and rehabilitation assistance, children with special needs, special education, inclusive education, reforming of educational branch, integration, socialization, normative-legislative base
Бібліографічний опис
Шевченко, В. Розвиток системи корекційно-реабілітаційної допомоги дітям із особливими потребами в незалежній Україні [Текст] / В. Шевченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 8 (82). – С. 266–275.