Формування громадянської відповідальності у майбутніх учителів як важлива складова професійної підготовки
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті акцентовано увагу на проблемі формування громадянської відповідальності в майбутніх вчителів у процесі їх професійної підготовки. Схарактеризовано громадянську відповідальність майбутнього вчителя як сукупність професійно важливих якостей особистості, які забезпечують свободу прийняття рішень й відповідальність за їх наслідки в педагогічній діяльності, відображають чітку громадянську позиція, потребу у збереженні й примноженні національних традицій, культури; характеризуються високим рівнем національної свідомості й патріотизму та ґрунтуються на цінностях правових норм, повазі до державної мови й символів і передбачають активну участь у громадському житті держави та суспільства. Відмічено, що основою формування громадянської відповідальності є громадянська зрілість, що характеризуються не віком особистості, а її поглядами, діями, вчинками, гуманістичним світоглядом. Акцентовано увагу на трьох аспектах громадянської відповідальності: об’єктивному, суб’єктивному, емоційному.
The article deals with the problem of developing civic responsibility among future teachers in the process of their professional training. It is emphasized that for the consideration of moral and ethical values and legal norms, respect for the rights and freedoms of each person, building society and the state on humanistic principles, an important role belongs to teachers who raise and educate students, citizens of their country. The paper claims that the future of Ukrainian society depends on the civic position of teachers and their ability to take civic responsibility. The purpose of the article is to characterize the concept of “civic responsibility of the future teacher” and justify the importance of the formation of future teacher’s civic responsibility during training in higher education institutions. The following methods were used in the research process: analysis of scientific sources and normative documents on the research problem, etymological analysis, generalization and systematization. The use of these methods allowed us to characterize the civic responsibility of the future teacher as a set of professionally important personality traits that ensure freedom of decision-making and responsibility for their consequences in teaching, reflect a clear civic position, the need to preserve and enhance national traditions and culture. Moreover, these professional qualities are characterized by a high level of national consciousness and patriotism and are based on legal norms, values, respect for the state language and symbols, also they provide for active participation in the country’s public life. It is stated that the basis for the formation of civic responsibility is civic maturity, characterized not by the age of the individual, but by his views, actions, deeds, humanistic outlook. Emphasis is placed on three aspects of civic responsibility: objective (the level of responsibility imposed on the future teacher by society, community); subjective (teacher’s decision on the possible level of responsibility, which he or she determines for himself/herself in accordance with the decisions made, obligations); emotional (characterizes the emotional aspect of the future teacher’s personality and reflects the experiences, emotions, feelings of duty and guilt about the results and possible consequences of their actions and deeds).
The article deals with the problem of developing civic responsibility among future teachers in the process of their professional training. It is emphasized that for the consideration of moral and ethical values and legal norms, respect for the rights and freedoms of each person, building society and the state on humanistic principles, an important role belongs to teachers who raise and educate students, citizens of their country. The paper claims that the future of Ukrainian society depends on the civic position of teachers and their ability to take civic responsibility. The purpose of the article is to characterize the concept of “civic responsibility of the future teacher” and justify the importance of the formation of future teacher’s civic responsibility during training in higher education institutions. The following methods were used in the research process: analysis of scientific sources and normative documents on the research problem, etymological analysis, generalization and systematization. The use of these methods allowed us to characterize the civic responsibility of the future teacher as a set of professionally important personality traits that ensure freedom of decision-making and responsibility for their consequences in teaching, reflect a clear civic position, the need to preserve and enhance national traditions and culture. Moreover, these professional qualities are characterized by a high level of national consciousness and patriotism and are based on legal norms, values, respect for the state language and symbols, also they provide for active participation in the country’s public life. It is stated that the basis for the formation of civic responsibility is civic maturity, characterized not by the age of the individual, but by his views, actions, deeds, humanistic outlook. Emphasis is placed on three aspects of civic responsibility: objective (the level of responsibility imposed on the future teacher by society, community); subjective (teacher’s decision on the possible level of responsibility, which he or she determines for himself/herself in accordance with the decisions made, obligations); emotional (characterizes the emotional aspect of the future teacher’s personality and reflects the experiences, emotions, feelings of duty and guilt about the results and possible consequences of their actions and deeds).
Ключові слова
відповідальність, громадянська відповідальність, громадянська освіта, майбутній учитель, заклади освіти, responsibility, civic responsibility, civic education, future teacher, education institutions
Бібліографічний опис
Андрощук, І. Формування громадянської відповідальності у майбутніх учителів як важлива складова професійної підготовки [Текст] / І. Андрощук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2022. – № 1 (115). – С. 3–12. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2022.01/003-012.