Концептуалізація ідей виховання моральної особистості в аспекті модернізації національної системи освіти України кінця ХХ – початку ХХІ століття
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Метою статті є здійснення теоретичного аналізу ідей виховання моральної особистості кінця ХХ – початку ХХІ століття. Методи дослідження – аналіз, синтез, систематизація та опис процесу розвитку ідеї морального виховання крізь призму освітніх парадигм. Результати дослідження полягають у виокремленні перспективних педагогічних ідей виховання моральної особистості для впровадження у вітчизняний освітній простір з урахуванням нового контексту й нових умов. Практичне значення результатів полягає в інтегруванні перспективних освітніх ідей для сучасної педагогіки. Перспективами наукових розвідок є з’ясування шляхів упровадження вітчизняних перспективних педагогічних ідей виховання моральної особистості.
On the basis of the analytical review of sources base socio-pedagogical determinants of scientific clearance of the ideas of the moral personality upbringing in the native educational and training concepts and programs of the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century are theoretically grounded and actualized for modern education. For the aim of generalization of theoretical ideas and practical experience of the national pedagogical heritage the main approaches to the conceptualization of the idea of moral personality upbringing are identified and realized. The trends and stages of development of the national idea of the moral personality upbringing in the framework of the general theory of education with its description in the format of division into periods in chronological limits survey are described. With the purpose of arrangement and systematizing conceptual ideas about education of the moral person, determination, specialization of perspective educational ideas was conducted, the logic of their focus was outlined and educational and upbringing concepts of the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century are classified according to their public, ideological and pedagogical orientation. New educational strategies reflect new views on education: tendency of ideological-political influence that was popular in the end of the XX century is in the past; education became first of all cultural-historical value; gradually knowledge approaches are changed by educational; the main became subject-subject relations; the main principal orientations instead of classical formal general “harmonious development of the personality” became cultural growth and development of the personality; priorities are common to mankind values with orientation on national culture. The main characteristics that differ old educational models from present ones are: deideologization of education – independence from political doctrine, ideology and political pressure, personal orientation of education – dependence of goals, content and methods from needs and interest of pupils, democracy and humanism in relations between teacher and pupil. Modern concepts of education are based on the new scientific grounds, reflect new views on education as a cultural-historical value, priority in social education. Perspective pedagogical ideas of the moral personality upbringing, enabling its implementation into the native education under the new conditions are concretized.
On the basis of the analytical review of sources base socio-pedagogical determinants of scientific clearance of the ideas of the moral personality upbringing in the native educational and training concepts and programs of the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century are theoretically grounded and actualized for modern education. For the aim of generalization of theoretical ideas and practical experience of the national pedagogical heritage the main approaches to the conceptualization of the idea of moral personality upbringing are identified and realized. The trends and stages of development of the national idea of the moral personality upbringing in the framework of the general theory of education with its description in the format of division into periods in chronological limits survey are described. With the purpose of arrangement and systematizing conceptual ideas about education of the moral person, determination, specialization of perspective educational ideas was conducted, the logic of their focus was outlined and educational and upbringing concepts of the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century are classified according to their public, ideological and pedagogical orientation. New educational strategies reflect new views on education: tendency of ideological-political influence that was popular in the end of the XX century is in the past; education became first of all cultural-historical value; gradually knowledge approaches are changed by educational; the main became subject-subject relations; the main principal orientations instead of classical formal general “harmonious development of the personality” became cultural growth and development of the personality; priorities are common to mankind values with orientation on national culture. The main characteristics that differ old educational models from present ones are: deideologization of education – independence from political doctrine, ideology and political pressure, personal orientation of education – dependence of goals, content and methods from needs and interest of pupils, democracy and humanism in relations between teacher and pupil. Modern concepts of education are based on the new scientific grounds, reflect new views on education as a cultural-historical value, priority in social education. Perspective pedagogical ideas of the moral personality upbringing, enabling its implementation into the native education under the new conditions are concretized.
Ключові слова
модернізація, реформація, концепції, моральне виховання, радянська школа, комуністична мораль, національне виховання, гуманістичне виховання, комунарське і комуністичне виховання, idea, education, moral, morality, moral personality, moral education, concept, program, socially and personally oriented approaches, communist system of education, national system of education
Бібліографічний опис
Кучина, К. Концептуалізація ідей виховання моральної особистості в аспекті модернізації національної системи освіти України кінця ХХ – початку ХХІ століття [Текст] / К. Кучина // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 2 (66). – С. 225–238.