Концепції естетичного виховання в науковій думці Польщі
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглядаються теоретичні основи естетичного виховання в науковій думці Польщі. Інтегративною складовою цих теорій є орієнтація на виховання особистості з розвиненим естетичним світоглядом, який ґрунтується на загальнолюдських цінностях і пріоритетах. Наголошено, що відродження української національної школи забезпечує естетизація всіх ланок навчально-виховного процесу, створення теоретичних засад естетичного виховання особистості. Зазначено, що концептуальні основи естетичного виховання були розроблені в Польщі на рубежі XIX і XX століть філософами аксіологічного напряму. У теорії естетичного виховання його важливим засобом є художня освіта. У дослідженнях польських учених-педагогів у частині виявлення відповідних форм і методів естетизації освітнього процесу, спрямованих на засвоєння науково-естетичної думки англомовних дослідників, увагу зосереджено на проблемах формування людської особистості в її різноманітних естетичних проявах.
The article deals with theoretical foundations of aesthetic education in the scientific thought of Poland. The integrative component of these theories is orientation on the education of the person with established aesthetic worldview, which is based on universal values and priorities. It is stressed that revival of Ukrainian national school provides aesthetization of all parts of the educational process, creation of the theoretical basis of aesthetic education of the individual. Academician Ivan Zyazyun believed that social-value qualities of a person and norms of conduct acquire personal meaning and significance only by understanding their essence and after the completion of their aesthetization. A set of rules is seen as an external factor, and the value is internal, aesthetic, mastered by the subject guide for life and is perceived as a spiritual intention. The author emphasizes that the so-called «mass culture» in all its varieties is often withdrawn from the Polish concepts of aesthetic education. However, at the end of the last century, researchers noted a significant impact of mass culture on the formation of personality and stressed that ignoring this phenomenon had led to serious shortcomings in the training of teachers. Conceptual foundations of aesthetic education were developed in Poland at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries by the philosophers of axiological direction. Important factors in the philosophical rationale for art education from the standpoint of aesthetic paradigm were the works of Ph. Znanetsky, R. Ingarden, V. Tatarkevych. In the theories of aesthetic education its important means is art education. The studies of Polish researchers-pedagogues concerning identification of the appropriate forms and methods of aesthetization of the educational process are aimed at assimilation of scientific-aesthetic thought of the English-speaking researchers. The attention is focused on the problems of formation of the human personality in its most diverse aesthetic manifestations. From the innovative positions in modern foreign pedagogical science the relationship between «aesthetic», «emotional», «creative», «individualized» education is interpreted, aesthetic and educational opportunities for all academic disciplines, the external environment are revealed. The most important function in achieving the goals of aesthetic education is assigned to the personality of the teacher, his professional skills.
The article deals with theoretical foundations of aesthetic education in the scientific thought of Poland. The integrative component of these theories is orientation on the education of the person with established aesthetic worldview, which is based on universal values and priorities. It is stressed that revival of Ukrainian national school provides aesthetization of all parts of the educational process, creation of the theoretical basis of aesthetic education of the individual. Academician Ivan Zyazyun believed that social-value qualities of a person and norms of conduct acquire personal meaning and significance only by understanding their essence and after the completion of their aesthetization. A set of rules is seen as an external factor, and the value is internal, aesthetic, mastered by the subject guide for life and is perceived as a spiritual intention. The author emphasizes that the so-called «mass culture» in all its varieties is often withdrawn from the Polish concepts of aesthetic education. However, at the end of the last century, researchers noted a significant impact of mass culture on the formation of personality and stressed that ignoring this phenomenon had led to serious shortcomings in the training of teachers. Conceptual foundations of aesthetic education were developed in Poland at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries by the philosophers of axiological direction. Important factors in the philosophical rationale for art education from the standpoint of aesthetic paradigm were the works of Ph. Znanetsky, R. Ingarden, V. Tatarkevych. In the theories of aesthetic education its important means is art education. The studies of Polish researchers-pedagogues concerning identification of the appropriate forms and methods of aesthetization of the educational process are aimed at assimilation of scientific-aesthetic thought of the English-speaking researchers. The attention is focused on the problems of formation of the human personality in its most diverse aesthetic manifestations. From the innovative positions in modern foreign pedagogical science the relationship between «aesthetic», «emotional», «creative», «individualized» education is interpreted, aesthetic and educational opportunities for all academic disciplines, the external environment are revealed. The most important function in achieving the goals of aesthetic education is assigned to the personality of the teacher, his professional skills.
Ключові слова
концепція, естетичне виховання, естетичний світогляд, естетизація освітнього процесу, наукова думка Польщі, сoncept, aesthetic education, aesthetic worldview, aesthetization of the educational process, scientific thought of Poland
Бібліографічний опис
Лещенко, М. П. Концепції естетичного виховання в науковій думці Польщі [Текст] / М. П. Лещенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 9 (43). – С. 274–283.