Використання рухливих ігор як засіб фізичного виховання слабочуючих дітей
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Стаття присвячена проблемі вдосконалення процесу фізичного виховання дітей із різними порушеннями слуху. У ній аналізуються особливості побудови занять фізичною культурою з використанням рухливих ігор і вправ на розвиток координаційних здібностей. Предметом нашого дослідження є оздоровча та корекційна робота на заняттях із фізкультури з дітьми молодшого шкільного віку, які мають порушення слуху. Дана робота розкриває особливості організації та методики проведення рухливих ігор зі слабочуючими дітьми. Дані, які були отримані в ході експерименту, показують необхідність системного використання рухливих ігор для дітей, які мають порушення слуху. Доведено, що вони сприяють не тільки поліпшенню показників їх координаційних здібностей, але й позитивно впливають на покращення роботи всіх систем організму, фізичного й розумового розвитку дітей.
Physical rehabilitation of children with hearing impairments (one of the important directions in the work of institutions) – is a major part of health and educational work, and is a powerful way to promote health and proper physical development of children. Therefore, our paper deals with the development problem of the process of physical education of children with various hearing impairments. It analyzes the peculiarities of preparing lessons of physical culture with the use of outdoor games and exercises for development of coordination abilities of children who have impaired hearing and who study at secondary boarding school. In this regard, we have implemented a set of measures of physical education correctional orientation, which would allow adequate development of physical qualities, improve motor skills and contributed to the development of moral-volitional qualities adaptation to external factors. The subject of our study is wellness and corrective work in physical education classes with children of primary school age who have hearing loss. Despite the fact that play is natural for children, we chose the closest to younger students method of conducting classes in physical education. This work reveals the characteristics of the organization and methods of conducting outdoor games with hearing impaired children. For the purpose, we raised the question of the effectiveness of the using moving games as a means of physical education of children with hearing impairment. Using Romberg sample, we investigated the changes that occur when using outdoor games and exercises for the development of coordination abilities in children of primary school age who have hearing loss. Tests were performed at the beginning of the experiment and then after each week of remedial activities in physical education. The data that were obtained during the experiment show that the improvement of the coordination indicators occurred throughout the experiment. But the company needs to use outdoor games for children who have hearing loss. Also they should be varied and interesting. Then they will contribute to the improvement of coordination skills, but also positively influence the improvement of all systems of the organism, physical and mental development of children. It is also important for the improvement of emotional state of children, their interest in the job, help each other.
Physical rehabilitation of children with hearing impairments (one of the important directions in the work of institutions) – is a major part of health and educational work, and is a powerful way to promote health and proper physical development of children. Therefore, our paper deals with the development problem of the process of physical education of children with various hearing impairments. It analyzes the peculiarities of preparing lessons of physical culture with the use of outdoor games and exercises for development of coordination abilities of children who have impaired hearing and who study at secondary boarding school. In this regard, we have implemented a set of measures of physical education correctional orientation, which would allow adequate development of physical qualities, improve motor skills and contributed to the development of moral-volitional qualities adaptation to external factors. The subject of our study is wellness and corrective work in physical education classes with children of primary school age who have hearing loss. Despite the fact that play is natural for children, we chose the closest to younger students method of conducting classes in physical education. This work reveals the characteristics of the organization and methods of conducting outdoor games with hearing impaired children. For the purpose, we raised the question of the effectiveness of the using moving games as a means of physical education of children with hearing impairment. Using Romberg sample, we investigated the changes that occur when using outdoor games and exercises for the development of coordination abilities in children of primary school age who have hearing loss. Tests were performed at the beginning of the experiment and then after each week of remedial activities in physical education. The data that were obtained during the experiment show that the improvement of the coordination indicators occurred throughout the experiment. But the company needs to use outdoor games for children who have hearing loss. Also they should be varied and interesting. Then they will contribute to the improvement of coordination skills, but also positively influence the improvement of all systems of the organism, physical and mental development of children. It is also important for the improvement of emotional state of children, their interest in the job, help each other.
Ключові слова
слабочуючі діти, hearing impaired children, рухливі ігри, outdoor games, діти молодшого шкільного віку, children of primary school age, координаційні здібності, coordination abilities
Бібліографічний опис
Востоцька, І. Ф. Використання рухливих ігор як засіб фізичного виховання слабочуючих дітей [Текст] / І. Ф. Востоцька, А. І. Скачек // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 1 (55). – С. 8–14.