Роль духовної музики у формуванні педагогічної культури вчителя
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглядається роль духовної музики у формуванні педагогічної культури, яку ми розуміємо як систему норм, ціннісних орієнтацій, практично з реалізованих у процесі культивування людини, що забезпечують умови для саморозвитку й самореалізації особистості в системі освіти та самоосвіти. Проаналізовано низку наукових досліджень з даної науково-педагогічної проблеми. Розкривається зміст духовної музики та її навчально-виховна сутність.
The article discusses the role of sacred music in the formation of pedagogical culture, which we understand as a system of norms, value orientations, practically realized in the process of cultivation of the person providing conditions for self-development and selfrealisation in the education system and self-education. The article aims to theoretically substantiate the role of sacred music in the process of formation of pedagogical culture of the teacher. To achieve the goal a set of interrelated theoretical and empirical methods is used: theoretical - analysis and synthesis of the research literature for the purpose of comparison of the various views on the research problem, definition of the conceptual apparatus, the essential characteristics and conditions of formation of pedagogical culture; experiential - pedagogical supervision with the aim of identifying the formation of pedagogical culture of the future musical art teachers. The problem of formation of pedagogical culture of the future musical art teachers is of particular relevance in the context of priorities and main directions of higher education reforming. Taking into account the growing need for highly educated and conscious teachers of musical art, the problem of formation of pedagogical culture, acquisition of skills of creative activity in the field of sacred music becomes socially meaningful. Pedagogical culture of a teacher is an integrative characteristic of his high professional and pedagogical readiness to pedagogical activity, endogenous highly developed personal qualities necessary for the successful solution of pedagogical tasks. Starting point of our discourse about the role of sacred music in the development of pedagogical culture of the future teacher was the formation of moral and aesthetic evaluation as an important means of cultural, aesthetic, moral character and spiritual world of students. The knowledge of sacred music is a long educational process that involves motivational, cognitive, emotional and praxiological sphere. The phenomenon of Orthodox sacred music as artistic and pedagogical industry contains strong moral and aesthetic relations, text and ascetic melodies; the sound producing system of spiritual norms and values that influence the process of cultivation of the personality; providing conditions for self-development and self-realization of students in the education system and self-education based on the assimilation of the theological content of music works; positive and complex influence on the human personality and his psychophysiological, emotional, intellectual and physiological spheres. It can be concluded about the significant influence of spiritual music on the formation of pedagogical culture of the future musical art teachers. Prospects for further research we see in the development of a methodology for the formation of pedagogical culture of the future teacher in the conditions of the educational process of the university.
The article discusses the role of sacred music in the formation of pedagogical culture, which we understand as a system of norms, value orientations, practically realized in the process of cultivation of the person providing conditions for self-development and selfrealisation in the education system and self-education. The article aims to theoretically substantiate the role of sacred music in the process of formation of pedagogical culture of the teacher. To achieve the goal a set of interrelated theoretical and empirical methods is used: theoretical - analysis and synthesis of the research literature for the purpose of comparison of the various views on the research problem, definition of the conceptual apparatus, the essential characteristics and conditions of formation of pedagogical culture; experiential - pedagogical supervision with the aim of identifying the formation of pedagogical culture of the future musical art teachers. The problem of formation of pedagogical culture of the future musical art teachers is of particular relevance in the context of priorities and main directions of higher education reforming. Taking into account the growing need for highly educated and conscious teachers of musical art, the problem of formation of pedagogical culture, acquisition of skills of creative activity in the field of sacred music becomes socially meaningful. Pedagogical culture of a teacher is an integrative characteristic of his high professional and pedagogical readiness to pedagogical activity, endogenous highly developed personal qualities necessary for the successful solution of pedagogical tasks. Starting point of our discourse about the role of sacred music in the development of pedagogical culture of the future teacher was the formation of moral and aesthetic evaluation as an important means of cultural, aesthetic, moral character and spiritual world of students. The knowledge of sacred music is a long educational process that involves motivational, cognitive, emotional and praxiological sphere. The phenomenon of Orthodox sacred music as artistic and pedagogical industry contains strong moral and aesthetic relations, text and ascetic melodies; the sound producing system of spiritual norms and values that influence the process of cultivation of the personality; providing conditions for self-development and self-realization of students in the education system and self-education based on the assimilation of the theological content of music works; positive and complex influence on the human personality and his psychophysiological, emotional, intellectual and physiological spheres. It can be concluded about the significant influence of spiritual music on the formation of pedagogical culture of the future musical art teachers. Prospects for further research we see in the development of a methodology for the formation of pedagogical culture of the future teacher in the conditions of the educational process of the university.
Ключові слова
педагогічна культура, духовна музика, майбутній учитель, навчально-виховний процес, pedagogical culture, sacred music, future teacher, educational process
Бібліографічний опис
Смаковський, Ю. Роль духовної музики у формуванні педагогічної культури вчителя [Текст] / Ю. Смаковський // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 3 (67). – С. 252–262.