Підготовка майбутніх учителів інформатики до професійної діяльності засобами електронних освітніх ресурсів

dc.contributor.authorУдовиченко Ольга Миколаївна
dc.contributor.authorUdovychenko Olha Mykolaivna
dc.description.abstractУ роботі розроблено, теоретично обґрунтованою й експериментально перевірено модель підготовки майбутніх учителів інформатики до професійної діяльності засобами електронних освітніх ресурсів, яка включає взаємопов’язані структурні компоненти (концептуальний, змістовий, процесуальний, оцінний), етапи залучення електронних освітніх ресурсів (підбір/удосконалення/розробка електронних освітніх ресурсів, впровадження електронних освітніх ресурсів, аналіз результатів), форми (лекції-консультації, лабораторні практикуми, семінари, самостійна робота, змішане навчання, відеоконференція), методи (проблемно-пошукові, евристичні, метод проектів, тренінги тощо) й засоби (електронні навчальні видання, електронні засоби навчального призначення, комп’ютерні навчальні системи, педагогічні програмні засоби, електронні навчально-методичні матеріали), що забезпечують якісну підготовку майбутнього учителя інформатики до професійної діяльності, засобами електронних освітніх ресурсів. Для встановлення рівня сформованості готовності до професійної діяльності вчителя інформатики до кожної складової (предметна, методична, психологічна) розроблено критерії (теоретичний, технологічний, особистісний), показники (обсяг знань, глибина знань, процесуальні дії, мотивація, самоаналіз) та рівні (фактичний, операційний, аналітико-синтетичний, творчий).uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe research is devoted to the problem of preparation of future computer science teachers to professional activity by means of electronic educational resources, The state of elaboration of the problem of preparation of future computer science teachers to professional activity by means of electronic educational resources in the Ukrainian literature was analyzed. It was revealed the discrepancy between the level of development and the extension of modem electronic educational resources and inadequate effectiveness of their implementation in the educational process computer science disciplines; between the demands of the information society to the result of training of computer science teachers in accordance with the level of development of information technologies and the lack of effective models of such training, based on electronic educational resources; a significant amount of technical courses in the training of future computer science teachers and their insufficient instructional support. Analysis of scientific sources allowed us to clarify the concept of "electronic textbook", which is understood as e-learning resource, which is provided with correspondence to the programme, systemisation, scientific character and completeness of presentation of educational material, accounting pedagogical and psychological characteristics of educational subjects, the simultaneous presentation of educational material in various forms; the level of development of information technologies in methods of presenting educational material and the organization of work with the resource, the continuity and completeness of the educational process, individualization and differentiation of education. In the work it is concretized the concept of "readiness of future computer science teachers to professional activity", which is regarded as a complex integrated personal formation, the essence of which is a set of interrelated components: substantive (mastery of special informational knowledge), methodical (mastering techniques and methods of teaching computer science) and psychological (availability of personal qualities necessary for professional), which ensures ongoing realisation of pedagogical activities and is the basis for further creative self-realization and professional self-development. Structural components of professional readiness of the computer science teacher were theoretically grounded. General didactic principles and a system of specific principles of training of future computer science teachers by means of electronic educational resources were selected, among which are the principles of problem, activity and consciousness of studying, the systemisation and consistency of studying, clarity of studying, the formation of algorithmic as well as heuristic methods of mental activities, systematic development of the main types of thinking (visual-efficient, visual-figurative and abstract), individualization and differentiation, the principle of orientation on the use of ELK, connection of education with life, subjectivity, the creation of the electronic educational environment, refiexivity. Criteria (theoretical, technological, personal) were developed for establishing the level of formation of readiness for professional activity of a computer science teacher to each component. Each of the criteria was characterised by the relevant indicators of development of readiness for professional activity of a computer science teacher. Theoretical criterion was characterised by indicators: "extent of knowledge11 (the sum of facts, concepts, rules, judgments, conclusions, phenomena and processes, which was mastered by the students, future teachers of computer science) and "depth of knowledge" (the right balance of structure and elements of knowledge, understanding of the system of educational material, its he most important ideas and patterns that characterizes the ability of students to use ELR in a variety of cognitive and practical activities). Technological criteria was characterised by the indicator "procedures" (the presence of future computer science teachers of the ability to perform professional tasks necessary for the productive activities of the profession), Personal criteria was characterised by - indicators of "motivation" (motivation to use ELR) and "introspection" (the ability to reflect the professional activities). Criteria and indicators of professional readiness of the computer science teacher allow us to characterize the levels of readiness to implement professional activities. Depending on the degree of readiness of the computer science teacher four levels were singled out: factual, operational, analytic-synthetic, creative. The developed model of training of future computer science teachers to professional activity by means of electronic educational resources reflects the relevant purpose of organizational-pedagogical activities, conceptual framework, substantial and procedural block, the diagnosis and description of the result of its implementation.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationУдовиченко, О. М. Підготовка майбутніх учителів інформатики до професійної діяльності засобами електронних освітніх ресурсів [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.04 – теорія і методика проф. освіти / О. М. Удовиченко ; науковий керівник О. М. Семеног. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – 20 с.uk_UA
dc.publisherСумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренкаuk_UA
dc.subjectпідготовка вчителя інформатикиuk_UA
dc.subjectготовність до професійної діяльностіuk_UA
dc.subjectелектронні освітні ресурсиuk_UA
dc.subjectмодель підготовки майбутніх учителів інформатикиuk_UA
dc.subjectreadiness for professional activityuk_UA
dc.subjectreadiness of the computer science teacheruk_UA
dc.subjectelectronic educational resourcesuk_UA
dc.subjectmodel of training of future computer science teachersuk_UA
dc.titleПідготовка майбутніх учителів інформатики до професійної діяльності засобами електронних освітніх ресурсівuk_UA
dc.title.alternativePreparation of Future Computer Science Teachers to Professional Activity by Means of Electronic Educational Resourcesuk_UA
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