Формування громадянської позиції майбутніх учителів у позанавчальній діяльності педагогічного коледжу
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У роботі розроблено, обґрунтовано та експериментально перевірено модель формування громадянської позиції майбутніх учителів у позанавчальній діяльності педагогічного коледжу та педагогічні умови її реалізації в процесі професійної підготовки. Виявлено стан розробленості проблеми формування громадянської позиції майбутніх учителів у позанавчальній діяльності педагогічного коледжу в теорії та практиці професійної підготовки. Розроблено та теоретично обґрунтовано модель формування громадянської позиції майбутніх учителів у позанавчальній діяльності педагогічного коледжу та педагогічні умови її реалізації в процесі професійної підготовки. Розроблено методичне забезпечення моделі формування громадянської позиції майбутніх учителів у позанавчальній діяльності педагогічного коледжу, педагогічні умови її реалізації в процесі професійної підготовки й експериментально перевірено ефективність означеної моделі.
This thesis is devoted to the development, substantiation and experimental verification of formation model of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college and pedagogical conditions of its realization in the process of professional education. The research provides, firstly, a thorough analysis of the concepts and terminology, identifies the major determinants of model of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college and pedagogical conditions of its realization in the process of professional education. Secondly, the thesis clarifies the state of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college in the theory and practice of professional education. Thirdly, it defines the model of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college and pedagogical conditions of its realization in the process of professional education. Besides, it highlights methodical guidelines of model of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college and pedagogical conditions of its realization in the process of professional education. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the obtained results of the research are the following: for the first time in Ukrainian Pedagogy a comprehensive study of the model of formation of the future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college has been carried out, that contains the conceptualpurposeful (purpose, principles, factors, components), content-organizational (content, stages, forms, methods), diagnostic-evaluational blocks (criteria, indicators, levels, result) and pedagogical conditions of its realization in the course of professional education were substantiated (favorable environment aimed at strengthening the participants’ motivator in the process of formation of the future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college, the orientation of extracurricular activities content on the formation of future teachers’ civic position in the pedagogical college, the diagnosis of the dynamics of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college) and their influence on the level of phenomenon formation was experimentally investigated; the content of the concepts "teachers’ civic position", "formation of the future teacher’s civic position of the pedagogical college in the process of professional education", "formation of the future teacher’s civic position " were specified; methodical guidelines of model of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college in the process of professional education were improved. The practical significance of the results of the research lies in development and implementation of methodical guidelines of model of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college, namely: the road map for formation of future teachers’ civic position; the activity plan for students association "Modern Teacher’s Civic Position"; the program of the author's special course for government "Formation of future teacher’s civic position in extracurricular activities". The prognostic potential of the researches increases the possibility of using the teachers, workers, academic group mentors and representatives of student self-results for further studies on higher education governance and improving the mechanisms of engaging all actors into this process.
This thesis is devoted to the development, substantiation and experimental verification of formation model of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college and pedagogical conditions of its realization in the process of professional education. The research provides, firstly, a thorough analysis of the concepts and terminology, identifies the major determinants of model of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college and pedagogical conditions of its realization in the process of professional education. Secondly, the thesis clarifies the state of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college in the theory and practice of professional education. Thirdly, it defines the model of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college and pedagogical conditions of its realization in the process of professional education. Besides, it highlights methodical guidelines of model of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college and pedagogical conditions of its realization in the process of professional education. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the obtained results of the research are the following: for the first time in Ukrainian Pedagogy a comprehensive study of the model of formation of the future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college has been carried out, that contains the conceptualpurposeful (purpose, principles, factors, components), content-organizational (content, stages, forms, methods), diagnostic-evaluational blocks (criteria, indicators, levels, result) and pedagogical conditions of its realization in the course of professional education were substantiated (favorable environment aimed at strengthening the participants’ motivator in the process of formation of the future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college, the orientation of extracurricular activities content on the formation of future teachers’ civic position in the pedagogical college, the diagnosis of the dynamics of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college) and their influence on the level of phenomenon formation was experimentally investigated; the content of the concepts "teachers’ civic position", "formation of the future teacher’s civic position of the pedagogical college in the process of professional education", "formation of the future teacher’s civic position " were specified; methodical guidelines of model of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college in the process of professional education were improved. The practical significance of the results of the research lies in development and implementation of methodical guidelines of model of formation of future teachers’ civic position in extracurricular activities of the pedagogical college, namely: the road map for formation of future teachers’ civic position; the activity plan for students association "Modern Teacher’s Civic Position"; the program of the author's special course for government "Formation of future teacher’s civic position in extracurricular activities". The prognostic potential of the researches increases the possibility of using the teachers, workers, academic group mentors and representatives of student self-results for further studies on higher education governance and improving the mechanisms of engaging all actors into this process.
Ключові слова
педагогічний коледж, майбутній учитель, позанавчальна діяльність, громадянська позиція майбутнього вчителя, формування громадянської позиції майбутнього вчителя, модель, педагогічні умови, сформованість громадянської позиції майбутнього вчителя, pedagogical college, future teacher, extracurricular activities, future teacher civic position, formation of the future teacher’s civic position, model, pedagogical conditions, formation of future teacher’s civic position
Бібліографічний опис
Бушнєв, Ю. С. Формування громадянської позиції майбутніх учителів у позанавчальній діяльності педагогічного коледжу [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.04 – теорія і методика проф. освіти / Ю. С. Бушнєв ; науковий керівник О. Г. Козлова. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – 20 с.