Теоретичний аналіз терміну «готовність» до шкільного навчання дітей старшого дошкільного віку
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Мета дослідження – здійснити теоретичний аналіз терміну «готовність» та розкрити сутність суміжних понять: «готовність до навчання», «готовність до школи», «підготовка до школи», «шкільна зрілість». Основними методами дослідження є теоретичний аналіз психолого-педагогічної літератури. Аналіз матеріалів дослідження довів, що не існує єдиної позиції щодо поняття «готовності» дитини до школи, але кожне з них включає у свій зміст багаторівневе утворення, у якому закладено взаємопов’язані між собою компоненти, і відсутність одного з них може призвести до дисбалансу у структурі майбутнього школяра. У перспективі розглядатиметься психолого-педагогічні компоненти готовності дітей старшого дошкільного віку до шкільного навчання.
The aim of the study is to carry out a theoretical analysis of the term “readiness” and to reveal the essence of related concepts: “readiness to study”, “readiness for school”, “preparation for school”, “school maturity”. The main research method is theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature. The analysis of the research materials proved that the term “readiness” has a single key position, namely – a directed action, the desire to do something. From the content of the problem of studying the concept of “readiness” arise different interpretations: from a medical point of view it is the state, tone, mobilization of all psychophysical systems; from pedagogical – positive attitude to activity, awareness of educational motive, needs; setting for a certain behavior; from the psychological – the focus on the implementation of a particular action in the presence of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities; formation of psychological properties, without which it is impossible to successfully master the activity. Also, it is determined that there is no single position on the concept of “readiness” of the child for school. There are different and common views on this issue. The concept of “readiness to learn” is considered from two positions: the influence of general qualities and patterns on the development of the individual as a whole; selection of components (functional, cognitive, emotional, motivational, personal and social) that indicate readiness for school. “Readiness for school” is determined by the degree of formation of physical, physiological and mental qualities of the child, is determined by a complex structural entity of the individual – his new qualities: his own position, the need for significance. “School preparation” is based on general and special training. Their interaction determines the components of readiness (mental, intellectual, emotional, volitional, social, personal, moral, physical) of a child of older preschool age to acquire new school knowledge, skills and abilities and to gain new knowledge, skills and abilities at school. The “school maturity” of a preschooler is a psychophysiological aspect of organic maturation, namely the formation of the morphological-physiological and mental system (intellectual, emotional and socio-personal). In the future it is planned to consider the psychological and pedagogical components of the readiness of older preschool children for school.
The aim of the study is to carry out a theoretical analysis of the term “readiness” and to reveal the essence of related concepts: “readiness to study”, “readiness for school”, “preparation for school”, “school maturity”. The main research method is theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature. The analysis of the research materials proved that the term “readiness” has a single key position, namely – a directed action, the desire to do something. From the content of the problem of studying the concept of “readiness” arise different interpretations: from a medical point of view it is the state, tone, mobilization of all psychophysical systems; from pedagogical – positive attitude to activity, awareness of educational motive, needs; setting for a certain behavior; from the psychological – the focus on the implementation of a particular action in the presence of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities; formation of psychological properties, without which it is impossible to successfully master the activity. Also, it is determined that there is no single position on the concept of “readiness” of the child for school. There are different and common views on this issue. The concept of “readiness to learn” is considered from two positions: the influence of general qualities and patterns on the development of the individual as a whole; selection of components (functional, cognitive, emotional, motivational, personal and social) that indicate readiness for school. “Readiness for school” is determined by the degree of formation of physical, physiological and mental qualities of the child, is determined by a complex structural entity of the individual – his new qualities: his own position, the need for significance. “School preparation” is based on general and special training. Their interaction determines the components of readiness (mental, intellectual, emotional, volitional, social, personal, moral, physical) of a child of older preschool age to acquire new school knowledge, skills and abilities and to gain new knowledge, skills and abilities at school. The “school maturity” of a preschooler is a psychophysiological aspect of organic maturation, namely the formation of the morphological-physiological and mental system (intellectual, emotional and socio-personal). In the future it is planned to consider the psychological and pedagogical components of the readiness of older preschool children for school.
Ключові слова
готовність, готовність до навчання, готовність до школи, підготовка до школи, шкільна зрілість, readiness, readiness for learning, readiness for school, preparation for school, school maturity
Бібліографічний опис
Бєлова, О. Теоретичний аналіз терміну «готовність» до шкільного навчання дітей старшого дошкільного віку [Текст] / О. Бєлова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 7 (101). – С. 141–156. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.07/141-156.