Оцінка вегетативного супроводу профілактики фізичної перевтоми
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Магістерська робота присвячена проблемі профілактики фізичної перевтоми футболістів засобами фізичної терапії. Мета магістерського дослідження полягає в юних футболістів на основі аналізу їх вегетативного статусу. Найбільш об’єктивним методом оцінки адаптації до різних видів діяльності у сучасній науці сьогодні вважається дослідження вегетативного супроводу, що може здійснюватися на основі аналізу даних варіабельності серцевого ритму (ВСР). Оцінка вегетативного супроводу фізичної діяльності юних футболістів під час тренування підтвердила ефективність попередньо розробленої програми фізичної терапії, ерготерапії з елементами танцетерапії, а також необхідність її подальшого впровадження у тренувальний процес з метою підвищення його ефективності.
The master's thesis is devoted to the problem of prevention of physical fatigue of football players by means of physical therapy. The purpose of the master's research is to evaluate the effectiveness of physical therapy with elements of dance therapy of young football players based on the analysis of their autonomic status. The most objective method of assessing adaptation to various activities in modern science today is the study of autonomic support, which can be carried out on the basis of analysis of data on heart rate variability (HRV). In this regard, research focused on the development of a system for evaluating the effectiveness of means of stimulating performance and recovery reactions in training sessions on the example of football, as well as the integration of dance therapy into the training of young players, are becoming increasingly important. Analysis of the results of the study of domestic and foreign scientists has established the advantage of the diagnosis of HRV over other physiological methods in the study of the body's reactions to exercise. It is established that one of the restorative means in sports can be considered choreography, because its elements are aimed at restoring the somatic and psychophysiological states of athletes. Evaluation of vegetative support of physical activity of young football players during training confirmed the effectiveness of the previously developed program of physical therapy, occupational therapy with elements of dance therapy, as well as the need for its further implementation in the training process to increase its effectiveness.
The master's thesis is devoted to the problem of prevention of physical fatigue of football players by means of physical therapy. The purpose of the master's research is to evaluate the effectiveness of physical therapy with elements of dance therapy of young football players based on the analysis of their autonomic status. The most objective method of assessing adaptation to various activities in modern science today is the study of autonomic support, which can be carried out on the basis of analysis of data on heart rate variability (HRV). In this regard, research focused on the development of a system for evaluating the effectiveness of means of stimulating performance and recovery reactions in training sessions on the example of football, as well as the integration of dance therapy into the training of young players, are becoming increasingly important. Analysis of the results of the study of domestic and foreign scientists has established the advantage of the diagnosis of HRV over other physiological methods in the study of the body's reactions to exercise. It is established that one of the restorative means in sports can be considered choreography, because its elements are aimed at restoring the somatic and psychophysiological states of athletes. Evaluation of vegetative support of physical activity of young football players during training confirmed the effectiveness of the previously developed program of physical therapy, occupational therapy with elements of dance therapy, as well as the need for its further implementation in the training process to increase its effectiveness.
Ключові слова
профілактика, перевтома, танцетерапія, вегетативний супровід, варіабельність серцевого ритму, футболісти, програма, оцінка, prevention, fatigue, dance therapy, autonomic support, heart rate variability, football players, program, evaluation
Бібліографічний опис
Бермудес, В. П. Оцінка вегетативного супроводу профілактики фізичної перевтоми [Текст] : магістер. робота / В. П. Бермудес ; науковий керівник Г. Л. Заікіна. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – 59 с.