Формування українськомовної професійної компетентності іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей закладів вищої освіти

dc.contributor.authorЛевенок Інна Сергіївна
dc.contributor.authorLevenok Inna Serhiivna
dc.description.abstractУ дисертації розроблено й теоретично обґрунтовано модель формування українськомовної професійної компетентності іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей закладів вищої освіти, що охоплює взаємопов’язані блоки: теоретико-методологічний (мета, завдання, методологічні підходи (особистісно-розвивальний, системний, компетентнісний, комунікативно-діяльнісний, соціокультурний, текстоцентричний), принципи (науковості, системності і послідовності навчання, доступності, наочності, зв’язку навчання з практикою; гуманізації, урахування етнопсихологічних та міжкультурних особливостей, толерантності, студентоцентризму, зв’язку з рідною мовою, міждисциплінарних зв’язків, професійної та соціокультурної спрямованості), процесуальний (зміст, етапи, форми, методи, засоби); діагностувальний (компоненти, критерії, показники, рівні) та обґрунтовано педагогічні умови реалізації означеної моделі у процесі професійної підготовки (застосування текстоцентричного підходу до професійно-орієнтованого навчання української мови; упровадження інтерактивних форм і методів для формування позитивної мотивації до вивчення української мови як іноземної; залучення іноземних студентів до соціокультурного освітнього середовища з метою забезпечення ефективного українськомовного спілкування; моделювання професійних ситуацій для активізації мовнокомунікативної взаємодії «іноземний студент – викладач», «іноземний студент – практичний медичний працівник», «іноземний студент – пацієнт»). Уточнено сутність понять «українськомовна професійна компетентність іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей»; «формування українськомовної професійної компетентності іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей», структуру українськомовної професійної компетентності іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей (мотиваційно-особистісний, мовленнєво-комунікативний, мовленнєво-поведінковий компоненти), критерії (мотиваційний, комунікативний, поведінковий) та показники, рівні сформованості українськомовної професійної компетентності іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей (низький, середній, високий). Подальшого розвитку набули зміст, форми, методи організації освітнього процесу, спрямованого на формування українськомовної професійної компетентності іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей у процесі професійної підготовки.
dc.description.abstractThe generalization and practical solution of the problem of formation of the Ukrainian-speaking professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties of higher education institutions is carried out in the dissertation on the basis of theoretical analysis and study of empirical experience. Based on the generalization and systematization of sources, the state of development of the problem of formation of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties of higher education institutions is revealed. The analysis of international, national-level documents on the language of instruction for foreign citizens, the study of the Ukrainian language by foreign students is carried out; trends in the development of medical education, features of propaedeutic, professional, Ukrainian-language training of future foreign specialists, including medical specialties are outlined; socio- cultural, speech-cultural adaptation, intercultural, language-communicative competence of foreign students and the formation of this quality within the professional training are studied. The analysis gave grounds to clarify the content, components, criteria for the formation of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign medical students, to develop a model of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign medical students of higher education, to justify the pedagogical conditions for its implementation in training. Based on terminological analysis of key research concepts («professional competence of the future doctor», «professional speech», «second language professional personality», «foreign student», etc.), and analysis of the state of professional training of foreign students-future doctors the essence of the concept of «Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign medical students» is clarified: this is a professionally important integrative quality of personality of foreign students-future medical professionals, which is characterized by the ability to effectively carry out Ukrainian-language communication in the educational, professional and socio-cultural environment of higher education based on acquired language and professional knowledge, linguistic and communication skills and values (attitude to future professional activity as a value, tolerant attitude to the Ukrainian language, the desire to improve the Ukrainian language). The concept of «formation of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign medical students» is defined as a competency-oriented educational process that takes into account organizational and pedagogical conditions, and its result is a positive dynamics of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign medical students – future specialists in medical specialties, that contributes to the effective implementation of Ukrainian-language communication in the educational, professional and socio-cultural environment of higher education. Structural and logical analysis allowed to clarify the components of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign medical students in interconnection with language-professional, speech-communicative, intercultural components an also structural components: motivational-personal (integral quality which includes adaptation to the socio-cultural environment, involves the ability to linguistic, intercultural interaction, the formation of motives and needs, values in mastering the norms and implementation of Ukrainian-language professional speech communication; ability to self-analysis, reflection); speech-communicative (formation of knowledge of language norms (lexical, terminological, grammatical, spelling, orthoepic), professional (knowledge of the specifics of medical terminology, knowledge of reading culture), intercultural (sociocultural, language etiquette, medical ethics, features of communicative behaviour); speech-behavioural (language-communicative skills (speech, terminological, communicative, intercultural, deontological), important for the implementation of Ukrainian-language professional communication. For the purpose of pedagogical diagnostics of levels of formation of the Ukrainian-speaking professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties of institutions of higher education on the basis of structural analysis and comparison the following criteria are developed and their indicators are defined: motivational (indicators: tolerance and interethnic interaction, motivation to study in a Ukrainian-speaking environment); communicative (indicators: communicative control, mastering of the terminology); behavioural (indicators: ability to speech interaction). On the basis of diagnostics qualitative characteristics of levels of formation of the Ukrainian-speaking professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties are established: high, average, low. The model of formation of Ukrainian-speaking professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties of higher education institutions (theoretical- methodological, procedural, diagnostic structural blocks) and pedagogical conditions of its realization in the process of professional training are developed and theoretically substantiated. The model is implemented in stages (motivational, study-professional, practical-actional). The result of its implementation is a positive dynamics of the levels of formation of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign medical students. Theoretical-methodological block involves setting goals, objectives, takes into account the provisions of scientific approaches (personal-developmental, systemic, competence, communicative-activity, socio-cultural, text-centric), principles (scientific, systematic and consistent learning, accessibility, clarity, connection of learning with practice, humanization, taking into account ethno- psychological and intercultural features, tolerance, student-centeredness, connection with the native language, interdisciplinary integration, professional and socio- cultural orientation). The procedural block deepens the idea of the practical implementation of the model: the content of professional training of foreign students of English-language form of education (discipline «Ukrainian as a foreign language», disciplines of humanities, natural sciences, professional-oriented cycles), forms of organization of the educational process (practical classes, independent study, individual work, speech training, extracurricular activities (conferences, webinars, round tables, excursions), Ukrainian-language professional laboratory, methods (method of interactive exercises, case method, cross-cultural discussions, master classes, professional role-playing games, reproduction of clinical scenarios, project method), tools (communicative exercises, text and test tasks, situational tasks, mind-maps, video presentations). The diagnostic block presents diagnostic methods for identifying the levels of formation of components of Ukrainian-speaking professional competence of foreign medical students in the indicator «Tolerance and interethnic interaction» – express questionnaire of ethnic tolerance «Index of Tolerance» (according to H. Soldatova, O. Kravtsova, O. Khukhlaiev, L. Shaiherova), on the indicator «Motivation of learning in the Ukrainian-speaking environment» – the analysis of motivation to study in higher education institution (according to T. Ilyina), the author’s questionnaire to determine the motivation to study Ukrainian as a foreign language, communication in Ukrainian by foreign students of medical specialties; according to the indicator «Communicative control» – a method of diagnostics of communicative control (according to M. Schneider); according to the indicator «Assimilation of terminology» – modular test control (author’s); according to the indicator «Ability to speech interaction» – a test to identify the level of speech readiness of foreign students of medical specialties (adapted according to Ya. Proskurkina). Taking into account the results of pedagogical and psychological research, the organizational and pedagogical conditions are theoretically substantiated, which provide positive dynamics of formation of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties in the process of professional training in higher education institutions: application of text-centric approach to professionally-oriented teaching of Ukrainian to foreign students of medical specialties; introduction of interactive forms and methods in order to form a positive motivation to learn Ukrainian as a foreign language; involvement of foreign students in the socio-cultural educational environment in order to ensure effective Ukrainian- language communication; modelling of professional situations for activation of language-communicative interaction «foreign student – teacher», «foreign student – practical medical worker», «foreign student – patient». The effectiveness of the model of formation of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties in the process of professional training is experimentally tested. For the experimental group, the lowest level of the indicator «Motivation to study in the Ukrainian-speaking environment» of the motivational criterion (–23.8%), which grew to 6.3% of the average and 17.5% of the high levels. The lowest in absolute terms dynamics (–7.3%) for the low level and (–3.7%) for the middle level was recorded for the indicator «Ability to speech interaction» (behavioral criterion), which grew into 11% of the high level. Thus, the statistical analysis of the obtained data confirmed the statistical difference in the formation of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign medical students of higher education institutions in favour of the experimental group, which introduced the developed model of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign medical students of higher education institutions. The scientific novelty of the obtained research results is that: - for the first time a model of formation of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties of higher education institutions was developed and theoretically substantiated, which covers interconnected blocks: theoretical-methodological (purpose, tasks, components, methodological approaches (personal-developmental, systemic, competence based, communicative-activity, socio-cultural, text-centric), principles (scientific, systematic and consistent learning, accessibility, clarity, connection of learning with practice; humanization, taking into account ethno-psychological and intercultural features, tolerance, student-centeredness, connection with the native language, interdisciplinary integration, professional and socio-cultural orientation), procedural (content, stages, forms, methods, means); diagnostic (components, criteria, indicators, levels) and substantiated pedagogical conditions for the implementation of this model in the process of professional training (application of text-centric approach to professionally-oriented teaching of Ukrainian to foreign students of medical specialties; introduction of interactive forms and methods in order to form a positive motivation to learn Ukrainian as a foreign language; involvement of foreign students in the socio-cultural educational environment in order to ensure effective Ukrainian-language communication; modelling of professional situations for activation of language-communicative interaction «foreign student – teacher», «foreign student – practical medical worker», «foreign student – patient»); - the content of the concepts «Ukrainian-speaking professional competence» is clarified; «formation of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign medical students»; the structure of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties (motivational-personal, speech- communicative, speech-behavioural components); criteria (motivational, communicative, behavioural) and indicators, levels of formation of Ukrainian- language professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties (low, medium, high); - the content, forms, methods of the organization of educational process directed on formation of the Ukrainian-speaking professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties have got the further development. The practical significance of the results of the study is to develop and implement in the educational process of higher medical education the educational and methodological support, including a syllabus modules in the discipline «Ukrainian as a foreign language» for 3-4th year students of the second educational level (master’s degree) specialty 222 «Medicine»; texts for reading; tests, situational tasks, a set of mind-maps; author’s professionally-oriented page «Ukr.Lang.Laboratory for foreign students» on the social network Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2580388622284576/). The results of the study can be used in the system of professional training of foreign students of medical specialties.
dc.identifier.citationЛевенок, І. С. Формування українськомовної професійної компетентності іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей закладів вищої освіти [Текст] : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії : [спец.] 01 "Освіта/Педагогіка", 011 "Освітні, педагогічні науки" / Левенок Інна Сергіївна ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; наук. керівник О. М. Семеног. – Суми, 2020. – 354 с. + дод.
dc.publisherСумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
dc.subjectіноземний студент
dc.subjectукраїнськомовна професійна компетентність
dc.subjectмедичні спеціальності
dc.subjectзаклади вищої освіти
dc.subjectпрофесійна підготовка
dc.subjectформування українськомовної професійної компетентності іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей
dc.subjectпедагогічні умови
dc.subjectforeign student
dc.subjectUkrainian-language professional competence
dc.subjectmedical specialties
dc.subjectinstitutions of higher education
dc.subjectprofessional training
dc.subjectformation of Ukrainian-language professional competence of foreign students of medical specialties
dc.subjectpedagogical conditions
dc.titleФормування українськомовної професійної компетентності іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей закладів вищої освіти
dc.title.alternativeFormation of Ukrainian-language Professional Competence of Foreign Students of Medical Specialties of Higher Education Institutions
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