Формування аналітичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів освіти у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін
dc.contributor.author | Вакал Юлія Сергіївна | |
dc.contributor.author | Vakal Yuliia Serhiivna | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2025-01-08T13:12:54Z | |
dc.date.available | 2025-01-08T13:12:54Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020 | |
dc.description.abstract | У дисертації запропоновано розв’язання наукової проблеми розвитку аналітичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів освіти у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін За результатами теоретичного аналізу наукових джерел встановлено, що цілями професійної підготовки магістрів освіти є формування професійних компетентностей та здатностей використовувати набуті знання та вміння у професійній аналітичній діяльності, тому визначати компетентнісні характеристики магістрів освіти слід у категоріях здатностей до аналітичної діяльності, аналітичних знань, умінь та навичок. Аналітичну компетентність визначено як особистісну якість, яка інтегрує в собі здатності до аналітичної діяльності (порівнювати, класифікувати, узагальнювати та систематизувати інформацію; системно досліджувати та оцінювати ситуацію; застосовувати інформаційні технології як інструмент аналітичного дослідження з метою прийняття правильних рішень у межах професійної діяльності та поза нею та надавати рефлексивно-оціночні висновки) на основі аналітичних знань, умінь та навичок з освітньо-професійної сфери. Структуру аналітичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів освіти подано у єдності трьох компонентів – інформаційно-логічного (аналітичні знання, логічне мислення), процесуального (аналітичні уміння та навички) й оцінного (навички рефлексії та оцінки результатів аналітичної діяльності). Формування аналітичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів освіти подано як процес утворення здатностей до аналітичної діяльності, що реалізується через вплив на мотивацію здійснювати аналітичну діяльність, формування умінь виконувати аналітичну діяльність та здатність здійснювати рефлексію щодо неї. Розглянуто методологічні основи формування аналітичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів освіти у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін, розроблено й теоретично обґрунтовано модель формування аналітичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів освіти у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін та описано її методичний супровід. Описано діагностичний апарат дослідження, наведено результати констатувального етапу та статистичний аналіз результатів формувального етапу педагогічного експерименту, на якому перевірялася ефективність моделі формування аналітичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів освіти у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін. | |
dc.description.abstract | The dissertation is devoted to the solution of the scientific problem of developing analytical competence of future masters of education in the process of studying professional disciplines. In the first chapter, the theoretical foundations of the formation of analytical competence of future masters of education are considered, the category of competence in the dimensions of scientific research in the field of professional education is analysed, the features of professional training of future masters of education are revealed and their competence characteristics are formulated, the essence and structure of analytical competence of future masters of education are presented. According to the results of theoretical analysis of scientific sources, it is established that the goals of professional training of masters of education are the formation of professional competencies and abilities to use the acquired knowledge and skills in professional analytical activities, so determination of the competence characteristics of masters of education should be in the categories of abilities for analytical activities, analytical knowledge, skills and abilities. The main professionally important features of the future master of education are defined: possession of the basics of analytical-synthetic information processing; obtaining new professional knowledge; mental work; the ability to form your own point of view based on the available information; to generate your own original thoughts and ideas; to plan, organize and conduct pedagogical research, statistically process its results; to have practical skills to adapt to life and self-development, to be mobile, socially adapted, capable of communication and protection of your own rights; to plan and organize professional activities; to have the ability to predict situations and results of activities; to be able to decompose the problem into its component parts, to determine the significance of each of the variable factors, conditions, intermediate results and combine the components in order to make the right decision on this problem; to have the ability to study contradictions in the observed facts, compare different phenomena and identify the nature of the connection between them. The main differences in the results of training bachelors and masters of education are the analytical thinking formed in masters in the process of organizing professional activities, that is, the possession of future masters of education with analytical abilities, analytical knowledge, skills and abilities. The content of the analytical activity of the future master of education consists of actions: compare, classify, generalize and systematize information, carry out reflexive-evaluative conclusions; organize scientific and pedagogical research; plan and organize independent professional activities; work with various data using methods of analysis and synthesis; apply computer technology and IT; systematically investigate and assess the situation; independently make decisions within and outside of professional activities. Abilities for analytical activity are characterized by: the ability to choose targeted and significant attitudes for their actions, make decisions; possession of effective ways of organizing, planning, generating ideas, analysing, reflecting, self-assessment of educational and cognitive activities; ability to distinguish facts from conjectures; possession of measurement skills, skills in using probabilistic, statistical and other methods of cognition. Analytical competence is defined as a personal quality that integrates the ability to analytical activities (compare, classify, generalize and systematize information; systematically investigate and assess the situation; apply information technologies as a tool of analytical research in order to make the right decisions within and outside professional activities and provide reflexive assessment conclusions) on the basis of analytical knowledge and skills from the educational and professional sphere. The structure of analytical competence of future masters of education is presented in the unity of three components – information-logical (analytical knowledge, logical thinking), procedural (analytical skills) and evaluative (skills of reflection and evaluation of the results of analytical activities). The formation of analytical competence of future masters of education is presented as a process of abilities formation for analytical activities, implemented through the influence on motivation to carry out analytical activities, the formation of skills to perform analytical activities and the ability to reflect on it. In the second chapter, the methodological foundations of the formation of analytical competence of future masters of education in the process of studying professional disciplines are considered, a model of the formation of analytical competence of future masters of education in the process of studying professional disciplines is developed and theoretically justified, and its methodological support is described. The methodological basis for the formation of analytical competence of future masters of education in the process of studying professional disciplines were methodological approaches (systematic, competence-based, synergetic, informational, activity-based and personality-oriented) and general didactic (scientific, systematic and consistent, the connection of learning with life, consciousness and activity in learning, professional orientation) and specific (technological, cognitive visualization) principles of training. The developed model includes three interrelated structural blocks: methodologically-target block includes social order, goals, tasks and methodological basis for the formation of analytical competence of future masters of education in the process of studying professional disciplines; content-procedural block includes the technological basis of research (content, forms, methods, teaching tools); evaluation- effective block includes the criterion basis (criteria, indicators, levels) of research and the corresponding result – positive dynamics in the levels of formation of analytical competence of future masters of education. Improving the content of professional training provided for the modernization of the discipline «Methodology and organization of scientific research», as well as the development of a special course «Computer infographics in the work of teachers», individual modules of which were implemented within other professional disciplines. Problem lectures, seminars, trainings, master classes, analytical reports, projects, scientific and practical conferences, webinars, and qualification work have become forms of training within these disciplines. Among the methods chosen are: role-playing games, «Web quest», mind mapping, projects, «Brainstorming», «Circle of ideas», «Elverman table», specific situation. The leading tools are: technical tools, Internet resources, educational resources, specialized software, cloud-oriented services. The third chapter describes the diagnostic apparatus of the study, presents the results of the ascertaining stage and statistical analysis of the results of the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, which tested the effectiveness of the model of formation of analytical competence of future masters of education in the process of studying professional disciplines. To test the effectiveness of the proposed elements of the experimental model of the formation of analytical competence of future masters of education in the process of studying professional disciplines, criteria and indicators were determined, according to which the levels of formation of analytical competence of future masters of education in the process of studying professional disciplines were characterized: the theoretical criterion is characterized by the indicator «Logical thinking» and «Work with information», the technological criterion – indicators «Ability to apply IT methods» and «Ability to apply IT for analysis», the personal criterion – the indicator «Ability to self-evaluate, self-improve». The described criteria characterize three levels of formation of analytical competence of future masters of education in the process of studying professional disciplines – elementary, secondary and sufficient. Conducting the formative stage of the experiment confirmed the expediency of introducing a model for the formation of analytical competence of future masters of education in the process of studying professional disciplines, which affected qualitative and quantitative changes in the indicators of the formation of components of analytical competence. In particular, in EG, the indicator «Work with information» at a low level (-27.9%) gained the greatest dynamics, which grew to 16.9% of the average and 11.0% of the sufficient levels. This means that EG students have acquired a deeper knowledge of the possibilities of information processing, and at a higher level against CG, they have developed the ability to analyse, think critically, assess the situation, etc. We explain this by using interactive teaching methods, in particular, role-playing games, the Elverman table, and the specific situation method. The conducted research does not claim to be a final solution to the problem of forming the analytical competence of future masters of education in the process of studying professional disciplines. The analysis of its results outlines the directions of further research, including determining the ways to develop the analytical competence of future specialists in the process of industrial practice, during informal training, with the involvement of e-learning and m-learning technologies. | |
dc.identifier.citation | Вакал, Ю. С. Формування аналітичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів освіти у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін [Текст] : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії : [спец.] 01 "Освіта/Педагогіка", 015 "Професійна освіта (Комп'ютерні технології)" / Вакал Юлія Сергіївна ; Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; науковий керівник О. В. Семеніхіна. – Суми, 2020. – 297 с. | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16201 | |
dc.language.iso | uk | |
dc.publisher | СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка | |
dc.subject | аналітична компетентність | |
dc.subject | майбутній магістр освіти | |
dc.subject | формування аналітичної компетентності | |
dc.subject | модель формування аналітичної компетентності | |
dc.subject | фахові дисципліни | |
dc.subject | професійна підготовка | |
dc.subject | analytical competence | |
dc.subject | future master of education | |
dc.subject | formation of analytical competence | |
dc.subject | model of formation of analytical competence | |
dc.subject | professional disciplines | |
dc.subject | professional training | |
dc.title | Формування аналітичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів освіти у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін | |
dc.title.alternative | Formation of Analytical Competence of Future Masters of Education in the Process of Studying Professional Disciplines | |
dc.type | Thesis | |
dc.udc.udc | 378.046-021.68:005.336.2)(043.5) |
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