Формування літературознавчої компетентності майбутніх учителів початкової школи: шляхи реалізації
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У статті автор обґрунтовує необхідність формування навичок інтерпретації художнього твору в єдності змісту і форми, які створять основу літературознавчої компетентності майбутніх учителів початкової школи. Щоб навчити повноцінно сприймати художній твір молодших школярів, учителі повинні усвідомити, що всі складові змісту й форми художнього твору висвітлюють ідейні наміри автора та виконують місію не тільки катарсису, але й естетичного впливу на реципієнта. Автор викладає літературознавчі основи формування понять про зміст та форму художнього твору, аналізує складові змісту й форми твору, особливості їх взаємодії та функціональну роль у визначенні ідейного спрямування твору.
The author justifies the necessity to form skills of literary work interpretation in the unity of its content and form, which establishes the foundation of literary competence of the future primary school teachers. Using in the process of studies such research methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, modeling, survey (interview, questionnaire), observation and analysis of work, author describes the current state of teaching the course «literary reading», notes that the teacher’s ability to present literary works as an art is laid in higher school. A student who had studied technique and technology of literary reading, but does not have a common basis of literary theory, cannot in the future creatively organize the learning activities in the classroom, as he will not be able to analyze the quality of the literary work. To train younger pupils to accept literary work fully, the future teachers must realize that all the components of the content and form of the literary work «cooperate» to highlight author’s ideological intent and do mission not only as catharsis, but also as the aesthetic impact on the recipient. Insertion of the course «Fundamentals of literary work analysis» in the structure of the primary school teachers training will form principles of literary concepts of literary text elements, their functional role in determining author’s idea. One of the principles that define the content of the course «Literary reading» is literature-study that envisions familiarizing younger students with literary concepts, in particular components of the content of the literary work (theme, idea (the main idea of the work) and the components of the form. Literary component of professional training establishes the foundation of literary competence of future teachers and provides the ability not only to teach primary school children to read, but also to fully perceive literary works. The author finds the perspective for further research in the innovative technologies of the text examination which are aimed at meaningful and aesthetic perception of art.
The author justifies the necessity to form skills of literary work interpretation in the unity of its content and form, which establishes the foundation of literary competence of the future primary school teachers. Using in the process of studies such research methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, modeling, survey (interview, questionnaire), observation and analysis of work, author describes the current state of teaching the course «literary reading», notes that the teacher’s ability to present literary works as an art is laid in higher school. A student who had studied technique and technology of literary reading, but does not have a common basis of literary theory, cannot in the future creatively organize the learning activities in the classroom, as he will not be able to analyze the quality of the literary work. To train younger pupils to accept literary work fully, the future teachers must realize that all the components of the content and form of the literary work «cooperate» to highlight author’s ideological intent and do mission not only as catharsis, but also as the aesthetic impact on the recipient. Insertion of the course «Fundamentals of literary work analysis» in the structure of the primary school teachers training will form principles of literary concepts of literary text elements, their functional role in determining author’s idea. One of the principles that define the content of the course «Literary reading» is literature-study that envisions familiarizing younger students with literary concepts, in particular components of the content of the literary work (theme, idea (the main idea of the work) and the components of the form. Literary component of professional training establishes the foundation of literary competence of future teachers and provides the ability not only to teach primary school children to read, but also to fully perceive literary works. The author finds the perspective for further research in the innovative technologies of the text examination which are aimed at meaningful and aesthetic perception of art.
Ключові слова
інновації, оновлення змісту професійної підготовки, літературне читання, художнє мистецтво, літературознавча компетентність, аналіз літературного твору, складники змісту та форми твору, innovation, professional training content update, literary reading, art, literary competence, analysis of literary works, content and form components of literary work
Бібліографічний опис
Фенцик, О. М. Формування літературознавчої компетентності майбутніх учителів початкової школи: шляхи реалізації [Текст] / О. М. Фенцик // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 10 (54). – С. 178–187.