Структурно-функціональна модель змісту діяльності позашкільного навчального закладу з раннього формування творчо спрямованої особистості вихованця
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Метою статті є обґрунтування структурно-функціональної моделі змісту діяльності позашкільного навчального закладу, орієнтованого на формування творчо спрямованої особистості старшого дошкільника. За допомогою методу моделювання виокремлено теоретико-методологічний, дослідницько-експериментальний та прикладний блоки структурно-функціональної моделі. Автор акцентує, що зміст позашкільної освіти спрямований на всебічний розвиток особистості, формування нового соціального досвіду на основі бажань дитини з урахуванням її здібностей. Наголошується, що реалізацію змісту позашкільної освіти необхідно розпочинати з вихованцями дошкільного віку, забезпечуючи їх ранній розвиток та селекцію особистісних творчих спрямувань.
The aim of the article is studying the structural and functional model of the content of out-of-school educational establishment activity focused on the formation of the senior preschool child’s creatively directed personality. The theoretical and methodological, research and experimental and applied blocks of the structural and functional model are singled out by means of the modeling method. The working out of the content of out-of-school educational establishment activity must be based on the scientific principles sticking to which provides scientific character, consistency, the staging of teaching and educational process, namely: compliances of teaching and educational contents to the social and cultural paradigm, humanity, integrity, dialogism, vital meaningful activity, social and personal significance of the child’s creative activity and psychological comfort. The research and experimental block is realized by the appropriate levels of the out-of-school education content: informative and cognitive, active and transformative, and reflexive and creative. The applied block of the out-of-school education content involves the formation of such groups of abilities among the senior preschool children as: informative and motivational, intellectual and creative, organizational and operational, social and communicative, search and projective. The criteria and indicators of the assessment of the senior preschool child’s creative orientation are defined by the level differentiation of assimilation of the out-of-school education content: dominating, expressed, unstable, latent. The author states that the out-of-school education content needs to be improved by the contradiction of the philosophical imperatives “contents” and “form” that are inseparable and interdependent. The content of out-of-school education is directed at the personality’s full development, new social experience formation based on the child’s desires taking into account his or her abilities. It is noted that the implementation of the out-of-school education content one should begin with the pupils of preschool age, providing their early development and the selection of personal creative directions. The prospects for further research are described in the experimental verification of the article of structural and functional model of the content of out-of-school educational establishment activity.
The aim of the article is studying the structural and functional model of the content of out-of-school educational establishment activity focused on the formation of the senior preschool child’s creatively directed personality. The theoretical and methodological, research and experimental and applied blocks of the structural and functional model are singled out by means of the modeling method. The working out of the content of out-of-school educational establishment activity must be based on the scientific principles sticking to which provides scientific character, consistency, the staging of teaching and educational process, namely: compliances of teaching and educational contents to the social and cultural paradigm, humanity, integrity, dialogism, vital meaningful activity, social and personal significance of the child’s creative activity and psychological comfort. The research and experimental block is realized by the appropriate levels of the out-of-school education content: informative and cognitive, active and transformative, and reflexive and creative. The applied block of the out-of-school education content involves the formation of such groups of abilities among the senior preschool children as: informative and motivational, intellectual and creative, organizational and operational, social and communicative, search and projective. The criteria and indicators of the assessment of the senior preschool child’s creative orientation are defined by the level differentiation of assimilation of the out-of-school education content: dominating, expressed, unstable, latent. The author states that the out-of-school education content needs to be improved by the contradiction of the philosophical imperatives “contents” and “form” that are inseparable and interdependent. The content of out-of-school education is directed at the personality’s full development, new social experience formation based on the child’s desires taking into account his or her abilities. It is noted that the implementation of the out-of-school education content one should begin with the pupils of preschool age, providing their early development and the selection of personal creative directions. The prospects for further research are described in the experimental verification of the article of structural and functional model of the content of out-of-school educational establishment activity.
Ключові слова
позашкільна освіта, out-of-school education, зміст діяльності позашкільного навчального закладу, content of out-of-school educational establishment activity, структурно-функціональна модель, structural and functional model, старший дошкільник, senior preschool child, творчо спрямована особистість старшого дошкільника, senior preschool child’s creatively directed personality
Бібліографічний опис
Семенов, О. C. Структурно-функціональна модель змісту діяльності позашкільного навчального закладу з раннього формування творчо спрямованої особистості вихованця [Текст] / О. C. Семенов // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 1 (55). – С. 313–322.